"Master Lu is mighty, but let's pretend we don't know each other outside, otherwise I'm afraid of being beaten."

Seeing Zhao Yaoyao being cowardly, Lu immediately expressed disdain for her courage, why can't she learn from him.

Kacha, a group of people were chatting in low voices, and it didn't take long for the sensor door of the medical room to open, and everyone in Yuanmeng and politicians walked out slowly.

It's just that they are no longer as calm and calm as before. Politicians have serious faces, while everyone in Yuanmeng looks gloomy. It is obvious that the young people's diagnosis results are not very good.

"Uzi, how's the situation?" Seeing this, Lu An didn't write any ink, so he quickly grabbed Uzi who was familiar with him to inquire about the situation.

This expression is comparable to that of the chief surgeon who failed to save him, so it shouldn't be.

"Brother Lu." Seeing that it was Lu An, Uzi pulled a forced smile on his sad face: "The situation is very bad. Part of Mutina's soul has been forcibly stripped. If the missing part is not found , he'll be in a coma forever."

Soul was stripped?

Hearing this, many people immediately exclaimed.

They thought it was mental trauma, but they didn't expect the result to be more serious than this, it turned out to be a broken mind and soul!

"Putting away the soul, this method is obviously not something that ordinary people can do." Xiang Yuan touched his chin and said, his meaning is self-evident.

The Sunset Isles may have infiltrated some guy that's coming for them.

"The most urgent task is to find his spirit and ask the attacker's information, otherwise it is a potential hidden danger to let the attacker get away with it."

Wei Xiaoran sensibly sorted out the relationship between primary and secondary, and forced Xiang Yuan and the others to focus back.

The victim is still lying inside, is it really okay for you to hunt for enemies in the void outside?

"We don't have monks who are proficient in spirit and soul in our team, but we have already invited experts in this field. In addition, the person just now said that he will strengthen the security of the Sunset Islands."

Lu An was noncommittal about Uzi's words.

The Sunset Islands are surrounded by the sea, no matter how far they can be guarded, they have a lot of tricks to get by, even if they catch one or two, it won't help.

Lu An did not doubt their authority in the assassination business.

That is definitely more authoritative than experts.

"How about letting Xiaosheng try?"

Just as everyone in Yuanmeng was about to wait for experts to treat them, a smiling voice from the Sakura team attracted everyone's attention.

Looking at the reputation, the owner of the voice is Ampere Mingshen who smiled lightly and squinted his eyes.

"Xiaosheng is not talented, but he is just proficient in one or two things. If you can trust him, you might as well let Xiaosheng take a look for him."

Seeing Yuan Meng's coaching staff looking at him, An Pei put away his fan and glanced at the medical room without being humble or humble.

"You want to make a move?"

Rukawa Fuko, who was holding a samurai sword next to her, looked surprised. She didn't expect that Abe Myokami, who had always had nothing to do with her, would take the initiative to meddle in her own business.

"Hmm, save someone's life, and by the way, see the attacker's superb methods." He was still smiling, and seemed confident.

"Give it a try, and we'd be grateful if we could revive him."

Coach Yuan Meng has no choice but to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Who made them not have their own soul expert.

And in front of so many people, he didn't believe that Apei Mingshen dared to play dirty tricks.

"Thank you." Without further ado, Ampere Mingshen thanked them, then walked lightly into the medical room and started to act.

I saw him close the door, and then came to the medical bed, his smiling expression restrained, and nine little paper figurines popped out of a pair of wide cuffs.

Each paper figurine is engraved with a golden charm of unknown meaning, forming a circle as if alive, standing on the chest of the Yuanmeng youth.

On the other hand, Ampere Mingshen was fascinated by his eyes, chanting silent mantras with words in his mouth.

"What is the little devil doing? Onmyoji?" Fan Tianlan saw that he was not pleasing to the eye, and opened his mouth to say that it was a little devil.

Lu An also couldn't understand this kind of fancy stuff, but Fu Ruikong was so confident, it shouldn't be easy to think about it.

"Advance, soldier, fight, person, all, formation, column, front, line, rise."

In the medical room, the unknown ceremony was ready, and I saw Apei Mingshen chanting the nine-character mantra lightly, each word corresponding to a small paper figurine.

All the paper figurines who were called were sitting cross-legged holding hands, with spells shining golden on their bodies.

But immediately, the light in the room was suddenly dimmed, and quickly turned into a gloomy blue.

Under the gloomy light, Apei Myojin's often smiling face seemed to have become a little sinister, which made people shudder.

"It turns out that there is a lack of life and soul, no wonder he has been unconscious."

The nine paper figurines turned into golden circles, through which Apei Mingshen seemed to see the state of mind and soul in the youth's sea of ​​consciousness, and enlightenment arose in his eyes.

"Let Xiaosheng see who is behind the scenes."

"The seventh way of yin-yang soul art: Sakura ghost chasing the soul."

In just two seconds, his hands turned into afterimages, and dozens of seals were rapidly transformed. Countless cherry blossom petals appeared out of thin air in the medical room, and a ghost in white clothes whose face could not be seen was looming.

Immediately afterwards, wisps of green smoke began to burn from the tops of the nine little paper figurines, half of which were absorbed into the void and half into the young man's body. At the same time, the ghosts in white clothes gradually dissipated along with the cherry blossoms.


In the sunset town around the arena, in a private hotel, in a room that looked like a psychological consultation room, a psychiatrist in a white coat was flipping through books in a polite manner.

The reason why he is sure that he is a psychiatrist is, of course, because what he is reading now is books related to psychology.

"Interesting, this subject called psychology does have merit, and it is easier to understand than before."

Flipping through the books casually, the doctor couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion: "Sure enough, I like this era better than before. The only pity is that the sect has ceased to exist in name only."

"But it's okay, soon I—who?!"

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, he closed the book and stared around.


The next moment, the sound of the wind whizzing like dead souls lamenting and complaining ghosts whizzed endlessly in the room, and pieces of cherry blossoms scattered from the void, and then, a ghost in white clothes gradually solidified from the flying cherry blossoms.

The fuzzy face that couldn't be seen clearly twitched and twitched, finally fixed on the doctor, and swooped over with a whimper.

"Is this... a soul-seeking spell?"

Seeing the state of the white-clothed ghost, the doctor was slightly taken aback, and then sneered: "I don't know who it is, so I came here for the soul of that prisoner."

A dog that can only act on instinct is not a threat to him at all. The owner of this spell is somewhat ignorant.

"Since you want to fight, I will send you on your way as soon as possible!"

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