“yes hahahaha, 200 million volts – Thor”

Anilu’s thunderous laughter rumbled through the world.

As his words fell, a giant composed entirely of thunder and lightning with a hideous expression appeared.

Filled with a furious and destructive aura, it is the strongest force of heavenly punishment in the world.

At this moment, Anilu seemed to have incarnated as the god of thunder and lightning who was truly in charge of heavenly punishment.

“You’re just some weak mortals, and I’m a god, stupid mortal, now get ready for the sanction from the gods, yeshaha. ”

Anilu, who has become a giant of Thor, is laughing wildly.

He does have the confidence to be proud of.

Under that terrifying thunder god posture, whether it was Ganful, or the war ghost Webber, Zoro and others, they couldn’t help but despair.

I can’t give birth to the slightest thought of fighting against it.

That breath of destruction is beyond the scope of their common sense.

Who can compete with this terrifying force comparable to natural disasters?

And how to fight it?

In despair, the same person unconsciously appeared in everyone’s minds.

It was as if it was the light of hope that broke through their confusion and fear!

It was the figure of the ruler of the sea standing on the top of the golden bell tower!

“Yahahahaha, weak mortals, tremble under the power of God, are you ready for the wrath of God?”

Thor Giant Anilu laughed confidently and openly.

After entering the Thor mode, his self-confidence swelled to a few points, and he was invincible and invincible, an omnipotent thunderbolt god who was in charge of all life in the world.

“yes hahahaha… Ga”

However, Anilu’s smug laughter didn’t last long, and it came to an abrupt end.

At the same time, Luo Xiu’s figure, which was originally under the collective gaze of Nami, Robin and others, suddenly disappeared.

Reappeared and jumped near the giant Thor giant.


Aini’s road color changed, and a violent warning of danger came to him from his heart.

Looking at the faint playful smile hidden in Luo Xiu’s eyes, Anilu’s heart was cold, and he couldn’t help but feel afraid.

“Abominable abominable abominable, you mortal, go and die. ”

Anilu shouted, dispelling the fear in his heart, and controlled Thor’s giant fist towards Luo Xiu above his head.

“Immortal Wood Escape Really Thousands of Hands”

Luo Xiu’s lips opened lightly and said calmly.


The earth shook violently.

The strongest ultimate move belonging to the Thousand Hands Pillar of the Ninja God exploded at this moment.

A 100-meter-high wooden thousand-armed Guanyin statue was born from Luo Xiu’s feet.

This is also the reason why Luo Xiu did not go all out, otherwise the size could be at least tripled.

“Ahhh Ahh

Look at the terrifying deterrence brought by the majestic thousand-armed Guanyin.

Anilu, who had taken the form of Thor, was shocked for a moment.

The Thor-God posture that he was proud of was only the younger brother of the younger brothers in front of the statue of the thousand-armed Kannon.

Not to mention the terrifying deterrence that comes with it.

“I’m just a human being, but my thunder and lightning are the strongest!!”

Anilu was impotent and furious, roaring with a firm wavering faith.

The thunderbolt trident mercilessly attacked Luo Xiu on the statue of Guanyin with a thousand hands.


Luo Xiu shook his head helplessly, and pressed his right hand suddenly.

Two large wooden hands headed straight for the lightning trident.

In the furious power of the thunderbolt, the big wooden hand exploded.

However, Anilu’s thunderbolt trident was also defeated by Luo Xiu’s big hand, turning into countless electric currents and fires escaping.

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There are still 998 hands left!


Luo Xiu grinned.

The true number is nine hundred and ninety-eight hands.

The fist containing terrifying power that could tear apart the mountains and rocks rained down on Anilu’s Thor’s body.

Blow it apart.

Countless electric lights accompanied by sawdust.

This scene is like the destruction of the world!!

“What kind of power is that? Thor, Anilu… It’s blown up!”

Webb’s eyes widened in horror.

“God, the power above Anilu! Is this the power of the sea ruler of Qinghai?”

Sky Knight Ganfort shouted.

“It’s too strong!”

Zoro’s eyes twitched.

“It’s… The power of the Emperor of the Sea?”

On the rooftop, Nami’s red lips open slightly, opening intermittently.

“It’s really amazing, I’m really far from it now. ”

Luffy, the straw hat who has always been confident in himself, is a rare silent whisper at this time.

“He’s the man I’ve gambled all my money on! Saulo, I think I’ve found it!”

Robin whispered softly.

“My country, our Alabastan is now under his control, is this a bad thing or… A good thing?”

Vivi shook her head silently.


A terrible scream like a pig was heard.

Originated from Anilu, who was among the disintegrated Thor giants.

“This kind of thing… How…… How could it happen !!”


Countless large hands completely submerged his body.

After counting the interest.

Luo Xiu’s real thousand-handed offensive was suspended and ended.

A deep pit with a radius of more than 100 meters appeared on the ground.

This is still the result of Luo Xiu’s deliberate control.

If you let the power of thousands of hands really break out in full force.

Not to mention the whole island.

At least this golden town, which has only seen the light of day after 400 years, will be completely history, completely razed to the ground.

As for Anilu himself.

Even if you are a natural ability, if you don’t have enough physical strength to elementalize, you will be beaten into a puddle of meat sauce under the power of thousands of real hands.

This is not the result that Luo Xiu wants.

Although Anilu, this kid is a little arrogant and a little second, but in terms of strength, he is barely okay and can enter Luo Xiu’s eyes.

Roger and the others in the soul space can’t act at will.

Now Luo Xiu, the Five Emperors, only has two barely enough characters to see, Ryoma and Klokdal.

Since you want to dominate the world, the more available combat power around you, the better.

It’s rare to come to the empty island, and when you meet it, you have to do something.

However, before taking it in, Luo Xiu still has one more thing to do.

That is to teach the second secondary school boy Anilu a good lesson, so that he can endure the beating of society.

“Are you ready, Shock Boy. ”

Luo Xiu looked at Anilu who was paralyzed in the pit and grinned.

“No… No…… Don’t you come here!!”


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