Obviously, Ming should know the owner of the stone slab, that is, Gu Yunzi, the eighth elder of Tianqiao Zuohua Sect, and has a bad impression of him/her.

Otherwise, mentioning his/her eyes will not be so murderous.

I always feel that this Elder Gu Yunzi is not a serious person.

Lu An scratched his face quietly, and probably could understand Gu Yunzi's temperament from Elder Ming's few words.

Being able to set thousands of password locks in a message slate is also a pain in the ass, it's boring enough.

See how angry Elder Ming is.

"Could it be that the information contained in the slate is very important, which is why Elder Gu Yunzi is so solemn?"

Lu An tentatively tried to excuse Gu Yunzi. After all, this possibility is very high, and it is normal for people to be on the safe side.

Moreover, although Elder Ming mentioned that Gu Yunzi's eyes were murderous, it was only aimed at his/her actions, and it can be seen that the relationship is not bad.

Therefore, out of the basic politeness of being a human being, he, Lu, cannot speak in favor of Gu Yunzi in front of Elder Ming.

Talking bad about people behind their backs, his moral standard can't do it.

"No, you don't have to excuse him, he just has a bad personality, and he is famous for his pranks and embarrassment."

Ming hugged his chest and said with a sneer: "The records on the slate are nothing more than messages left for future generations. What kind of secret do you think it could be?"

"Thousands of secret locks and seals, that old immortal is really a treasure, don't you think that people in future generations can easily unlock it?"

Lu An smiled dryly, shut his mouth honestly and stopped talking, he could feel that Elder Ming had a lot of prejudice against Gu Yunzi.

Thinking about it, if this happened to him, he might not be much better than Elder Ming, and he might be so angry that he would jump on the spot.

After finally finding a valuable message diary, the old urchin turned it into a safe, which no one can accept.

That's right, in Lu An's opinion, the Gu Yunzi Mingkou is talking about should be an old urchin, the kind who likes to trick others.

This kind of guy was not beaten to death in ancient times, so it can only be said that his strength is not ordinary.

"Elder Ming, how many secret locks have you unlocked now?" Seeing that Ming's expression became colder, Lu An hurriedly changed the subject to divert her attention from Gu Yunzi.

If we continued to chat, he was afraid that Elder Ming would not be able to set up a tomb for Gu Yunzi to whip his corpse on the spot.

"Almost two-thirds of it has been unblocked, and at least the day after tomorrow will be completely unblocked."

She estimated her progress for a few seconds and gave a clear answer.

If there are no accidents, at most the day after tomorrow, the slate can be untied to read the message left by Gu Yunzi.

That is to say, I met her. The relationship between the two sects was good back then, and the special secret lock of the Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect happened to be included in the Wanfa Tiandian.

Otherwise, even if someone else is proficient in the secret lock, they will not be able to solve the mystery of the stone slab in three to five years.

"Why, you are also interested in the information left by that old immortal?"

Lu An, who was hesitant to speak for a moment, suddenly knew what he was thinking.

Like a monkey who is so curious that she scratches her head and scratches her head, if she can't see it, she doesn't have to be the guardian elder of the Vientiane Cave.

He was directly disarmed and returned to the farmland for the elderly.

"That's for sure. After all, he's a big boss at the same level as you, Elder Ming. Who wouldn't be curious?"

Careful thought was broken, Lu An embarrassedly rubbed his hands and laughed dryly to relieve the embarrassment, then looked at Ming with eyes full of expectation.

The stone slabs left by the ancient masters, there may be some earth-shattering secrets in it, it's a ghost if you're not curious.

After all, he is also one of the few remaining red seedlings of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong. Elder Ming should not have the heart to refuse.

"It's okay, come whenever you want, then I'll let you see that old man's face." Ming smiled lightly, and did not refuse Lu An's request to watch the message on the slate.

According to the character of the old guy, if the stone slab recorded the shocking secret, it would not be as simple as just thousands of secret locks.

According to her understanding, at least tens of thousands of forbidden secret locks started, so there is no need to hide it.

And these little guys are destined to be the pillars of the sect in the future, even if there are secrets revealed to them, it's just as good as knowing the secret information in advance.

Ming attaches great importance to the disciples of the new era, especially the outstanding ones like Lu An, they are all the fresh blood of the sect, so they must be well trained and guided.

Originally, she, the guarding elder, was not in charge of leading the disciples, but who made the whereabouts of the Wanxiang Fa Tianzong unknown now.

She is the only elder who walks the world, so this important task naturally falls on her shoulders.

"Really? I knew that Elder Ming was the most knowledgeable and approachable! Sure enough, he wouldn't reject me hehe."

With Ming's approval, Lu An was immediately overjoyed, and with a playful smile, he flattered Ming and praised her to the fullest.

"You boy, if you have time to think about these compliments, why don't you take the time to read more books." Ming looked at him speechlessly, and immediately stretched out his hand to tear out the space vortex behind him: "You convey congratulations to Mengmeng on behalf of me, if nothing else This seat will leave first."

After saying goodbye to Lu An, Ming slowly stepped into the space vortex, she was still busy cracking the slate, and had no time to go back to the Tianxuan lounge with Lu An.

"Elder Ming... see you again!"

Before Lu An finished speaking, the space vortex disappeared in a flash, as if it had never appeared before.

Elder Ming left in such a hurry.

Withdrawing his hand that was frozen in mid-air, Lu An muttered to himself, looked back at the battle that had already started below him, and quietly climbed down the high platform to escape.

All the way back quietly to the Tianxuan lounge, when the door was opened, there were cheers and howls one after another, intertwined into a weird and unpleasant symphony.

"Three games and three wins! Awesome!"

Xiang Yuan sat honestly on the armchair and gnawed on the bread, grinning wildly as he looked at the information displayed on his mobile phone.

Stud stud, Gu Mengmeng has earned him some money this time, although the odds are low, but at least he can earn some mosquito legs.

What is surprising is that Hu Haizhou and other coaches ignored him when he walked around the game in such an aboveboard way, and just looked at the screen and laughed.

"Tianming also won?"

Lu An thought that what was playing on the screen was the replay of Tianming from the second arena, but he looked curiously and found that it was not, but the battle that was going on now.

"We can't play the arena next door here, look at this."

Zhao Yaoyao handed the mobile phone to Lu An, and it was replaying the "intense" match of Tian Ming next door.

Fighting against Tian Ming was a contestant from Sakura Country, whose name was Sanyin Jiang Jiro. He wore a black mask and looked like a ninja.

He was staring at Tianming seriously and nervously, trying to see a trace of emotional fluctuations from his expressionless face.

As the countdown ends, the game officially begins.

San Yin Jiang Jiro didn't dare to be careless. The moment the whistle sounded, he used ninjutsu to become invisible instantly, completely covering up his own breath fluctuations, and completely disappeared from the ring.

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