“Medusa, take off the ‘blindfold’, I want to see your eyes. ”

Luo Xiu smiled.


Listening to Master Luo Xiu’s request, Medusa was stunned for a moment.

She thought that Luo Xiu was trying to do something special and strange to her.

I didn’t think about it, but I just wanted her to take off her blindfold and look at her eyes.

This was really not what she expected.

It’s just that……

“Master, please forgive me for not being obedient. ”

After a long struggle, Medusa spoke.

She has always been absolutely loyal to the master, but at this moment, she rejected Luo Xiu’s first small request.


The light that was set aside was full of puzzlement.

Like Luo Xiu, she also expects a lot from the eyes under Medusa’s blindfold.

“Sister Medusa, why the hell?”

Radiance asked.

“Master, Radiance, it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t! This blindfold itself is a treasure I hold – self-sealing the Dark Temple”

“It’s powerful enough to completely seal my vision and suppress the power of the Petrified Eye, and if you take it off, you’ll be in danger. ”

Medusa explained solemnly.

“Isn’t it uncomfortable to completely close your vision, to see things without seeing with your eyes intact? Sister Medusa, you must be eager to see me and the commander with your own eyes. ”

Glorious Road.

Listening to the gentle words of concern of the brilliance, Medusa only felt a sharp touch somewhere in her heart.

“No, no, that’s why I can’t take off my blindfold, these ugly eyes can’t hurt me… Partner. ”

Medusa muttered softly.

At this moment, a special touch suddenly entered her nerves, making her subconsciously want to retreat and dodge.

“Medusa, in this world, you are now free to control the MONOCULUS! Trust me!

Luo Xiu’s right hand gently rubbed Medusa’s cheek, giving her confidence.


Under Luo Xiu’s touch, Medusa couldn’t help but lose her mind for a while.

When he loses his mind, his heart also gives birth to strong faith for no reason.

That’s faith in the master, in Luo Xiu.

“I see, master. ”

Medusa nodded firmly, raised her slender hand, and slowly unlocked the seal of the Dark Temple.

Lilac eyelashes tremble slightly.

She slowly opened her eyes, and a brilliant purple streamer quietly flowed by.

“Wow, that’s beautiful. ”

Brilliance covered his mouth in surprise.

“Really… Is it?”

Medusa spoke unconfidently.

As soon as the lilac eyes met Luo Xiu’s eyes, they immediately moved away.

It’s really shy for her to look at others like this.

“Get confident, Medusa. ”

Luo Xiu’s big hand patted Medusa on the shoulder.

“mas…… ter”

Medusa’s natural head-up.

The eyes are facing each other.

“Your eyes are really beautiful. ”

Luo Xiu praised without hesitation.


The girl’s lovely voice echoed in the sky.

Medusa, who triggered the natural stupid attribute, hurriedly raised her slender hand and covered her face, which was flushed with shyness.

Squatted on the ground for a long time and couldn’t come back to his senses.


Luo Xiu laughed happily several times.

“Guanghui, for the sake of new partners, it’s time for a banquet. ”

Luo Xiu ordered loudly.

“Yes, Commander. ”

A glorious smile should be drunk.

“After the banquet, let’s go to the haunted house. ”

Luo Xiu then announced.

“Alas~ haunted house?”

Radiance looked horrified.

“What, are you afraid of the haunted house?”

Luo Xiu asked rhetorically.

“No, no, no, what’s the matter? It’s just sister, by the way, it’s not good if Sister Medusa is scared, or it’s better to change it, such as Sky Island, Fish-Man Island or something, it must be interesting. ”

Radiance pretended to be calm.

“Little Guanghui, haunted house or something, I think it’s very interesting?”

Medusa gradually blended in.

“Then it’s decided. ”

Luo Xiu clappers.




The glorious air carrier sailed away from the sea area of Pearl Island, and the atmosphere on board was harmonious and harmonious.

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The G3 branch, which is responsible for guarding this sea area, is busy at the moment and almost explodes.

Tension and trepidation spread.

In the branch, the hearts of every navy are clouded.

After all, it was the Fifth Emperor who was entering their area now.

The Five Emperors, who had only made a big fuss about the Holy Land Mary Joya a dozen hours ago, were now even more threatening than Whitebeard.

‘Blue Blue Blue’

The sound of phone bugs contacting one after another.

But the most important thing is naturally the one connected to the headquarters.

“Especially Russ, how’s it going?”

Marshal Sengoku’s voice exploded from the other end of the phone.

“Yes, report to the Warring States Marshal, now that the huge battleship of the Five Emperors Luo Xiu has been separated from the Nine Snake Pirates, their meeting is over. ”

The Major General, especially Rass, replied with trepidation.

“Nine Snake Pirates, how are the Seven Martial Sea Boyahan Cooks?”

Sengoku then asked.

“This… The Nine Snake Pirates did not clash with the Five Emperors, but the hull of the ship was slightly damaged, and as for what they talked about with the Five Emperors, they didn’t know that the Empress had sunk our reconnaissance ship again. ”

Major General especially Russ said indignantly.

“Forget it, the top priority now is to monitor that battleship, and we must not lose it. ”

Marshal Sengoku gave the order to die.

Major General, especially Rassa, broke out in a cold sweat.

“I’m really sorry about this, Marshal Sengoku. ”

“What’s wrong again?”

Sengoku was stunned.

“The reconnaissance ships we sent to follow from a distance have all been sunk, and there are unknown powerful flying fire weapons on the opposing warships, and we have … Lose someone. ”

“Nani !!”



Directly above the Red Continent, the Holy Land of Mary Joy.

A full twelve hours have passed since the big event.

The once prosperous and magnificent holy city is now a mess.

The flood waters have receded.

But the traces left behind are still everywhere.

The flowers and trees that were originally neatly trimmed were all broken and scattered under the flood.

Heavy river silt piled up on the neat pavement.

There are also countless ruins of buildings that have collapsed by the impact of the flood…

In addition to these material damages.

What angered the government the most was the loss of personnel.

As the floodwaters receded, the number of people dying from the impact of the sea continued to rise.

In addition to the guards, there were even more than a few Draconians drowned.

Add them.

In this incident.

The death toll of the Celestial Dragons has exceeded the one hundred and forty mark, approaching one hundred and fifteen.

This Mary Joy incident is the biggest gaffe in the 800 years since the establishment of the world government.

The two sides are already no, die, no, and rest!!

At this moment.

Marijoya Central Basilica.

The five world’s highest powers sat or stood, and the atmosphere in the hall was dead and heavy.

The bad news came one after another, and the faces of the five old stars became more and more ugly.

“Five Old Stars”

A government intelligence agent hurried in.

“Five Old Stars, just now, I received a report from the Navy, the Five Emperors… The Five Emperors Luo Xiu appeared in the waters of Pearl Island. ”

“What do you say!!”

“The sea area of Pearl Island, which is at least 10,000 miles away from here!”

“How the hell did he do it in such a short period of time?”

The blonde old star and the other three couldn’t help but lose their voices in shock.

“Could it be the flying machine in last night’s report on the attack on the Peach Rabbit in the Navy?”

Ferdinand, the veteran star in the dark blue suit, guessed.

“Why don’t you let me go, this time it’s definitely going to be a shame. ”

The warrior Lao Xing, who had connected the broken arm, had a gloomy face.


The blonde old star hurriedly vetoed.

“You are too dangerous alone, not to mention the Five Emperors themselves, and it is still unknown where Locks went last night, so you must be cautious. ”

The curly-haired aristocratic old star Dai Gao said in a deep voice.

“What about the matter of Navy Karp and Peach Rabbit Gion, what should I do? Sengoku’s report said that the two of them didn’t know anything about pretending that Salders was the Five Emperors, and they also used the bastard who attacked Peach Rabbit Gion last night to get the woman back as a testimony, but no matter how you look at it, I don’t think it’s natural. ”

The bald veteran star Jov frowned.

“Hmph, whether they know it or not, helping the Five Emperors Luo Xiu is always something that can’t be relied upon. ”

The samurai old star snorted coldly.

“That guy from Sengoku seems to want to keep it to the end. ”

The blonde old star was dissatisfied.

“Since he wants to protect it, let him keep it, anyway, we can’t attack Karp directly, so let’s use this matter to let that thorny Karp do more things according to the plan. ”

“That’s great!”

“Then let’s do it!”



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