Blood gushed out like a fountain, and without the support of the white man, the delicate girl fell down with his left side, the blood soaked the beach, and the internal organs flowed out.

It was the first time, the first time that he was so close to death, death was only one step away from him, and the warmth that could be touched came from his hand, it was the small intestine flowing out of Yin Honggou's body, the pungent smell was disgusting, I can't wait to spit out the bile.

But the delicate girl didn't seem to feel anything at all, she just fell to the ground dumbfounded.

Such a bloody and cruel scene happened close to her. She had never seen such a bloody scene since she was a child. When she was frightened, her brain passively activated protective measures and blocked all perception of the outside world.

Simply put, I was terrified.

Not to mention her, Lu An's ax not only killed the two of them, but also struck the weak hearts of other people.

The real picture that can be called the eighteen bans was presented in the live broadcast room, and everyone was moved by it. Even though it was left far away, Sister Zhou could still smell the extremely strong smell of blood.

"Fuck?! Dead!! That's Yin Honggou, right, it must be her!"

"It's her! That tone and appearance, who else could it be if it wasn't her! Sister Zhou, call the police!!"

"The one next to her is Qin Yuyan, the school belle of Boxing East. If I'm not mistaken, it should be the travel qualification given by the school. If I can't, I'll vomit first..."

"I can only say that it's terrible. 211 University produces this kind of rubbish? I really think I'm still in China. No one in foreign countries will spoil you."

Yin Honggou was split in half alive, and the live broadcast room erupted in an instant, and the bullet screens of many water friends were overwhelming, expressing their emotions at the moment.

Witnessing an ax chopping a living person with my own eyes, many water friends with weak psychological quality were full of stomachs, and couldn't help the feeling of wanting to vomit and retch.

Don't blame them, I have never seen such a scene, and Yin Honggou's death is too shocking.

Sister Zhou was not much better, her small face was extremely pale, and she covered her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from vomiting.

It feels like Haidilao, which I ate not long ago, was for nothing!

Now she is like a little sheep who wanders into the scene of a murder, not daring to make too much noise to attract the attention of the killer.

"Swish - scoff."

There was another horrifying sound of flesh being torn apart, and the ghost-masked man swept past with an axe, viciously sweeping towards the blond man who was closest to him.

Even though he was on guard, the ghost-faced man's ax blade was too sharp. It shattered and smashed the earth crystal city wall between the two, and the ax cut across the middle of the blond man who escaped a hundred meters away!

Blood spilled into the sea on the spot!

Another death!


A devastating situation! The massacre, which was not even considered a battle, had already frightened the courage of the three surviving people. They didn't dare to face Lu An and confront him head-on, and they wanted to escape from here.

This is understandable, they are now like lions and rabbits on the prairie, the hunters are lions, they are rabbits.

The contest between the top and the bottom of the food chain is like a natural gap in strength, and there is no other way to survive than to escape.

Without verbal communication, the three of them reached an agreement in an instant, and scattered and fled in three different directions.

Walking together is tantamount to death, and only by dividing into three groups can there be a chance of survival.

"Forbidden Law: Dragon of the Fallen Star."

"call out--"

Sister Zhou's whole body was tense and stiff, she opened her eyes wide and looked forward, watching the ghost-faced man's pitch-black giant ax transform into a black bow without blinking, and a pure white rocket was condensed out of thin air by putting two fingers on the bow.

Bow and shoot big eagles!

The bowstring of the full moon rebounded suddenly, and the pure white rocket exploded into an umbrella-shaped cloud of sonic boom and shot out, burning the void with a long tail flame, burning a dark trajectory!

It is like a pale meteor piercing the sky, and nothing can stop it from advancing, passing through the dazzling shield walls, and finally hitting the back of the black man accurately.

It was too late to utter any screams, and the black man disappeared.

For Sister Zhou, the scene was very shocking, but it was not this that made her stiff and want to cry.

It was the voice like the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month that sounded behind her!

And his confiscated selfie stick.


An icy blue cross suddenly shone above the sky a kilometer away.

Suddenly! Endless Blu-ray renders the sea of ​​clouds in the dome! The ice element stirred the vortex, and a huge meteorite covered with ice crystal scales crashed down!

The ice scale meteorite was too big, with a diameter of two hundred meters. The shadow covered the sea below it, and the turbulent seawater froze into ice, forming high-walled cages that completely sealed off the Dongzhou man's escape route.

No one knows his current despair. The Endless Dragon Might tilts the nine heavens as if to suppress the Bahuang Sea Territory, directly pressing the man in the center and immobilizing him.

It is no different from the monkeys who were suppressed to the foot of the Five Elements Mountain.


The sea water was cut off and rolled back hundreds of feet, and the ice scale meteorite fell into the sea solidly, and the pale ice area was completely melted in a radius of one thousand meters, and the sky was filled with ice beads rattling non-stop.

As the ice fell, the man was already crushed into a meatloaf, and he couldn't die anymore.

Now remove the meteorite and perhaps see the beauty.


Sister Zhou stared blankly at the vast pale ice field in front of her. The cold wind that hit her face seemed to freeze her body, and she slowly turned her stiff head to look back.

Behind her, a mysterious woman in a white mask was casually playing with a cell phone with a black screen.

Seeing an arrow across the sky from the corner of the eye, Shen Li turned around and stretched out his hand slightly, the ice scale meteorite turned into light blue light spots all over the sky, and the frozen sea surface also melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just twelve seconds, the seawater within a kilometer thawed again, and everything seemed like nothing had happened.

After returning the mobile phone to the dumbfounded sister Zhou, Shen Li focused on Lu An who was walking slowly.


"It's resolved, there is no accident, but sister, you are too cautious, you are shooting mosquitoes with cannons."

"That guy erupted a little fast. I was worried that he would dive into the sea to escape, so I used some means of restraining the terrain."

Chen Li stood with her chest in her arms, feeling that there was nothing wrong with her behavior, and she only used the first part of that move just now, so it wasn't really a cannonball to hit a mosquito.

The two chatted with each other through sound transmission, and the poor and helpless sister Zhou was caught in the middle and shivered, desperately turning her head to think of countermeasures, thinking about how to fool them so as to survive.

The white-masked woman didn't know, but the ghost-faced man in front of her was definitely a ruthless character who killed people without blinking an eye!

What to do, what to do, I don't want today to become my death day next year!

Sister Zhou felt more and more uncomfortable as she thought about it, she hugged her head and sobbed softly, tears of grievance flashed in the corners of her eyes.

Didn't I just want to go to the sea to live broadcast outdoors? I finally found a remote beach, but I encountered this kind of thing, and now my life is at stake.

Seeing the scene of the murder and being committed by the murderer, she couldn't think of a reason for them to let her go.

She couldn't help feeling even more aggrieved when she thought that she hadn't had time to enjoy her golden age, and would die young before falling in love.

Noticing Sister Zhou's low sobs, Shen Li laughed and teased the sound transmission: "You seem to have scared her."

"Hey, am I that scary." Just as Lu An finished speaking, Shen Li rolled her eyes and laughed a few times.

Little did he know how terrifying his laughter sounded in Sister Zhou's ears. In just a short moment, he thought of more than a dozen scenes of himself being tortured and killed.

It seems that there is indeed such a loss.

"Eh? This seems to be Miss Zhou." Lu An was slightly taken aback as he lowered his head and glanced at her face from the gap.

Don't mind Miss Zhou, why is she here.

The big anchor of the fighting shark platform, I used to watch her live broadcast games often.

Why did you come to the Sunset Islands?

"She seems to be live broadcasting outdoors. We disturbed her. By the way, I turned off her live broadcast when I made a move. Don't worry about being exposed."

"It's okay, I'll let the Eagle Demon hypnotize her later."

Lu An didn't care too much. After all, there was a tool eagle to wipe his ass. He called that guy to distract the guards, and now he can come here anytime.

After thinking about it, Lu An took out a piece of paper and a pen, slightly adjusted his voice and said in a deep voice: "Name."

"Huh?" Looking at the paper and pen in front of her in puzzlement, Sister Zhou glanced at Lu An quietly, and hurriedly lowered her head to write her name.

Although I don't know what the ghost-faced man wants to do, but I just listen to it honestly, how dare she resist with a little soul.

There was black impermanence before and white impermanence after. If black and white evil spirits are upset, Yin Honggou will be her end.

"Okay, okay." Nervously handing the things back, Sister Zhou hesitated to say anything, but she was afraid of offending him.

After getting the signature, Lu An put it away very happily, helped the distraught sister Zhou to help her wipe off the sand, and then pointed to the handsome girl who was lying in a pool of blood in the distance.

Regardless of whether she understood the meaning or not, Lu An turned around with Shen Li under Sister Zhou's frightened eyes, and her figure gradually faded until she became transparent.

Come and go without a trace, like a ghost.

Looking down at the phone that Bai Wuchang returned to him, Sister Zhou shivered suddenly.

Is this... escaped?

A feeling of happiness for the rest of her life suddenly came to her, without thinking too much, she hurriedly turned on the phone and called for help to explain the situation. After receiving the answer, she sat down on the beach with a sigh of relief, her face undecided in shock.

After this incident, Sister Zhou decided that she would never come out to live broadcast outdoors again. The environment abroad is simply using her life to do live broadcasts.

He glanced at the handsome girl who was scared and unconscious in the pool of blood, hesitated for a moment but still didn't dare to pull her out.

Without him, the tragic appearance of the corpse is too scary, just looking at it will cause nightmares at night.


After specifically telling Ying Yao to clean up the mess, Lu An quietly followed Shen Li back to the hotel.

After simply washing off the bloody smell on his body, Lu An slipped into Shen Li's bedroom in a bathrobe and clung to the bed, no matter how hard he kicked him, it was useless.

"The matter of Yin Honggou's death has fermented."

Shen Li had nothing to do and climbed over the wall to Tianxuan with her laptop. Sure enough, because of Sister Zhou's live broadcast, the story of Yin Honggou was widely spread at an extremely fast speed, occupying all major social platforms.

However, because the picture is too bloody, what can be released has been processed with several layers of mosaics, and almost only Yin Honggou can be heard begging for mercy and madly cursing.

In the last map bombing, except for a few reasonable people, almost no men were willing to speak up for her.

On the contrary, quite a few Girl Quan rushed to the official account and the account of Quandong Technology to ask for an explanation.

It has to be said that the fighting power of female boxing is strong, and it has grasped the direction of public opinion on the Internet.

"Hei Die kills people, it's nothing to do with me, if you have the ability, let Hei Die go to the dark web." Lying on Shen Li's lap watching TV, Lu An casually clicked his nose.

"Aren't you afraid that they will know that you did it? It seems that Kento Technology has spoken up, saying that the murderer will be severely punished." Shen Li smiled slightly and rubbed the dog's head with her hands.

To be honest, she didn't feel much about Yin Honggou's death, it was entirely her own fault.

Her dog didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, so what kind of good person would die in his hands?

"If you know it, you know it. A bunch of mobs who only shout on the Internet, can they punish me for cyberbullying or expulsion from school?"

Lu An was full of disdain for this.

Female boxers only dare to punch online, but he, Lu, punches real punches.

He also severely punished the murderer. He really annoyed him and asked Ying Yao to go back overnight and lead the team to visit Boxing East Polytechnic.

One counts as a whole tm feeding demons.

A mindless creature does not deserve to live in this world.

"Okay~ You are the best, go to sleep, I have a competition tomorrow."

Shen Li expressed helplessness towards his attitude, closed the notebook and turned off the lights to prepare for a rest.

After chasing and killing with Lu An all night, she is also a little tired and needs to adjust her condition for tomorrow's singles match.

"Sister, do you have a match tomorrow? Don't tell me sooner." Hearing this, Lu An turned off the TV, turned over and hugged her quietly, and buried her face in her cold white hair.

There was nothing to say all night, and the contestants' village was very peaceful, out of tune with the noisy main island.

Due to the two men's aboveboard pursuit, the British Guards were extremely busy. They worked overtime temporarily to investigate the information of the deceased and record the appearance and characteristics of the hunter.

I also need to contact the top to deal with international public opinion. I can say that I hate the culprit in my heart.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the innocent Lu, who fell asleep while hugging Shen Limei.

It wasn't until a ray of sunshine sprinkled on his face in the morning that he woke up slowly.

Just about to quietly get up and go to the living room to practice martial arts and make breakfast, who knows that the movement is too big, accidentally awakening Shen Li.

"Uh, I'm sorry, sister, why don't you sleep again?" When he pulled her hair, Lu An smiled awkwardly.

"It's seven o'clock? Forget it, I have a game at half past nine." Stretching lazily, Shen Li silently got out of bed and walked into the living room.

Although she still wants to sleep for a while, her game is very early today, so she still has to prepare early.

After simply making two breakfasts, Hu Haizhou's call came, like a ghost desperately urging Shen Li to go down and gather.

Today is a special session for the individual competition, and many players with an early schedule left the door early, racing against time to adjust their status, holding back their energy to win glory for the country.

Early in the morning, there were quite a few teams stopping outside the hotel, but Lu An did not see Ammus assembling the team.

Saudi Arabia didn't play today?

A question mark popped up in his mind, so Lu An blended into Tianxuan's team very familiarly, Hu Haizhou didn't care much, just glanced at him and let him go.

This guy can go wherever he wants like a second uncle all day long, and he can't control the crabs without him.

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