Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 963 Declaration Of Independence

The stars and arrows exploded on its back, like sparks exploding, and the flaming stardust covering a radius of 100 meters was so dazzling that a dazzling starlight curtain was born.

The eyes of countless spectators were blinded, and they all fell into a state of silence with their eyes wide open. In the entire arena, except for the noise in the battle space, only a few spectators were waving their flags and shouting.

They were all shocked by Wei Xiaoran's brilliant and terrifying arrow.

In the broadcast booth, witnessing that Wei Xiaoran was responsible for all the stars in the sky, he transformed into Yinghuo Mars and severely injured Captain Maidan with one arrow. The reporters on the scene from almost all countries were moved by it, and thousands of words were stuck in their throats.

Even though they have seen too many fierce battles of Tianjiao in this period of time, this scene still makes them unable to calm down for a long time.

Captain Maidan is very familiar with them, and they are familiar with almost all the teams that can enter the third round.

The world's top 40 strong teams, it is blunt to say that each one is still fresh in people's memory.

This is exactly the case with Captain Maidan. There is no doubt about his strength. He once defeated his opponent with two moves in the individual competition.

But now actually...

Many people stared blankly at Captain Maidan, who was driven thousands of meters away by Seiya's impact, and gasped in unison.

What are you kidding? ! The existence of the ninth level of Shenzang was injured like this by an arrow? !

Your arrow is a real spark!

In Tianxuan's official TV station, Ye Di licked his dry lips, opened the folder in front of him calmly, flipped through a few pages and said: "Wei Xiaoran's arrow is really exciting! The meeting was a serious blow." Definitely a morale-boosting feat for us!"

"The stars and arrows derived from Mars should come from her Dharma image, Da Can Xing Tian! It is the stars all over the sky behind her!"

"This scene of stars and stars also comes from the Wanxiang Fa Tianzong, and it is said that in ancient times, it was also a top-notch Dharma that everyone knew!"

"Like Xiang Yuan's Great God Weitian Dharma Aspect, it is one of the top ten Dharma Aspects of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong!"

Ye Di eloquently introduced Faxiang to all the audience watching the game, and Tang Canyang next to him also echoed a few words from time to time.

In order to collect these materials, it can be said that Ye Di got up early and ran around in the dark to ask for connections, so that he could get a general idea of ​​the top Dharma practitioners of the Wanxiang Fa Tianzong.

He had done his homework in advance, so he wouldn't be ignorant now.

Sure enough, seeing what he was saying clearly and logically, Tianxuan viewers in the live broadcast room who didn't know what was going on started posting barrages one after another, praising him as a dedicated first-class host.

"King Yan is awesome! Even this top-notch Dharma figure is known, I declare that King Yan will be a top-ranking host from today! Who is for and who is against?"

"Then I also declare that from now on, Goddess Xiaoran will be titled the Star Arrow God! There is nothing that can be avoided by an arrow! She is the only one who can penetrate Yang with a hundred steps!"

"Qingdao Qingguan, Layman Xiaoran's arrow is derived from the Yinghuo star. In ancient times, Yinghuo was a symbol of war and death. He possessed the supreme killing and punishment, and was pierced through his chest by it, even if it was not the real Yinghuo. Xie Daibier I'm afraid it won't be much better."

"I have met Daoist Master, no wonder I always feel trembling when I look at it."

There are a lot of talents in the live broadcast room, some people are named and titled on the spot, some people are hiding mysteries in popular science arrows, and some people are chatting and spanking.

"Contestant Maidan Anayi, eliminated!"

Just as they were chatting and bragging, the situation on the field changed again.

It was the pure-looking female contestant Mai Dan who was eliminated!

The huge projection split into small screens, and the screen seemed to be replaying the scene before she was eliminated.

The person who made the shot was Xiang Yuan, a straight man of steel. Facing Anna Yin's pitiful expression, his expression remained indifferent, which perfectly explained what it means to punch a natural god without a woman in his heart.

Shenweitian is like a big monster, the heavy coercion seals off all of Anayi's escape routes, and there is a golden dragon swimming in the uncanny and strong right arm. In Anayi's view, the right palm that blocks the sky is pressed down hard, like A mighty Wuzhi Mountain.

In the process of pressing down, the golden dragon breathed out the dragon ball and formed a dragon-elephant seal in the palm of the palm, breaking through the layers of air barriers and falling down with overwhelming force.

The shot was fierce and ruthless, and there was no mercy at all because of Ana Yi's cute appearance, like a shark without emotion.

The power of this move is terrifying, and the other three have no means to separate themselves, and it is too late to stop them, so they can only growl and roar with eyes wide open, trying in vain to stop Xiang Yuan's ruthless offensive and gain a chance for Anayi.

Unsurprisingly, at the moment when Longxiang Dayin was about to crush Annayi, she was rescued by the off-court referee in time.

Without her strenuous resistance, Xiang Yuan's right palm touched the ground without hindrance, causing the surroundings to tremble for a while, which shows its great power.

"First blood is still Lao Tzu's."

Xiang Yuan let out a dull laugh, and he didn't feel any guilt about bullying the girls at all. Instead, he was proud of being the first to eliminate one person.

Ana Yi is not cute, let's put it aside for now, Xiang Yuan said today that he was playing in a team competition for the first time, and a large group of people in the family could not help squatting next to the TV and watching him.

As a descendant of the Xiang family, according to his father, his ancestor was Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, and he could not embarrass the family by saying anything.

Although Xiang Yuan couldn't figure out why Xiang Yu's surname was Ji and why he was his ancestor, but the father said it was so.

Going out for a walk under the name of a descendant of the overlord of Western Chu also has a bright face.

Xiang Yuan withdrew his right hand, and moved his eyes sideways to Fan Tianlan with eyes full of brilliance, which made him and the male contestant Maidan tremble together.

"Forget it, if this head is taken back, it will be sprayed by thousands of people."

Thinking silently in his heart, Xiang Yuan still decided to distribute them equally, one head per person.

So as not to go back and get blindsided.

After releasing the state of Faxiang, Xiang Yuan landed heavily, shaking his body and quickly ran to the corner to watch the battle.

A bizarre move directly made other audiences look stupid.

Trust your teammates so much? It must be too contemptuous of people.

"One more arrow."

At this time, Wei Xiaoran moved again, her right hand was bent back again, and a dark vortex that could swallow even light floated out by itself, and she pinched it and put it on Huangxuan.

"Fack! Damn it!"

Captain Mai Dan forced himself to stand up, and when he looked at Wei Xiaoran again, his expression was horrified, and he couldn't help but cursed loudly.

On the divine bow in Wei Xiaoran's hand, an extremely pitch-black arrow was rapidly forming.

The arrow is a pitch-black vortex, which shatters all surrounding substances, air, light, aura, dust, and even the space is broken and distorted.

This is a black arrow that can't even shine through, exuding a strong breath of death.

"Turning Stars into Arrows, Swallowing the Sky and Swallowing the Sun."

Muttering silently in his heart, at this moment the energy and mind were completely integrated, Wei Xiaoran's eyes were filled with black starlight, and he loosened his fingers and let go of the arrow!

Compared with the previous Yinghuo Xingya, the Black Xingya does not have the incomparable momentum of the former Zhang Yang, and the damage it causes is silent.

As pointed by the arrow, the shattered dust and the sonic boom of the air barrier are all sucked into it, and everything is annihilated!

It carried the endless death will from the Twisting Nether, quietly approaching Captain Maidan.

Get hit by it, can't stop it!

In an instant, Captain Maidan's pupils suddenly contracted into needles, and he made the final judgment in his heart.

Flash! Must hide! But how is he going to flash?

Conclusion, there is no flash!

"Don't underestimate me!!"

Knowing that he couldn't dodge the arrow, his heart sank and he decided not to dodge it. He straightened his back with his heavily injured body, and his spiritual power shot straight to the sky, and his arms instantly clung to endless rays of light.

"Give it to me, smash everything!!!"

The veins on his forehead popped up, Captain Maidan roared violently, the high-pitched roar of abandoning everything shook the world!

Arms folded forward fiercely, shooting out a pillar of energy light more than ten meters wide, the surging waves instantly submerged his vision in front of him, and suddenly collided with the pitch-black Seiya!

This strike seemed to have reached the level of a full-strength strike at the second level of supernatural powers. This was his sure-kill blow.

Even if he loses, he must stand up and lose! If he is defeated without any strength to fight back, it is an insult to himself!

The whole body's spiritual power was released desperately, and Captain Maidan had already bet everything on this blow.

Succeed or benevolent!


When the beam of light collided with Seiya, there was a violent explosion at first, and then these explosions were quickly absorbed by Seiya, turning into a silent confrontation between the two sides.

"Xiao Ran, can I help you strengthen it?" Seeing that the other party was in a slight stalemate, Shen Li asked softly.

As long as Wei Xiaoran agrees, she will use Dayan Fatian to empower the dark star.

The ability of Dayan Fatian can increase all spells geometrically.

"No need, my Star Arrow is derived from comprehending the principle of black holes. Although it is not very mature, it won't last long."

Wei Xiaoran was very confident in her star, and just as she finished speaking, there was a change in the stalemate over there.

The black hole constantly absorbs the energy gushing from the beam of light, thereby strengthening itself. Under the ebb and flow of each other, Captain Maidan soon fell into decline.

His power is limited after all, and the black hole Seiya uses the energy of devouring the beam of light to feed back itself, and it is not afraid of consumption at all, but grows stronger.

In less than five seconds, the black hole Seiya gradually receded from the beam of light, and the speed became faster and faster.

Until the beam of light disappeared completely in the end, and it became the same size as the beam of light, directly hitting Captain Maidan.

The endless fluctuations of nothingness emanating from its interior can only make people extremely suffocating.

"Maidan Xiedaibier, eliminated!"

At a critical juncture, after confirming that Captain Maidan had given up resisting, the referee pulled him out of the battle space as usual.

Black Hole Seiya, like a pitch-black dragon, crossed where he was standing, and swished straight into the endless void at the end of his vision.

So far, another person has been eliminated.

There are two Maidan players left on the field, one male and one female.

Glancing at the female contestant who was being pestered by Fan Tianlan, Shen Li shot at the male contestant who was waiting in the corner from the corner of her eye.

The dense cold air suddenly broke out, and the ground around Shen Li for three miles was covered with hoarfrost, and the resulting power even affected Fan Tianlan.

Endless cold air swirled into the palm and turned into a pale ball, which was then lightly thrown into the clouds above by Shen Li.

The situation changed in an instant, and the dark sea of ​​clouds seemed to be colored by pale pigment and rapidly surged and expanded, as if something was conceived and born in it.

"Cold method, vast sea and Tianshan."

The indifferent voice and spiritual sense suddenly locked on the male contestant in the corner.

Before he could react, he noticed the vision of the clouds above his head.

Suddenly, the sound of landslides and landslides resounded through the sky.

Immediately afterwards, countless spectators and even a few people on the field discovered it.

God, it has changed!

An upside-down mountain peak that seems to have been buried in dust for thousands of years breaks through the sky and waves from the vast sea of ​​clouds, and a sharp peak emerges!

The vast Tianshan Mountain is majestic and towering, born in the vast sea of ​​nebula!

The breath is majestic and cold, standing forever!

If you look at the camera in reverse, the Cangmang Mountain is such a view!

Not much to say, with Shen Li holding five fingers, the vast Tianshan Mountain crashed down like a sky-based cannon, and the mountain peak sent out ripples and shock waves in the void, falling down with the force of the sky.

For male players, this is the real Mount Taishan.

Watching the upside-down sky peak getting closer and closer to him, and the shadow covering the sky and the sun covering him but unable to escape, a sense of powerlessness as small as an ant arises spontaneously.

"Contestant Maidan Barnke, eliminated."

"Maidan Yisu player, eliminated."

"All the contestants in Maidan have lost their ability to fight. I declare that Tianxuan wins this competition!"

The collapse of the Tianshan Mountains caused a power no less than the afterglow of the setting sun detonated by Lu An the day before yesterday. The shock wave carried thousands of ice and snow into an avalanche and swept in all directions.

The male contestants withdrew first, and then the female contestants who were being teased by Fan Tianlan were also affected, and they were caught in a violent avalanche and disappeared without a trace.

After the referee announced the result, he pulled all four of Shen Li out again.

"Bah, bah, bah."

As soon as he came out, he saw Fan Tianlan was covered in snow and was coughing again and again, obviously eating a mouthful of goose feather heavy snow.

The female contestant Maidan was involved, how could he survive the fight, he was directly involved in the snow together, and almost lost consciousness due to freezing.

Rubbing his hands together and taking a breath, Fan Tianlan cast a resentful glance at Shen Li and dared not speak.

If it weren't for being unable to beat you, how could the young master be wronged like this.

Fan Tianlan complained in his heart, but Chen Li was of the ice type, and he was of the water type, so there was no other way for him to restrain him naturally.

"It's what you deserve for making you such a stinking idiot that you like to procrastinate and play." Xiang Yuan smiled gloatingly, turned around and waved hello to the broadcast booth.

"Go, go back."

When the host Bai Yu finished forcing as usual, and noticed the referee's signal to leave, Shen Li took the lead and walked towards the east passage.


"Welcome back, Ali! Welcome back, Xiaoran!"

In the Tianxuan lounge, Wei Xiaoran just opened the door, and the contemporary entertainer Zhao Yaoyao cheered and jumped on her in three steps, smiling and congratulating her.

As for Fan Tianlan and Xiang Yuan, she automatically ignored them.

"A battle without suspense, one-sided." Lu An folded his arms against the wall, smiled and nodded congratulatoryly at them.

But it is also reasonable, the three gods appear together, it is only a ghost that Maidan can win.

If you want to be upset, unless someone Lu comes second.

After they finished their congratulations, Lu An clapped his hands Shi Shiran, motioning for everyone to look over: "Come on, everyone, follow me, I'll make an announcement!"

Zhao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then she raised a smirk on her face and answered decisively: "Why? Master Lu also wants to issue a declaration of independence, declaring that he is an idiot?"

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