Meeting again after many years, Gu Zhenshan will never let go of this opportunity.

Time has passed in a hurry, and the Mingjue of that year has become the current deputy team leader of Scorpio. Thinking about it, Gu Zhenshan is full of emotion.

Unexpectedly, Mingkong, who made a mess of the Three Kingdoms Buddhism by himself when he was young, would condescend to Heidi to be the deputy team leader.

Even the shrine can't be entered, I have to say it's a trick of luck.

"Perhaps everything that happened that year has created an indelible demon in his heart." Gu Zhenshan looked at the void and muttered to himself, somewhat guessing what happened to Jade Scorpio.

I'm afraid he just couldn't pass the level of demons, that's why he couldn't be promoted to the shrine for a long time!

If you sow melons, you will reap melons; if you sow beans, you will reap beans.

According to Buddhism, it is yesterday's cause and today's fruit.

The sins I committed in the past can only reap the consequences of myself now.

"Heavenly Dao and Reincarnation are not happy with the retribution, and the greater consequences are yet to come." Gu Zhenshan got up and walked out of the secret room slowly, his eyes were extremely cold.

He has already made a decision in his heart, he wants to fly to Britain himself, and go to the Sunset Islands to meet his "old friend"!

As for Mingjue Temple, let's not report to him for now, let's talk about it when he comes back.

It's time to settle the grievances and grievances of the year.


On the beach of Vice Island, Lu An didn't know that Mr. Gu was already planning to book a flight ticket to Britain, and he was still immersed in his own thoughts.

What Gu Zhenshan said just now gave him a new understanding of Jade Scorpio, and he slightly restrained his contempt for Jade Scorpio.

I can't tell that the little boy has such a legendary past, it's really hard to tell.

Lu An recalled the white-skinned bald head he saw before, and was amazed in his heart.

This guy is really a legend in the first half of his life. He colluded with foreign teachers to attack Mingjue Temple, and then even stole three treasures of the town temple. What's even more outrageous is that he is still alive and well until now.

At least in Lu An's view, Jade Scorpio's current status in Heidi is almost like wind and rain.

"Amazing, just one person played around with Sakura and Asan Buddha, let them do free work for me, and even stole the treasures of the two towns."

Lu An didn't know how Jade Scorpio did it.

Maybe it was pouring ecstasy soup for others?

"According to grandpa, he should be a sinister and cunning villain!"

Gu Mengmeng agreed aloud, in her heart Yu Scorpio has become a white-eyed wolf who murders her fellow family members and heinously, an existence that everyone can punish.

But I have to say that this kind of ruthless beast is quite suitable for mixing in the underground world, and it is no wonder that he can become the deputy leader of the Black Butterfly Zodiac Troop.

"Not only that, but also a cunning and ruthless guy." Samisha frowned and whispered quietly, with a serious look like an enemy.

In terms of difficult enemies, people like Jade Scorpio are usually the most difficult to deal with.

Cold-blooded and ruthless, heinous, with all-powerful methods, he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and he is a proper hero in ancient times.

For nearly eighty years, several Buddhist sects insisted on not finding him, and even became a black butterfly cadre, which shows the brilliance of his methods.

If it wasn't for being seen by Lu An this time, who knows how long he can hide.

"The current situation means that he has at least three big killers in his hands."

Although she has never seen such important Buddhist treasures as the Buddhist Bone Monument, Samisha will not despise them because of this, but will increase the importance of them.

After all, the treasures that can be regarded as the treasures of the town by the top Buddhist sects are not ordinary goods, and they are definitely terrifying.

Maybe Jade Scorpio can use them to leapfrog and kill Jingu!

This possibility is very high, so Jade Scorpio cannot be regarded as an ordinary half-step god.

He must be equated with the powerhouse of the shrine.

"Don't frown, the sky will fall and there will be a tall one holding it up, and it won't hurt you." As soon as Lu An finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he looked like the tall one, and awkwardly stretched out his palm to rub the back of his head.

That little boy is coming for him, if something happens, he really has to be at the front.

"Although the old man said that the little boy has three Buddhist treasures, I didn't find him when I went to observe him this time. Maybe he has already offered it to Hei Die?"

After thinking about it, Lu An felt that this possibility was also very high.

Hei Die is not a charitable organization, and there must be a price for taking in Jade Scorpio at the risk of angering many Buddhist sects.

Maybe the few Buddhist treasures on him were chopped off by the black butterfly decades ago.

To be honest, there is no need to be afraid, Lu An felt calm, and even wanted to laugh a little.

It really pissed him off, even if Jade Scorpio could compete with Wang Ji, it would be useless.

"You really dare to think, do you think that this kind of person will easily hand over the cards to others?" Samisha rolled her beautiful eyes when she heard this, her face was speechless.

For a guy like Yu Scorpio, he basically keeps a few hands in everything he does. How could he willingly hand over the treasure of Buddhism that he had stolen so hard to Hei Die.

That's what a fool would think.

"Hmm, let's use your brain to think freely, why not attack yourself." Noticing her foolish eyes, Lu An smiled cheerfully and didn't care, stroking the bird feathers with both hands and looking at the endless sparkling sea idly.

Do you have something to force your physique?

Suddenly, a strange thought popped up in Lu An's empty mind, and it grew rapidly in his mind out of control.

I just want to read books at home, practice boxing, and go outside to get some wild energy when I have nothing to do.

He, Jilu Jian, only wanted to live a peaceful life, but a bunch of bad things and mad dogs chased after him and bit him, and he couldn't hide.

"Heaven will send a great task to the people, and you must first work hard..."

Just like the sea in front of you, since you can't get rid of it, then do the opposite, try to tolerate and devour them, and transform them into motivation to strengthen yourself.

There seemed to be something inexplicable in his mind, Lu An seemed to have realized something, and it seemed that it was just his random imagination.

It feels a little weird.

Lu An was a little puzzled by the fleeting sense of wonder. He thought he was sick, so he rubbed his head and focused on the two of them again.

"That's the end of the topic of the little boy. What we have to do now is to take the little boy to the knife. You are familiar with this today, right?"

"Yeah! I lost two of them today!" Gu Meng nodded in response, pouted and added: "I wanted to find a few more, who knows that those guys don't know how to make a fuss, so they all hide in the We can't come out of Sunset Town, we have no chance to start."

She was so angry that she had found a lot of eagle demons, but nine out of ten hid in the small town so that they could not take advantage of them.

Now that Britain is so heavily guarded, the two of them dare not imitate Lu An and break into the town openly to kill people.

It would be funny if he was caught on the spot by Britannia.

"Who said it wasn't? It's probably because of you. Those killers ran away when they saw us, and only two dared to resist." Samisha curled her lips in dissatisfaction while supporting the white jade halberd: "I've been patronizing people all night, the halberd I haven't practiced the technique very well."

She had fantasized about being able to use life-and-death battles to practice halberds before, who would have imagined this kind of scene, seeing them one by one is like seeing a ghost, wishing that her parents would give birth to a few more legs and run faster.

The battle of life and death just turned into a chase.

"Master, the world is so powerful, those fearless people say that you have scared them out of their wits." The eagle demon flattered Lu An, then buried his head in his wings and continued to comb his feathers.

Seeing its appearance, Lu An was 100% sure that the eagle demon was subtly assimilated.

The living habits have become no different from those of birds.

"I'll practice the halberd technique tomorrow. It's getting late today. Go back and rest early."

He took out his mobile phone to check the time, and saw that Samisha was still eager to encourage Gu Mengmeng to continue training, Lu An immediately opened his mouth to block their eagerness to move, and the eagle demon also helped.

In the end, it was Samisha who felt hungry, and gave up her plan to continue fighting in the face of her appetite.

Lu An and Eagle King are right, it is still important to replenish energy.

Seeing that she was defeated by her appetite, Gu Mengmeng groaned twice, not daring to continue chasing Lu An, and obediently followed back to the contestant village.

There are 24-hour British guards patrolling outside, and the atmosphere of the athletes' village at night is peaceful and peaceful, which is like a paradise compared to the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

The whole Sunset Islands was as lively as usual, except of course, except for a certain secret base far away on the seabed, which was almost empty.

In the corner of a rare sea reef in Xiyang Vice Island, the grim-faced old man had already changed his clothes, and walked out with a stack of documents in his arms.

Wearing a white coat, his expression was as serious and serious as before, like a medical master who was about to go to the operating room.

Soon, he came face to face with the guards patrolling the Sunset Vice Island.

Facing the inspection request from the British soldiers, he handed over the materials without hesitation, and let them inspect with his hands raised up.

"I'm sorry Doctor Nasak, please forgive me if I offend you, we are just doing business, can I ask what you are doing on this beach so late."

The mirror-like discriminator did not detect any traces of the old man's disguise, so the team leader glanced roughly at the information and returned it to the old man with a smile.

The materials are all pharmaceutical reports and notes of marine life, coupled with the doctor's unique font, it is like a bible to him, and it takes a few seconds to read a word.

"As you can see, I'm studying the shellfish in this sea area, especially the sunset blue-striped shellfish, which is a specialty of Xiyang Island. I heard that it can be used for medicinal purposes, so I took the time to take a look."

The old man put the documents under his armpit again with a calm expression, and his tone was as calm as water, as if something really happened.

There is no flaw in the whole body, and he can't compare with him in terms of acting skills.

"That's it." Hearing what he said, the captain of the guard had no doubts at all.

The blue-patterned shellfish, a specialty of Sunset Island, often attracts many curious tourists to pick them up, and the old man is obviously no exception.

"Mr. Nazak, although the research value of blue-patterned shellfish is high, I suggest that it is better not to come to such a remote place alone at night."

"During this time, some desperadoes have sneaked into the archipelago. It is very dangerous to come to such a place alone at night. For your safety, try to come during the day as much as possible in the future."

The old man nodded slightly to express his understanding, and the captain of the guard was not surprised by his cold attitude. After all, he had seen this kind of elderly doctor before, and his temper was much weirder than that of Nazak.

Shrugging his shoulders, he signaled to let him go, and asked the old man if he wanted to send someone to take him back.

Surprisingly, the old man agreed without hesitation! There was no excuse at all, as if he didn't regard himself as an outsider.

In this way, the guard sent a military vehicle and two soldiers to escort the old man back to the main island.

It wasn't until he entered the town that the old man jumped out of the military vehicle and walked slowly towards the east of the town without looking back.

There was no flaw along the way, he behaved like a quiet old pedant, and no one ever doubted his identity.

Of course, this is due to his identity, Doctor Nasak, this is his positive identity walking under the sun, he has been in business for at least twenty years, and he is also considered a minor celebrity in White Eagle.

As long as you know him roughly, you will know that this Dr. Nazak is taciturn and not very talkative.

This time he came to the Sunset Islands, unlike other killers who entered by smuggling, he came here on an international flight openly and aboveboard. The procedures are completely formal and he is not afraid of investigation at all.

After returning to his temporary apartment, he reached out his spiritual consciousness to confirm that there was no bug in the room, and then took out a spar of distorted matter from his white coat.

Hold it gently, and the well-equipped monitoring device will fall silently onto the table out of thin air.

In addition, there is a jade-like blood jade ant, its body is crystal clear, and it emits a faint light like a flame in the dark.

"To be on the safe side, I will live here temporarily during this period, and leave the base to Yu Scorpio to stay behind."

Stretching out his hand to put the blood jade ant on the corner of the table, the old man muttered to himself, his eyes flashed with an inexplicable luster.

He didn't know if Yu Tianxie had noticed it, anyway, in his eyes, there was a 50% possibility that the submarine base had been exposed.

Although we don't know who the mysterious infiltrator is, it's better to stay away for safety's sake. It's enough to keep a Jade Scorpio as a watchdog.

When there is a riot there, he will be able to know the news as soon as possible.

The old man glanced at the blood jade ant from the corner of his eye.

Before he came out, when he passed the room where Jade Scorpion was, he left another Blood Jade Twin Ant on the door.

This is a pair of ants, one prospers and the other loses the other. Only one party dies, no matter how far apart they are, the other party will also die at the same time.

And after modification, no matter which one of the pair in his hand dies first, it will record a five-second photo and transmit it to the other party before it dies.

Arranging this move can serve as a warning on the one hand, and on the other hand, if something really happens, there may be a chance to see the true face of the infiltrator.

Putting the blood jade ants aside, the old man skillfully assembled the monitoring equipment, assembling it into a notebook-sized style, and the screen reflected a bright green shimmer

With the thought of the old man, dozens of nano-drones that are so small that they are almost invisible to the naked eye drilled out of his pocket. They flew in all directions, flew out of the room along the open glass window, and attached to the wall of the apartment, non-stop Monitor everything around you.

Their surfaces are covered with special materials, which can prevent spiritual consciousness from detecting the internal situation.

As long as you don't check carefully, you basically can't find these nano-drones disguised as gravel.

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