


A bell rang from above the nine heavens.


Loud and sonorous.

It’s as beautiful as fairy.

It is like the song of heaven.

Echoing in the sky.

Built to last.

It is the bell of the golden bell tower that has been lost to history for 400 years!!



“What’s going on? Is this the sound of Kojima singing?”

“This is the song of the legendary island of the gods, and I didn’t expect it to be true!!”

“This song… Nearly four hundred years later, the song of God has reappeared. ”

“Thank you, God. ”

When the inhabitants of Angel Island heard the bell, they all folded their hands and prayed devoutly, admiring the beautiful bell.

The other side

Yunyin Village, where the Sandians are located.

All the Sandians who did not participate in the war came out of their tents.

Listening to the bell in the distance, the older generation couldn’t help but shed tears of excitement.

“The glory of our ancestors, the pride of our Sandia, the great bell tower is indeed still somewhere on this empty island, I have always believed it. ”

The chieftain, who was on crutches with the head of the beast, wept excitedly.

“Light the fire of Sandia. ”

Another old man yelled excitedly.

“What kind of sound is this? ”

A little boy asked, looking intoxicated.

“This is the pride of our Sandia. ”

The chief affectionately stroked the child’s little head, and tears of excitement flowed down his face

“Bury the truth in our hearts and remain silent, we are the weavers of history, and we are with the sound of the Great Bell Tower!!”


Island of the Gods, Apayado.

Whether it’s the Sandia warriors led by Webber or the Straw Hat Pirates who happen to be here.

Or a member of the Divine Legion led by Anilu.

Everyone was infected by the beautiful singing voice and temporarily stopped the strife.

The warriors of Sandia wept with their hearts, even Weber, who was known as a war ghost.


The loud laughter echoed in the forest, but it was not from humans, but from a great serpent who had lived for four hundred years, Nolan, the lord of the sky.

Growing up under the sound of the golden bell, it has been thinking about it for 400 years, and it just wants to hear that voice again.

Now I finally got my wish.

Nolan, the Lord of the Sky, writhed as if he were dancing.

At the same time, the energetic boy Straw Hat Luffy, who was swallowed by the giant snake Cassie, had a golden sword in his left hand and a crown in his right hand.

With a bright and sunny smile on his face, he didn’t have the slightest sense of being eaten by the big snake.

“Hey, although I don’t know what’s going on, but you heard it, Uncle Chestnut Head, this is the bell of the Golden Bell, the Golden Township is really in the sky!”

Luffy shouted in disregard.

“Ah, I heard it, Straw Hat Boy, what a wonderful bell, it really is in the sky!”

10,000 meters below the wreckage of Saya Island in Qinghai, Monblang Kulikai, a descendant of the Great Talk King Nolando, lay on his back on the grass, intoxicated by the sound of the golden bell.


“The legendary golden bell of the Sandians really exists, and it has always been on top of my head!”

In the forest, Anilu screamed in shock and delight, not caring about anything else.

“Today is a really good day, from now on, the Golden Bell is mine. ”

Anilu grinned confidently, turned into lightning, and sped towards the top of the huge bean vine he had never set foot on.


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At this moment.

Island clouds of the Golden Bell Tower near the top of a giant bean vine.

“What a wonderful bell it is!”

“I’ve never heard such a nice bell!”

“It’s like the song of angels!”


Vivi, Perona, Radiance and other little girls were all intoxicated by the wonderful sound of the bell.

Even Robin is putting aside the matter of history at the moment.

Concentrate on closing your eyes and feel the beautiful sound of the bell flowing through your heart like a clear spring.

Half a minute later.

Luo Xiu was the first to open his eyes and look at the golden bell tower in front of him.

Such a large bell tower made entirely of gold is naturally worth a lot of money.

If you count the unique sound of the Golden Bell, it is truly priceless.

Even if Luo Xiu had a sufficient amount of gold, I am afraid that he would not be able to completely reproduce the exact same golden bell tower.

This is the only one artificial.

It’s not a thing to just want to pack it up.

Luo Xiu can barely reach the level of the Four Emperors in terms of hard power now.

However, it is natural to rely on the pinnacle of kendo.

In addition to its own strength, even if it has the power of the Liuku Immortal Thief and the Super Soldier Serum, it is still far from monsters like Kaido and Bigmom.

After all, Luo Xiu came to this pirate world, in fact, it was only two short months.

If you want to move the golden bell tower, you still need other people’s templates to add strength.

The physique of the fish-man is said to be ten times that of humans, but it is a pity that even Tiger, the number one master of the fish-people, is far from the humans in space.

Roger and newcomer Ota are not top-notch in terms of pure strength.

In terms of pure power, Locks is much stronger.

It’s just that even Locks has a little difficulty in carrying this golden bell tower that weighs thousands of tons.

“It’s really better to experience the power of the legendary ninja god here. ”

Luo Xiu grinned, and he had already made up his mind.

That’s when it happened.

Sudden mutations.


There was a sudden and unusual fluctuation in the air.

It’s blazing fast.

It’s so fast that it’s completely impossible for the human eye to catch it.

However, for Luo Xiu, who has a top-level insight and domineering ability to foresee the future, this subtle fluctuation naturally can’t escape his perception.

Even if there are more than 1,000 meters away.

Luo Xiu also knew the identity of the person who came.

In the present empty island.

The only one who can have this speed and strength is the second middle school boy who claims to be a god, Anilu, who has the ability to sound the thunder fruit.

Luo Xiu’s eyes flashed red.

What emerges before you is a snapshot of the ephemeral future.

“There. ”

The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised a playful arc, and his gaze fell on the top of the golden bell tower.

One punch, one punch!

A moment later.


In the sky, the blue electric light flashed and disappeared, and it was already at the top of the golden bell tower when it reappeared.

The blinding light of thunder and lightning shone brightly, interweaving into a crouching human form, which eventually fully manifested.

“yeshahahaha, finally let me find…”

Anilu, who had just appeared, was preparing to pretend to be a wave.

However, before he could finish his words, a pitch-black fist flashed in front of his eyes.

Or rather, he took the initiative to send it to the door and hit this fist.


Crimson blood rushed up, mixed with a mouthful of white teeth.


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