Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 973 Lu Mou Wants You To Die In The Third Watch

The disgusting smell of water was transmitted from the nasal cavity to the brain, Lu An frowned, feeling that the matter was not simple.

Something is wrong.

This smell is the smell of some kind of object soaked in water and rotting, and he will never admit it wrong.

But there is no raw fish in his refrigerator at all, so it is naturally impossible to produce this smell.

Where did the fishy smell come from?

Lu An's brain simply ran for two seconds before choosing to stop thinking and hand over the processing plan to the body.

His grandma's, whatever it is, just go in and have a look and it's over.

Thinking of this, Lu An wanted to push the door and enter as soon as he grabbed the door handle.

But to his surprise, the closed quicksand glass door of the bathroom only made a slight "click" sound and was not pushed open.

The door is locked!

"Interesting." Seeing this weird situation, Lu An's mouth curved into a sinister smile.

The bathroom door was locked strangely. It seemed that someone had broken into Lu's house uninvited.

"Think a door can stop me?"

With a slight force in his hand, the doorknob was easily crushed by him, and the broken parts fell to the ground with a clang.


All the internal organs were scrapped, and the glass door was useless to Lu An, so he pushed open the broken door and strode in.

The bathroom is still dark and dead, but the disgusting smell of water is even stronger, as if the real thing is right in front of you.

Lu An backhandedly pressed the switch on the left wall to turn on the light, but there was still no response.

There was a dripping sound not far away, as if the faucet was not turned off tightly.

At this moment, it feels like an immersive ghost movie, and the sense of sight rushes to the face.

But Lu An didn't think much of it, and strode towards the sink with a cold face, his eyes piercing the darkness to see the scene in the washroom.

As always, there was nothing unusual about the usual scene, and there was no horrible corpse lying in the bathtub behind the curtain.

The pervasive smell of water seemed to float out of the void, with no exact direction.

"Pretending to be a ghost."

Lu An turned around and swept his eyes in all directions. A strong and dangerous aura slowly emanated from him. Those who are familiar with him must know that this ruthless man is already impatient.

It's just that Lu An didn't realize that the moment he turned around, he, reflected in the mirror behind him, didn't turn around with him.

Instead, he stared at Lu An's back quietly with a dull expression, and a strange smile suddenly cracked on his numb and cold pale face.


Suddenly! Lu An, who turned around and looked around, suddenly looked back, a pair of black eyes fixed on "self" in the mirror, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Got you......"

The sudden scene was scarier than a ghost, and the reflection in the mirror was dull and numb, as if he hadn't recovered from the fright.

Until then, its appearance gradually changed, and Lu An was able to see its true face clearly.

This is a long-haired man with a bloated body and dripping water all over his body. His face is so bloated that he can't see men and women clearly.

But it's not so much bloat, it's better to say it's caused by the long-term soaking in water and the giant view produced by the decay of the flesh.

His face was protruding, his white membranes and eyeballs were almost popping out, and there was not a piece of intact skin all over his body. A lot of rotting flesh and blood were exposed to the air without any disguise, dripping with corpse water.

The disgusting watery smell emanated from it.

It looks like a highly decomposed drowned corpse soaked in water all year round.

Also known as the water ghost.

"get out!"

The big hand filled with strong blood suddenly pierced through the mirror, forcibly pulling the drowned out of the mirror, and the clean mirror instantly shattered into pieces of broken lenses.

When the drowned body was forcibly brought back to reality, the stench in the air became more intense, and the corpse poison was splashed all over the place along with the corpse water.


The fierce qi and blood burned its bloated body all the time, causing the drowned to howl in pain, but because the throat had already been filled with fishy water, the thick yellow-green corpse water sprayed out directly from the throat.

The corpse water had an extremely stench, and it was also extremely poisonous. When it dripped on the ground, it corroded the floor into a stench.

An ordinary person would definitely not dare to take it hard, but Lu An would not have such scruples, he is so angry that he has nowhere to vent.

"Disturb Laozi and Mengmeng's rest, I won't kill you today, Laozi and your surname."

Although it is not clear who created the drowned corpse and what its purpose is, Lu An only needs to know that he is about to kill.

Five fingers were like steel palms in front, covering the sprayed corpse water and hitting the face of the drowned, grabbing a large piece of its sparse hair and rotten flesh and throwing it aside, the blood mixed with the corpse water exploded instantly shoot out.

When it dripped on Lu An's body, bursts of white smoke ignited, which shows its strong toxicity.

Such a fierce corpse poison, it really came prepared.

Lu An's eyes turned hard, and he punched directly through its abdomen. The fist tore through the carrion and rotten bones, and splashed yellow and green corpse water again.

Corroded the entire restroom.

If this kind of toxicity is replaced by someone else, if you are a little careless, you will really be tricked.

Ba Lie's Qi and blood roared, accompanied by Juli's foot completely crushing the drowning body, the violent noise shook the four directions, and directly awakened Gu Mengmeng in the bedroom.

Subconsciously turning over, he summoned the Bone Buddha and rushed out of the door, and he saw Lu An whose clothes were corroded into disfigurement.

"It smells so bad, what happened to Lu An?!" Seeing the bones under his feet and the messy bathroom, Gu Mengmeng frowned and hurriedly covered her nose.

"Someone attacked, Mengmeng, get dressed quickly."

Lu An's eyes were not friendly, and as soon as he finished speaking, a black light flashed on his body, and the fierce black black robe was already neatly put on by himself.


Gu Mengmeng's mind still in a daze, Shangmei figured out what happened here, but she was right to listen to Lu An.

Just when she was about to take action, the ground trembled again, followed by a roar of both horror and anger piercing the silent night sky.

This roar was like a switch, but it didn't take long for a chain reaction to occur.

The roar and tremor of the energy explosion resounded through the night sky like an earthquake.

Thanks to the fact that the building materials of the living hotel are top-notch in Britain, otherwise it might really collapse.

"Mengmeng, get dressed and come with me." Lu An narrowed her eyes, kicked open the door and walked out of the room.

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the room next to him, followed by a surge of green energy that destroyed the door and a large wall and rushed out with smoke and dust. Adar staggered and fell out covered in blood, coughing a few times.


"Friend?! You were attacked too?"

Adar's body was covered with corroded injuries, he panted a few times and suddenly noticed Lu An not far away, and saw a hint of understanding in his eyes when he was dressed.

Without saying much, Lu An quickly bombarded everyone with messages in the group chat in his head, and immediately woke up many people who were practicing or sleeping.

They were startled when they saw the information edited by Lu An, and immediately realized the abnormality in their room.

"Lu An, did someone attack the hotel, hey, why are you injured, Adar?"

After changing her clothes, Gu Mengmeng stepped out of the room with the Bone Stupa in hand, and then found the slightly embarrassed Adar.

"I was attacked by a water ghost, and I didn't pay attention to its corpse poison." Adar grinned and shook his body, resisting the pain of being corroded.

Damn, I was sleeping in my pajamas, who would have thought that suddenly a water ghost would come out and attack me, and accidentally hit me.

"Stop gossip and save people first."

Without further ado, Lu An used the Tasu Token, and the huge phantom of Qilin penetrated through the upper and lower floors, treating all living people within the range as his own targets, and the high-pitched roar also awakened many people.

Looking at the door of Lierresa's neighbor on the right, Lu An kicked the door open, and saw Lierresa fighting with the ghost, and the walls in the room were completely destroyed by him.

"Lu An?!" Hearing the movement, Leeresa was a little distracted, and couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw Lu An: "Be careful, this guy has no entity!"

Before he could finish his words, a thunder dragon with the destructive power of Zhiyang flew across his eyes, pierced through the wall where the ghost shadow was attached to, and took it out of the balcony and split it into nothingness.

"Let's go." Lierresa was still in a daze, and Lu An quickly moved out of the door to go to Samisha's room.

"Ah oh." Although shocked by Lu An's terrifying thunder, Liel Reza quickly reacted and hurriedly followed out of the room.

Gu Mengmeng and Aida had already dispersed to help, and the entire corridor was filled with tremors and explosions.

Without Lu An going to help, Samisha's door was suddenly kicked out, embedded into the wall of the corridor like a bullet, and half of her rotten body was still hanging from it.

I saw Samisha running out angrily in her pajamas. A hole was corroded in the fabric of her left shoulder, revealing her smooth shoulder.

Then a bone spur bigger than a pillar crashed into the wall, and the tip was still stained with black blood.

It was Hezaben, who also dealt with the sneak attacking ghost in his room.

With their help, other people soon completely wiped out the attacking ghosts and successfully joined forces.

"How could we be attacked suddenly, there is no red dot on the map."

Samisha frowned. In the current situation, they didn't even find out who the attacker was, and they were completely passive.

The incident happened suddenly, completely beyond their expectations.

"Maybe it's the guy who wasn't marked in."

Lu An is very clear that not all the international killers marked by him as red dots are not all, and there are definitely some omissions.

The attack may have been planned by these omissions.

"Xiaosuke, mark all targets that have killing intent on me."

The attack was aimed at the entire hotel, nine out of ten it was aimed at players like them, and the main body was definitely still nearby.

That being the case, it's time for the little assistant to step out.

[Marking completed, located on the roof of the hotel, the host please go to exterminate immediately. 】

The next moment, the bullet screen of the little assistant jumped out to show Lu An the direction.

"I found it. First, see if anyone else needs help. I'll go up and kill that forced-raised mouse."

Without further ado, Lu An immediately shared the location with all Aite on the group chat map, and he took the lead in turning into a bloody rampage, smashing the walls and glass and rushing out of the hotel to take advantage of the trend!

"Listen to Lu An, help first."

The outside world was noisy, but Hezaben remained calm and made the best choice. He leaned over and punched through the ground, directly digging a hole leading to the next floor.

Going upstream along the hotel, it was only then that Lu An noticed that not only their hotel, but the entire hotel park was in chaos, and many hotels were on fire.

It appears to be a premeditated move.

"Heaven has a way, if you don't go, there is no way to hell."

The masked man in black robe was overlooking the chaotic hotel park, laughing wildly in his heart.

However, it didn't take long for him to be happy, and the icy sound of death rushed straight up with a wave of blood, and turned into an extremely familiar young man in front of him.


The moment he saw the young man in Linpao, the pupils under the mask of the Scorpio team member suddenly constricted, and just as he uttered a word in shock, Lu An, who flashed in front of him, pinched the mask with his palm and threw him off the roof!

The black-robed man was like a jet-black shooting star, sending out layers of sonic booms in mid-air, attracting the attention of many people below.

But at the critical juncture, the black-robed man suddenly exploded into ghosts all over the sky, and appeared strangely standing outside the lobby.

And the ghostly shadows he exploded into the sky turned into corpses with different shapes of death, screaming and turning into a storm of corpses and rolling up.

In this moment alone, more than ten drowned corpses were twisted into countless pieces of flesh, and the poisonous corpse water rained poisonous rain in a small area from high altitude.

The voices of these ghouls are extremely penetrating and can interfere with other people's mind and consciousness, but for Lu An, this trick is useless.

What he is least afraid of is the spiritual killing technique.

Thunder and lightning burst out from the front of the fist, Lu An's expression was cold, and he punched the ghoul storm without emotion.


Between the roars, the sky collapsed with thunder and fury!

The sound of thunder and thunder spread for ten miles, a sea of ​​violent thunder descended from the sky and crushed everything, and the storm of ghouls collided with it and instantly annihilated and dissipated, leaving no waves.

Lei Hai stood on top of Lei Hai and looked down indifferently on the Scorpio team members below.

The extremely visually shocking scene made his brain go blank for a moment.

At this moment, I saw a knife slashing through the void suddenly from a room on a certain floor of the hotel, and the light of the knife evolved into countless ethereal maple leaves, sweeping the black-robed team members like autumn leaves!

The timing of this slash was just right, fully seizing the moment when the black robe team member's mind was empty, and slashed with a fatal blow.

"Oh? Interesting."

The moment he saw the light of the sword, Lu An looked towards the source of the attack, and saw a woman with a scabbard around her waist and a samurai sword in both hands also looking at him with extremely sharp eyes.

Rukawa Fuko who looks like cherry blossoms?

Lu An remembers this woman who came out to help her with a knife, and she has seen it many times, she is a serious woman with no smile.

After looking at her twice, Lu An looked at the man in black again.

This guy has quite a lot of life-saving props, and he was shocked by Lei Hai to bear Rukawa Fuko's knife head-on, and it was only the price of paying for a doll.

But at this moment, the black-robed man's situation is not very good, they caused too much noise, the hotel and even nearby players from all over the world have noticed him.

It's hard for people not to suspect this sneaky outfit.

"Where are you going?"

The black-robed man glanced coldly at the nearby players, and was about to randomly pick a lucky one to kill and evacuate from here, but he didn't expect a slightly puzzled question from behind him, which made his hairs stand up all over.

Subconsciously gathered a ghostly shield and turned around to resist, the next moment a huge force collided with him, violent thunderbolts destroyed the ghost shield and blasted on his chest.

The whole person immediately flew across hundreds of meters like a cannonball, smashing many green plants and scenic rocks along the way, and plunged into the artificial lake for a long time without any movement.

"You can't run away, brother, Lu Mou wants you to Sangensi, who dares to keep you until Wugeng."

The black halberd spewed out lightning, looked at the players from other countries who were frozen in place and wanted to help, Lu An withdrew his gaze and stepped on the air straight to Tianxuan's residence, his loud voice resounded through the night sky.

"Xiao Ran, your Huang Xuan borrowed from me to spy on someone!"

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