Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 918 The Whole Country Is Outraged


Flicking across the head of the black man, Lu An glanced to the side without saying a word.

He didn't need to say it outright, the eagle demon on his shoulders understood, his wings fluttered slightly, and the eight black rosary beads disbanded by themselves, releasing the torrential demonic evil spirit to fill the alley.

Evil energy is tasteless and non-toxic, but it can arouse the deepest desires in people's hearts, such as animal desire, malice, killing intent, greed, jealousy...

They are like the invisible hands that pluck the heartstrings, constantly digging out the infinite negative emotions deep in the heart.

This was exactly the case for the woman who was blown away by the air wave, even though she had fallen into a coma and her consciousness was blurred, but after the evil spirit permeated the entire alley, her facial muscles and body also twitched abnormally, and her expression was extremely distorted.

From time to time, he let out a deep growl, and the saliva flowed out from the corner of his ferocious mouth, as if he was experiencing an unusual nightmare.

With the blood stains and broken flesh all over her body, those who didn't know this scene would definitely think that the woman is transforming into a corpse and is about to become a female zombie that eats human flesh.

Lu An just glanced at it for a while and ignored it, silently watching the evil spirit gradually peel off the dried blood stained with the painted walls and the minced meat.

Not long after, a football-sized ball, squeezed from flesh and blood and filled with a pungent bloody smell, gradually took shape in the evil package.

The bone fragments pierced from the inside are clearly visible, and even the tiny bloodshot clinging to it can be clearly seen.

"Find a time to throw it into the sea to feed the fish and make a nest."

Waving his hand to signal the Eagle Demon to put away this disgusting thing, Lu An unceremoniously extended his claws towards the unconscious woman.

The invisible force brutally tore her blood-soaked dress, exposing her naked body.

Lu's expression remained the same, like a shark hand with no emotion, burning all the cloth into nothingness with his blood, and took out a white cloth to lightly cover the woman.

"Let's go, move on to the next one." After finishing everything and confirming that there was nothing missing, Lu An turned around and planned to leave this place.

There are still living people on the list, and his goal today is to kill all of them with confirmed identities.

"Master, it's six o'clock soon."

Walking out of the alley with seven bends and eight turns, he reappeared on the street full of exotic customs. The Eagle Demon sent a sound transmission reminder at the right time, and a pair of eagle eyes stared closely at the tourists from different countries on the street.

It has a very good professionalism and is looking for suspicious targets.

There are also many tourists on the street who bring their own spirit beasts to go shopping, so the eagle demon who has hidden its own aura is not very conspicuous.

"It doesn't matter. It's the last game against Han Country. It's still early. Why don't you go around, maybe you'll get something unexpected."

With a slight smile, Lu An simply put on a mask, and led the eagle demon around the town.

It's true that there is a Saudi match today, but it doesn't matter whether you watch it or not except for the match against Hanguo, it doesn't matter.

On the contrary, it was himself, and it was his first time visiting this leisure town.

"Hey, what is that?"

Following the flow of people around, Lu An was suddenly attracted by a looming silver building in the distance as he was approaching the square outside the arena.

The reason why he was attracted was that this building was somewhat similar to the arena. It and the arena reflected each other, one was in the center of the town, and the other was on the outermost periphery.

The bright aperture surrounds the bright silver building, which is full of sense of technology and very eye-catching.

"Master, that is also an arena, but it is specially used for individual competitions."

Like an all-knowing bird steward, Eagle Demon immediately solved his doubts: "After the preliminary round of the team competition is over, the individual competition will officially start. Due to the large number of participants, Britain specially restructured an arena. "

"At that time, the time of the two competition systems will be interspersed and staggered, and it will be convenient for the audience to watch."

"I see." Lu An touched his chin. He seemed to have seen this silver arena when he delivered food yesterday, but there was no eye-catching aperture at that time, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Looking around, the huge screen hanging outside the arena in the distance is showing the countdown of Saudi Arabia vs. Bagu, as well as the simple interview they were surrounded by many reporters when they entered the stadium by bus in the morning.

To be more precise, Aidar and the others were interviewed, probably because he opened the map cannon last time, Bingbing and other Tianxuan reporters all detoured when they saw him.

At this time, Kim Sang-ki's interview happened to be broadcast on the screen.

I saw him lift his bangs in a suave manner, and left a classic Bible saying "to revive the glory of the Great Cold, we are duty-bound, and all opponents are chickens and dogs" towards the camera, then he left with a handsome smile and turned away .

The background is unrestrained and unrestrained, which aroused the cheers of the little fans.

"Master, the little eagle has sensed the breath of the last person." Seeing his master looking calmly at the screen, the eagle demon immediately changed the subject, being good at observing words and expressions.

Gently nodding his head and retracting his gaze, Lu An turned his direction, his figure gradually turned away from the arena, and gradually drifted away from the town...


"Welcome everyone to watch today's Global Talent Competition on time!"

"Good morning everyone! I am today's host, Ye Di!"

"I'm the host Tang Canyang!"

It was 11:54pm British time, but Tianxuan on the other side of the blue star was already rising, and it was close to 8:00am.

Today is just the weekend, except for some hard-working office workers, most people start their new day by turning on the TV and computer and entering the live channel.

Meimei warmed up a cup of fresh milk and breakfast, looking forward to the upcoming game, there is nothing more pleasant than this, what's more, before the game started, searched for replay games with breakfast, it was delicious what.

Today is still the same men and women match as before, and there are also two well-known older hosts, and they are talking non-stop before the game starts.

The picture is still full of people in the arena, and Ye Di's magnetic voice comes out from the picture:

"Hehe, not much gossip, the upcoming game is Saudi Arabia vs. Han Country, which is a very interesting game that I am looking forward to."

"Heroes see the same thing. I am also looking forward to this match. By the way, Ye Di, with your rich experience and vision, which player do you prefer?"

In the TV station, the two people who received instructions from the leader immediately started to interact with each other.

"Hey~ You're flattering me too much. I'm just a newbie, so I don't have much experience."

Ye Di was humorous and modest, and then dug out the information from the folder: "Both players are very strong, and it's hard to say whether they will win or lose, but if I really have to choose, I'm more optimistic about Han Guo."

Tang Canyang: "Oh? Why? From the perspective of strength, the Saudi side's Hezaben player is at the ninth level of Shenzang, and he is the one with the highest cultivation level among the two players. Why do you favor Han Guo instead?"

Ye Di: "Judging from the information on the surface, it is indeed true, but in terms of the strength and ability of the overall players, the Han Country team is more dominant."

"Although Jin Xiangqi's strength is one level lower than that of Hezaben, but his ability is strange, and he is known as the thousand-franc king in the cold country. It should be no problem to compete with Hezaben for a while."

"Judging from the previous games, the other three players have an advantage over Saudi Arabia in terms of comprehensive strength and realm, especially Park Yuanhao. Once he is allowed to spread the field with blood fields, the situation in Saudi Arabia will become worse." Very passive."

"Of course, the premise of all this is based on known information. Saudi Arabia's players are all new players this time, and there may be cards we don't know about."

Quietly listening to Ye Di's well-founded bragging, many viewers nodded in agreement. Indeed, it seems that the four of Han Guo have unique skills.

In fact, if they really had to choose, they would also be optimistic about Han Country. After all, as a developed country, Han Country must have greater human and material resources than Saudi Arabia.

From a certain point of view, the Global Talent Competition is not a competition of national power.

In addition to the occasional upset dark horse, more victory or defeat depends on the background of the country to which the two sides belong.

With a strong country and a lot of resources, the players will naturally be strong. Everyone knows this truth.

But there are no exceptions, such as last year's super dark horse Lorra, but this kind of dark horse is not so good.

Before the competition started, domestic and foreign experts and reporters agreed that the final winner was Han Guo.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was joyful. After all, since Lu An was fired on the map last time, many viewers who were unhappy with him hated him, and wished that Saudi Arabia would go home after a round of travel.

Ye Di: "The game has begun, and the players from both sides have already entered the field! I hope that no matter whether they win or lose, the players on both sides can play their own demeanor and live up to their youth."

Needless to say, everyone has seen it.

Players from the two countries, together with their coaches, walked out from the east and west sides and stood in their own half.

In the arena, the two teams, already in their positions, looked at each other from a distance, and the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

"I said, I will entertain you well on the field, the previous eight are what you will end up with later."

Taking advantage of two minutes before the start of the game, Jin Xiangqi smiled at He Zhaben with a smile, but the words he said made people angry: "What? Your Tianxuan coward dare not come, let you come up and suffer?"

"Everyone, do you like pets?"

Jin Xiangqi was looking at the four of them, and was thinking about which part to attack later, when Park Yuanhao beside him blinked his innocent and clear eyes and jumped out and smiled shyly at them.

"I really like pets. I like cats and dogs."

Looking forward to watching them and waiting for a while, seeing that the four of them didn't respond and ignored him at all, his eyes were depressed and disappointed, and he silently shrank back, his self-esteem suffered a big blow.

Ignoring Han Guo's trash talk, Samisha raised her head and looked left and right. Just as she was about to turn her eyes away when she found nothing, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky at the top of the auditorium, making her eyes light up.

"Catch up."

Falling lightly onto the high platform, Lu An patted the dust on his body to make sure that there was no smell of blood before Shi Shiran got up. When he looked up, he saw Adar and the two of them waving at him.

Smiling slightly, he gave them a thumbs up.

"Game start."

Within a few seconds, the referee's sharp whistle resounded throughout the arena, and the players on both sides were instantly absorbed into the different space by the twisting force field.

"Hello?" Not long after the two parties entered the different space, Lu An received a sudden call from Shen Li.

As soon as the call was connected, Shen Li went straight to the point: "Where are you? Samisha's match has started, why don't you come back and take a look?"

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone, as if he was blaming him for not caring about his team's games.

"No sister, I'm in the arena." He rubbed his nose and smiled awkwardly, how could he not watch such an important game.

"...Oh, I thought you were fooling around outside. We just came back from training and watched the game under the hotel. We hung up."

Knowing his location, Shen Li was silent for a moment, and quickly hung up the phone without giving Lu An a chance to refute.

"Fucking? Am I that kind of person? I'm doing business."

Lu An scratched her head and put on a bitter face, feeling distressed in her heart, she didn't expect her image to be so unsightly in Shen Li's mind, she had to think of a way to restore it.

Time waits for no one, while he was thinking hard and trying to find a way to correct his image, the competition in the different space had already started.

On the huge empty platform, the eight contestants are already ready to go.

To everyone's surprise, Fane, who appeared for the first time, turned into a green lotus flower that withered and bloomed, and merged with Hezaben, who had turned into a bone monster!

With the crackling sound of bone proliferation, a Buddha Emerald Bone Lotus bloomed on Hezaben's back. Each lotus petal was sharp and countless, and the inner and outer layers rotated alternately.

Like a meat grinder, like a turbocharger.

Behind him, the blurred phantom of Farnet emerged, chanting obscure spells in a low voice, densely packed bright spells condensed from the void and merged into Hezaben's body, and the terrifying aura rose from his body.

With him as the center, the field of bones piled up with white bones spread rapidly, colliding with the endless blood surging from outside the half court, and invaded each other.

The current image of Hezaben reminded Lu An of the shape of a game slicker.

"Do you like kittens?"

Park Yuanhao stood up with a blood-stained knife in his hand, blocking Hezaben's bone domain.

Under his feet, endless blood trickled and spread, and countless mutilated and broken bones were floating up and down.

Look carefully, there are all kinds of animals.

"Let me tell you, I like kittens the most. In order to keep them so beautiful, I took off their clothes and hung them at home. I can hear them saying hello to me every day when I go home."

He didn't seem to see the more violent Hezaben on the opposite side, and he muttered to himself. Accompanied by his voice, the entire sea of ​​blood resounded with incomparably mournful meows, and scarlet phantoms emerged from the sea of ​​blood. Surround him.

Looking closely, all the audience around the world were dumbfounded, and the pupils gradually dilated.

The countless scarlet phantoms were really ferocious and stern cat shadows, unscrupulously releasing the strong malice that hated everything, and the screams one after another were as chilling as Abi Hell.

"I not only like cats, but also little foxes, dogs, birds, and rabbits. As long as they are small animals, I like them."

What does it mean to say the most shocking things in the most innocent voice?

This is.

Up to now, no one knows that this guy who looks like an immature puppy is a pervert who likes to kill animals.

For a while, the crowd was excited, but the turbulent shouting and scolding couldn't affect Park Yuanhao who was in a different space. He could only heave his chest with anger, his face turned red, and he had nowhere to vent his anger.

Lu An also frowned at this time, his deep eyes could not see the true thoughts in his heart.

As expected of the Great Cold Nether Kingdom, there are all kinds of perverts.

Little did they know that far away in the hotel in the contestants’ village, the always smiling Ampere Myojin had put on a cold smile, and quietly listened to Park Won-ho’s description of how he dissected the rabbit, making the backs of his teammates go up Bursts of coolness.

"Your eyes are so pure, like an incomparably blue sea gemstone, even more beautiful than the one I collected before, I really want it..."

Ignoring the two Jin Xiangqi who had collided with He Zhaben not far away, with the cat souls getting into his body, Park Yuanhao's body gradually changed, turning into a scarlet cat person, with nine tails behind his buttocks faintly visible Toss and toss.

The cat-like eyes stared at Samisha and Adar, and stretched out the scarlet tongue full of barbs to lick his beard.

From time to time, the venomous cat soul sticks out of his skin and screams silently, it is the endless evil intention to kill all living people.

"Protect yourself, and see how I beat this disgusting guy in half a minute."

Clenching her fists, Samisha grinned at the four of Han Guo, squeezed her thumb and index finger slightly, revealing a small mouth.

In an instant, the whole country of Great Cold was furious!

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