Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 957 Crazy Exploration On The Brink Of Death

The strange Buddhist scriptures that are chanted in the mouth have the magical power of filling ears, which can make people unconsciously repeat in their minds until they are completely brainwashed.

Compared with the grand and mighty Buddhist voices in the temple, they are a little more evil, so that the whole room is filled with a strange atmosphere.

The first time he got in, Lu An frowned slightly when he heard the Buddhist scriptures echoing in his ears, and quickly closed his hearing.

This Buddhist scripture is very strange, although it doesn't have much effect on him, but it always feels uncomfortable when it spreads into his mind.

Always feel gross.

Feeling in his heart that there was something wrong with the white-skinned and bald-headed Buddhist scriptures, the way Lu An looked at his back suddenly changed.

This guy has weirdness!

He doesn't feel like a good person just by listening to Buddhist scriptures.

To be on the safe side, Lu An tried his best to cover up all the aura he was emitting, and groped along the wall quietly, intending to go around to see his true face.

He came here today to spy on the enemy, not to kick the hall.

Quietly drop into the village, don't shoot guns.

Lu was still counting on killing them all, so he couldn't startle them at this time, it would be bad if they scared them to move.

At this time, Lu An was like a stealing dog thief, sticking to the wall and slowly moving in front of Baipi's bald head, trying to avoid contact with the Buddha's light.

He wasn't afraid of the Buddha's light, but he was worried that the bald head would be disturbed. Isn't that what TV dramas like Tianxuan mythology say, the Buddha's light can purify and suppress ghosts.

I am now in the form of a ghost, almost the same as a ghost, maybe this Buddha light has the function of a searchlight to shine on me, and directly make him appear on the spot.

To be on the safe side, it's better to stay away.

Anyway, now the structural division of the entire submarine base has been imprinted in his mind, what he has to do now is to see the reality of this guy, and then he can go home.

Lu An had already made a plan in his heart, he would slip away after reading it, and if he was found, he would still slip away, and if he couldn't escape, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

"Huh? This is..."

Sneaking around to the front, Lu An's gaze was attracted by the three golden Buddha statues on the altar before he could even look at the white-skinned bald face.

The golden body of the Buddha statue is bright, with different manners, and the peaceful Buddha light that can calm the mind is blooming all over the body. Although it is a dead thing, the benevolent Buddha eyes reveal a trace of compassion and compassion.

The eyes are like real living things!

But what surprised Lu An was not their eyes, but the cracks behind them.

Almost all the golden bodies of the three Buddha statues have cracks, but not many. Even the Shakyamuni Buddha statue with the most cracks has only seven places.

They were irregular, as if they were accidentally broken, but Lu An's intuition told him that things were not that simple.

He always felt that there was a big horror hidden inside!

The three Buddha statues are nothing but containers used to suppress the Great Terror of Sealing!

This is a sense of crisis from the martial artist, that is, a whim.

Lu An would not be so foolish as to think that this was his own illusion.

As long as a martial artist of his realm has a whim, it is impossible to make mistakes.

Wu Xiu's whim is infinitely more accurate than a woman's intuition.

He said that Buddha statues are ghosts, so there must be ghosts.

"The consecrated golden Buddha statue... also have to be careful."

Lu An glanced at the cracks and tried to see through them, but failed in the end.

Without him, the crack was covered by Buddha's light, and he couldn't see clearly.

Keeping them in mind, Lu An turned to the white-skinned bald head who was sitting in meditation and chanting sutras, raising his eyebrows slightly.

Good guy, he is really an oriental monk!

Seeing his face clearly, Lu An felt joy in his heart.

The typical oriental face, the delicate skin is extremely white, and the cheeks are in sharp contrast with the bright red scorpion.

His appearance is exceptionally handsome, comparable to that of the young creampie, his skin is even whiter than that of Westerners, at first glance Lu An thought he was Caucasian from the back.

It belongs to the kind where you can harvest countless contact methods when you go out for a stroll.

The favorite type of little girls.

At this time, Baipi's bald head was bowing his head, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, reciting scriptures wholeheartedly.

The scriptures spit out from his mouth interweave into a deep and mighty melody that reverberates in the room.

Suddenly, Jade Scorpio's speech speed increased sharply, and his face gradually became ferocious, as if he was enduring great pain. Wisps of black energy involuntarily twisted and overflowed from his body. Before they could escape far, they were attracted by the three Buddha statues on the altar.

The black air is extremely distorted, giving people an ominous sense of evil and madness.

Lu An couldn't see the specifics either, his meager amount of knowledge was not enough for him to see through the origin of the black air, so he could only draw a conclusion that it was not a good thing.

As all the black energy in his body was absorbed by the Buddha statue, Jade Scorpio's ferocious and distorted expression gradually calmed down, and the corners of his mouth raised a gentle smile again, and he returned to his original benevolent expression.

It's like washing away all the lead and getting some kind of relief.

"What is this doing?"

After watching quietly for a long time, Lu An couldn't understand what Jade Scorpion was doing.

Is it making offerings to the great terror in the Buddha statue or is it purifying oneself?

Could it be that the black air is an abnormality of the Buddha statue?

Lu An said he couldn't understand the half-step Jingongzheng.

Now he only knows that this Jade Scorpion is a Buddhist, and seeing the Buddha statue he worships, it is very likely that it is a monk from Mahayana Buddhism.

The most famous countries where Mahayana Buddhism is prevalent may be Tianxuan or Cherry Blossoms, but Lu An doesn't know about others.

The little white face is quite unique and handsome, and I don't know which country it is from.

After sizing him up a few times, Lu An stopped paying attention to his appearance, but was going to look for anything worth noting nearby.

"Jingle Bell--"

Suddenly, a mobile phone rang, breaking the quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the Buddhist hall. Jade Scorpio and Lu An, who was floating around, were immediately attracted by the ringtone.

Seeing Yu Tianxie clasping his palms together without haste, he took out an old-fashioned clamshell mobile phone from his pocket, and connected the call.

"Team Leader Yu, we have re-arranged the contact point, and the bait sent out has not found any trace of the hunter." When the call was connected, a slightly dull voice came from the other end of the phone, as if trying to suppress himself the sound of.

"The athletes' village is heavily guarded. It may take us some time to find out the loopholes of the British guards."

Is this a wicked person who wants to sneak into the contestants' village?

Lu An pricked up his ears to eavesdrop, and frowned slightly.

He found that the Scorpio team seemed to put all their focus on the contestants' village. This is the rhythm of wanting to make big things.

If they succeed, and any accident happens in the contestants' village, one can imagine what kind of chaos will happen in the world.

"Thank you for your hard work, this is the end of your mission today."

Knowing that he failed to get into the contestants' village, Yu Tianxie was not angry, and told them that the task was over with a light smile, and immediately hung up the phone.

"Athlete Village, the main island...British may have been prepared in secret, and it doesn't make much sense to mix in. Why don't we change our thinking and change our thinking to lure snakes out of their holes, or ambush them on the way to the arena?"

Jade Scorpio held the phone with one hand, frowned and muttered to himself in a low voice.

Instead of trying to sneak into the athletes' village, it's better to wait outside.

It is impossible for the geniuses of these countries to stay inside and not come out.

As long as they are given a chance, they can completely detonate the international public opinion and plunge the Sunset Islands into chaos.

Of course, this must also take into account whether there are hidden British masters on the main island.

You still have to think twice and think carefully.

Yu Tianxie sighed in his heart, completely unaware that what he was talking to himself just now had been overheard by some ghost.

"Namo Amitabha, it's time to have to kill again, I hope that Buddha will be merciful and forgive the sins of the little monk."

Yu Tianxie murmured something, got up and bowed to the three Buddha statues, and then sat cross-legged on the futon again.

"Tsk, he's still a hypocritical monk." Hearing what he said, Lu An immediately laughed in disdain.

If you want to kill someone, just say it directly, you have to find a high-sounding reason for your hypocrisy, a proper fake bald donkey.

"Buddhist disciples, half-step gods, seem to have a bit of evil nature, and the methods are probably related to Buddhism."

After observing him secretly for a while, Lu An probably figured out the details, and then prepared to drill into the wall and leave the submarine base.

Today's trip was good, I got a lot of useful information, and I also found out the status of the two strongest people in the submarine base.

It can be regarded as a general understanding.

"Almost all the faces are memorized, now we just need to get rid of the small ones first, and put the big ones last."

Depending on the situation, the two of them generally wouldn't step out of the submarine base casually, so Lu An felt relieved and could go to the Sunset Islands to hunt and kill the little ones.

As long as Jade Scorpio doesn't come, after he kills the little guy and gets Qi Yuanneng, he can turn around and deal with this little boy.

The reason why they didn't deal with the jade scorpion at the beginning was because they were afraid of killing the big ones and running away with the small ones.

Wait until the little killers are dealt with before looking for Yu Scorpio, so as to maximize the benefits.

As for whether Jade Scorpion will run away, Lu An never thought about it.

As long as someone like Lu is there, he won't be able to run away even if he gives Xiaobailian a pair of wings.

"Let's go."

Without any sloppiness, unable to find other valuable information, Lu An turned around and wanted to get into the wall.

But just as he stepped into the wall with half a foot, the figure suddenly stopped, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he turned his head and raised a playful smile at Jade Scorpio.

Doesn't it seem like grandpa is too cowardly to go like this? You must be rectified.

Lu An felt that it was inappropriate for him to just walk away so quietly, so he decided to give Yu Scorpio a small surprise and see if Buddha Guang could detect him.

Seemingly inadvertently, he stretched out his left leg and stepped into the area illuminated by the Buddha's light, then walked back quickly, and turned his head into the wall "in a panic".

Crazy exploration on the verge of death · jpg

"Who! Who is here?!!!"

Lu An's movements were quick, he stretched his legs and turned around in one go, and he slipped away almost instantly.

However, no matter how fast he was, he couldn't escape Yu Scorpio's perception, and he instantly noticed the strangeness of Buddha's light.

Jade Scorpio, who was sitting silently meditating, immediately opened his eyes, his round pupils were like a glaring King Kong, and when he opened his mouth was the roar of a Buddhist lion with rippling golden patterns.

Gold patterns swept all directions, and in an instant, the interior of the entire room was shattered, the walls and ceiling crackled, and cobweb cracks visible to the naked eye quickly spread.

And Jade Scorpio didn't care about it, stood up suddenly and looked around, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and the mighty spiritual consciousness spread like a storm, through the wall door to the lobby, and then through the secret door to the bar base at the other end .

In an instant, the entire submarine base was covered by the spiritual consciousness of Jade Scorpio.

The bartender and bartender who were cleaning were immediately crushed to the ground by the terrifying coercion that came out of nowhere, looking at the sky with pale faces, at a loss.

They didn't know what happened, and they didn't know who the master of this coercion was.

They only know that this coercion is absolutely irresistible to them!

But now, this terrifying existence seemed to be angry.

"Fool, if you can find my father, I will call you father on the spot."

Before he flew far from the submarine base, Lu An was covered by the swiftly enveloping spiritual consciousness, but he didn't panic at all, and he still drifted slowly in his own way.

He didn't have the confidence to dare to die. He asked the little assistant to help cover his breath the moment he stretched his legs.

Now he is just a drop of sea water and a cloud of air, it would be a ghost if Jade Scorpion could find him.

"Search slowly, and the world will come to you to play in the future."

Throwing a ruthless back to the submarine base, Lu An slowly left the field of spiritual consciousness.

So far, no matter how talented the little boy is, he can't find him.

The person who succeeded in committing death had already left, but he frightened Yu Scorpio quite badly.

After patrolling back and forth for more than ten times without finding any suspicious aura, Yu Tianxie frowned and slowly withdrew his spiritual consciousness, causing the bartender and others in the bar base to gasp as if they had escaped from death.

"Is my perception wrong?"

Turning his eyes to the direction where the abnormality came from just now, Yu Tianxie couldn't help but fall into self-doubt.

Just now he caught the undetectable momentary fluctuation of the Buddha's light in that corner, and thought that something had sneaked in, so he turned on his spiritual consciousness to patrol for so long.

But now... Yu Scorpio is confident that her spiritual sense will not make mistakes, and there is no trace of suspicious targets in the entire submarine base or even a radius of one kilometer.

It was impossible for anyone to escape from this area in such a short period of time, but he didn't find anything, and everything was a bit too weird.

"Probably because I'm dazzled."

He couldn't find any clues, so he could only attribute the result to his own dizziness, whispered Namo Amitabha, and resumed his meditation to continue meditating.

"Boom boom boom."

"Mr. Yu Tianxie, may I ask what happened?" There was a knock on the door, and there was an old man in a suit outside.

After he found out that Yu Scorpio spread its coercion, he thought that something had happened, and rushed over to inquire immediately after collecting the confidential documents.

"It's okay, something went wrong with my meditation, I thought something had sneaked into the base." Yu Scorpio meditated, lightly opened her red mouth to explain, and then fell silent.

However, he didn't notice that the face of the old man outside the door changed drastically when he heard this sentence.

The old man's eyes became sharp in an instant, and he was about to open his mouth to speak out, but he hesitated for some reason, and finally changed his mouth and exchanged a few words with Yu Tianxie, then hurried back to the study.

Slamming the door shut, Da Ma Jindao sat down at the desk, lost in thought.

It is rare for a half-step Jingu to perceive wrongly, and this matter may not be that simple.

And... I seemed to have a similar feeling just now.

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