Sadness overflowed the sea, and I asked myself, Lu An felt that it was not worth it.

After all, when you get Yuan Neng, you can spend it however you want, and the uses of the three Buddha treasures are unknown, but what is certain is that they are definitely not as versatile as Yuan Neng.

What's more, the current function of them is also half-understood.

Lu An scratched his head, sighed in distress, and tried hard not to think about the stolen property.

Thinking about it better, forget about the hoarding of international killers, and just pick up three Buddhist treasures for nothing.


After calming down in the sea, his sad mood improved a lot, Lu An suddenly saw something in the corner of his eye.

Looking sideways, I saw a small submarine stirring the sea water with its incandescent lights, and it was slowly coming straight here.

Compared to the warships on the sea, its size is already small, but compared to Lu An's tiny body, it is still a giant.

Even after a certain distance, the ripples and fluctuations produced by its paddling sea water still affect Lu An's location.

However, this fluctuating force was not enough to make Lu An lose his balance.

The little mermaid swam over and stood side by side with Lu An, watching the submarine approaching curiously.

The speed of the submarine was very fast, and it passed them in a short time, and floated close to the warship to the surface of the sea.

If Lu An's guess is correct, this should be the submarine sent by Britain to search for the submarine base.

It is coming back now, which means that the submarine base has been wiped out, and at the same time it is releasing a return signal.

"I'm going back soon, how about it? Do you want to visit my house? Xiaoha and they are also here."

The submarine searched and returned, and according to what the snake pupil man said, the warship was about to return, and the time to stay here was running out.

Thinking of this, Lu An still turned his head and asked unwillingly, vowing to lure the little mermaid back.

He had been greedy for the little mermaid's body a long time ago, and he couldn't let go of such a great opportunity today.

As long as they can turn back, relying on the assimilation ability of the little white foxes, they can definitely keep the little mermaid.

The charming world of flowers and flowers will surely make it linger and forget to return.


The little mermaid is simple-minded, so naturally she can't see Lu An's wolfish ambitions. It let out a tangled groan, and hugged its head with its two short hands, with a very tangled expression.

While wanting to go, I am reluctant to part with the sea.

"There is a show!"

Seeing its tangled expression, Lu An's eyes lit up slightly.

The little mermaid is naturally timid, leaving the sea is undoubtedly letting it out of the safe zone, which is extremely difficult.

But as long as it is achieved, the rest will not be a problem.

"Is it because you can't bear the sea? It doesn't matter, you just go to my place to have fun, and you can come back anytime you want."

"It's fine with me here, no one will hurt you, Xiaobai and the others will definitely be very happy to see you."

Lu An chased after the victory and added, making gestures with both hands to introduce to it what the little white fox usually does.

Greatly aroused the little mermaid's curiosity.

"Hey... Hey!"

The little face was tangled for a long time, and the little mermaid hesitated for a moment. After some ideological struggle, she finally mustered up the courage to agree.

As if making an extremely important decision, after agreeing, the whole person lay down in the sea water, with a hint of anticipation on his loveless little face.

Although the sea is good, it is also very dangerous. It dare not explore many places.

And there are almost no fish and beasts willing to play and communicate with it, and the only ones they are familiar with are Xiaoha and them.

Every time they go home, the little mermaid will feel very empty, and can only wander in the sea boredly, waiting for a new day to come.

Now that you have a chance, go ashore to find them yourself!

The little mermaid made up her mind, and a Gollum turned over and swam to Lu An's side.

A cute expression that gave him all his wealth and life.

"Then it's a deal! Let's go! I'll send you back when I've had enough fun!"

After successfully abducting the little mermaid, Lu An laughed and swam across the sea. The haze of her family property being stolen instantly lifted her mood.


The little mermaid followed closely behind and surfaced out of the sea, with a golden gleam in the vertical pupils between the brows, and a ball of water condensed to wrap around its small body.

The three spiral water flows slowly rotate around the big water polo like a satellite, and are dedicated to protecting the little mermaid inside the water polo.

Lu An's face was weird, the little mermaid's current appearance reminded him of the hamster in the hamster ball, it was exactly the same.

After confirming that her protective ball was not flawed, the little mermaid groaned in satisfaction, and controlled the water polo to float behind Lu An and hit him lightly, knocking out water stains on his clothes that had just been steamed for a few seconds.

They flew onto the deck one after the other, and the little mermaid hiding behind Lu An instantly attracted a lot of scorching eyes, and many fiery eyes focused on it.

I can't wait to analyze the little mermaid from the inside out.

An unknown and intelligent humanoid creature, you don't need to think about it to know its value!

This is the first time they have seen this kind of marine life so far, and it is definitely a mysterious ancient race!

At this time, the little mermaid has retracted her fish tail, her lower body has regained its transparency and merged with the water polo, only the center of her eyebrows and her pupils are still glowing golden.

Seeing their fiery eyes full of thirst for knowledge, the little mermaid shrank her head timidly, and quietly hid behind Lu An, with the water polo sticking close to him.

A pair of short hands clenched Lu An's clothes tightly, and would not let go even if he was beaten to death.

"Keep your eyes closed, don't scare people."

Lu An turned around unhappily and blocked most of his sight, and panned to Shen Li and the others with his back against the sea.

I managed to get ashore in a flick, and if he was scared back by you crooked melons and dates, he, Mr. Lu, would be furious on the spot.

"Don't be afraid, they are welcoming you."

The little mermaid didn't reply, she grabbed Lu An's clothes tightly, closed her eyes and pretended to be dead, deceiving herself.

The acting is very realistic, if it weren't for the pair of short short hands that gripped his clothes tightly, Lu An would really believe it.


Shen Li had weird eyes, she didn't understand how Lu An abducted the little mermaid.

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be so familiar.

"Wow! Master Lu, this is the little mermaid you mentioned earlier? Why is it here?"

Some people are still watching and wondering, but some people have already taken action, such as Zhao Yaoyao.

She looked listless, jumped off Wei Xiaoran's body nimbly, rushed to Lu An's side in three steps at a time, and bent her knees to get close to the little mermaid.

Through the water polo, she opened her beautiful eyes and looked at the little mermaid pretending to be dead inside.

His eyes were full of curiosity, and he wanted to poke the water polo with his fingers, but he restrained himself very well.

She was worried that if she scared the little mermaid away, she would have nothing to watch.

"Let me take a look! Let me see if it's male or female!"

Xiang Yuan stretched his neck and leaned over, but he was squeezed away by Gu Xiaorou within a few seconds. He had no choice but to release his spiritual consciousness to observe like Andre and others.

"It's really the one from before." Samisha watched closely, feeling puzzled.

She remembered that the special sea area where the little mermaid was located was thousands of miles away from the Sunset Islands, so why did it appear here?

"The ones who followed the heart of the ocean all the way, have been wandering around the archipelago during this time." Lu An briefly explained what happened to them.

"Oh~ Master Lu, you are still eating alone without telling us."

Zhao Yaoyao was upset, this guy actually relied on Gouzi to have a relationship with the little mermaid without telling them.

Simply not human.

"Who told you that you don't have a dog at home." Lu An is not ashamed but proud. He relies on his own pets, which is his skill, and others have not tried to learn it.

"Still mocking me? Just wait, Xiaobai will belong to my family tomorrow!" Zhao Yaoyao protested with her fists clenched, and immediately planned a kidnapping plan in her mind to retaliate against Lu An for mocking her for having no dog.

"Do you know him?"

They were bickering, while Fan Tianlan reached out to poke Tianming to ask related questions.

He has never seen this kind of humanoid creature since he grew up so big. Tian Ming said before that he knew it, maybe he could recognize it.

"never seen it."

Tian Ming readily admitted that he had seen many sea races, but he had never heard of little mermaids.

The pale golden halberd pupils between the eyebrows don't even have any impression.

"It's important, have you seen this thing before?" Rukawa Fuko's eyes pierced through the gaps in the crowd, and precisely locked on the little mermaid who was pretending to be dead.

Strange creature, unfortunately it seems a little afraid of humans.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the slightest impression of this little guy." Tianyan Zhongnai put his hands on his abdomen, with an elegant and calm demeanor.

"Its vertical pupils remind Xiaosheng of the legend of Luo Ra and Poseidon, maybe Luo Ra's players know each other."

Ampere Mingshen smiled and fanned the sea breeze with his fan, leaning against the guardrail and said with a smile: "It's a pity that Luo La's friends are not here, it's a pity."

A group of people focused all their attention on the little mermaid, and they didn't look away even after the warship made a long cry to return.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the warships arrived at Vice Island of the contestants' village that everyone stopped discussing and disembarked one by one.

As soon as many players disembarked, the British soldiers who had been waiting for a long time at the port immediately stepped forward to receive them in an orderly manner.

Time is running out, and the British military has already stationed a temporary camp at the port to receive players from various countries.

Soon after a series of security checks, special soldiers were in charge of picking up the players and conducting a simple investigation.

Lu An was no exception, and was solemnly brought into a place similar to an interrogation room by a male soldier to provide information.

Perhaps it was explained emphatically, the male soldier's expression was tense throughout the whole process, and his words were carefully considered before he dared to speak out, for fear of causing Lu An's displeasure.

Mention of his identity as a hunter is done with care.

Thinking that his identity had been exposed, Lu An had nothing to hide, so he simply disclosed everything he knew to the male soldier for record.

For example, the many international forces involved in the operation, and some noteworthy small intelligence.

It took about an hour for the conscientious male soldiers to record the information completely, and after confirming that it was correct, Lu An was sent out of the interrogation room.

"Contestant Lu An, this is a fully automatic vehicle arranged for you. You can take it to rest in the spare hotel park. The room number is the same as before, and you can activate it with your ID card."

"We apologize for this sudden incident, please don't take it to heart, our country will give you a satisfactory answer in the near future."

Respectfully sending Lu An to the unmanned vehicle, the male soldier quietly glanced at the water polo behind him without a trace, stayed for two seconds and then forcibly looked away.


After gesturing ok to him, Lu An closed the car door casually, and the unmanned vehicle started immediately and headed towards the contestant village at a steady pace.


It was also at the moment when the car door was closed that the little mermaid who had been playing dead suddenly opened her eyes, let go of Lu An's clothes, grabbed the water polo with both hands, and quickly rolled to the side, spitting out bubbles in relief.

The cry was full of hardship and exhaustion, as if pitying myself for playing dead for so long.

"Actually, you don't have to pretend to be dead. They're just curious and won't do anything to you." Lu An smiled and patted the water polo, feeling pretty good.

"Oh~" The little mermaid was still very timid, it was the first time to face so many humans, it didn't dare to act rashly.

No one around has dared to open their eyes until now.

No one disturbed it, and soon the exuberant curiosity was aroused again, lying on the side of the car window and looking curiously at the passing scenery outside the window.

The never-before-seen trees and buildings, as well as Huaguang, had a great impact on the little mermaid who has been in the sea.

They are all magical scenery not found in the sea!

Without disturbing it to watch the scenery, Lu An propped his chin and yawned, staring out the window idly.

Hei Die did this, and he didn't sleep all night, and the sky was about to dawn.

The backup hotel park is just behind the first hotel park, with only a few streets in the middle, and the unmanned vehicles will soon reach their destination after driving all the way.

At this time, there were people coming and going in the backup area everywhere, and they were all players and coaches who had moved over.

Due to the large amount of information, Lu An came a lot later than others, so he could see the scene of this person coming and going.

Get out of the car silently with the little mermaid pretending to be dead again, and quickly walk into the park, ignoring other people's eyes, to the hotel where her room is located.

"Lu An!"

Under the hotel where Tianxuansha Shat belonged, when Lu An came over, he saw Gu Mengmeng stretching out his hand to call out to him, while Zhao Yaoyao and the others were walking Xiaoha on a leash not far away.

"I really envy you, it's not difficult."

Lu An walked over and yawned, and looked enviously at Samisha who was practicing boxing.

Good spirit! Unlike him, he felt that if he didn't sleep, he might die suddenly and die forever.


Xiaoha, who was being caught, smelled a familiar scent, and immediately turned his head to look at it. When it saw the little mermaid, its eyes widened immediately, and it dragged Zhao Yaoyao to hop over and scream.

Her body trembled slightly, but the little mermaid still managed not to open her eyes.

It wants to say hello to Xiaoha, but now there are too many humans around, it dare not open its eyes.

"Elder Ming is here too." Lu An looked at the little mermaid's reaction dumbfounded, and asked Gu Mengmeng in time.

"Well! Master, she has moved here a long time ago, it's upstairs! Xiaobai and the others are also at home!"

"That's fine, I'll go up first, otherwise this little guy will die in a hurry."

After saying goodbye to them, Lu An walked into the lobby and took the elevator back to her floor.

It's still the same style and taste, but the only difference is that the layout of the home has been formatted.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw the three little white foxes playing with their mobile phones on the sofa, and they turned their heads to look at each other when they heard the movement.

"Lu An, you are back! Hey, little fish!!"


The little mermaid immediately let go of Lu An's clothes, rolled the water polo and rushed towards the little white fox and the others.

"You guys play first, I'll take a break, Xiaobai, take care of it."

Lu An stretched his waist and walked into the bathroom to take a shower, and took out the demon relic by the way.

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