The island of the gods, Apayado, a secret cave.

Luo Xiu carried Anilu, who was as miserable as a dead dog in one hand.

Take Robin, Vivi, Radiance and other girls into this secret construction base of Anilu.

Soon after, the narrow dark corridor came to an end.

What appeared in the sight of Luo Xiu and his party was a huge golden ship, the Ark Proverbs.

It took six years for Anilu to empty all the gold in the Golden Township of Chandora.

Then gather all the young and strong labor force on the sky island, and spend six years of hard work to build an electric ‘spaceship’.

The gear conversion device made of pure gold can minimize the loss of electrical energy.

This Golden Ark Proverb is the most luxurious car Anilu has prepared for himself to travel to the infinite earth.

It’s just a pity that Anilu’s fate is the same as that of Moria and Klokdal.

After six years of hard work, after all, it was in vain to make someone else’s wedding dress.

This Golden Ark, from now on, belongs to Luo Xiu.

“Wow, boat… Alas, ships made of gold!”

At the first sight of the Golden Ark, Wei Wei couldn’t help but let out a shocked exclamation.

“I see, the gold in the Golden City is gone, and it is all used to build such a golden ship, which is really luxurious. ”

Robin couldn’t help but exclaim.

“For such a large golden ship, the value of gold alone is already more than a trillion! ”

Robin estimated.

“Trillions! Double! Two trillion!”

Listening to Robin’s valuation of this Golden Ark, Vivi and Perona, who were already very shocked, were suddenly stunned.

Completely amazed by this astronomical number.

Especially Weiwei, as a princess of a country, she is also very concerned about the country’s livelihood issues.

Two trillion is almost the sum of the production of their Alabastan for several years.

“Let’s go, go up and have a visit. ”

Luo Xiu smiled, and first carried Anilu onto the ark Proverbs.

Throwing the shivering Anilu on the deck at will, Luo Xiu led everyone inside and out, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

“Except for this big face that looks a little unsightly, everything else is not bad, hard work. ”

Luo Xiu smiled and spoke, and raised his hand to smooth the face of the god statue that Anilu had specially made for himself.

If it had been before, according to Anilu’s temper, I am afraid that he would have been angry enough to explode.

But now, he really has no temper.

The eyes that looked at Luo Xiu were full of fear, as if he was looking at a demon.

Mo said that he was still seriously injured, and he couldn’t even move a little.

Even if he was in his heyday, he would never dare to do anything with Luo Xiu at this time.

There is no other reason.

I was really scared by Luo Xiu’s so-called ‘social beating’.

It’s just that when I think of the fruits of my six years of hard work, I was picked halfway.

Anilu would still have heartache and couldn’t breathe.

I knew it was like this…

Knowing that this would be the result, he might as well sit on the boat and leave as soon as possible, otherwise it would be a hundred over.

It’s a pity that it’s hard to buy.

“Commander, this Golden Ark seems to be electrical. ”

Radiance judged.

As a ‘ship’, the focus of Brilliance was naturally different from the previous visit.

“It’s electricity, it’s really glorious. ”

Luo Xiu encouraged Guanghui to give a reward for touching his head and killing.

“I see, that’s why Master Luo Xiu deliberately left this Anilu. ”

Robin nodded abruptly.

“It’s just Lord Rosho, this Anilu doesn’t seem to be a obedient character. ”

Robin frowned worriedly.

“Hehe, I have my own way of this. ”

Luo Xiu grinned.

Looking at the smile on Luo Xiu’s face, the look of horror in Anilu’s eyes was even worse.

He used his hands and feet together, crawling in a hurry.

He wants to stay away as much as possible from the man he regards as the demon king.

“How’s it going, kid, do you want to swear to surrender to me. ”

Luo Xiu asked with a smile.

“What are you kidding, I’m a god!”

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Anilu, who was seriously injured and frightened, subconsciously said cheaply.

As soon as the words came out, they regretted it.

I can’t wait to give myself two big mouths right away.

“Well, there’s no way around it. ”

Luo Xiu smiled and reached out his left hand.

A faint blue glow spread out like tentacles.

“No… Don’t, what are you going to do?ahhh

Anilu resisted very much.

wanted to escape, but how could he escape from Luo Xiu’s palm.

“I advise you not to resist uselessly, you will die. ”

Luo Xiu’s kind reminder.

Double-handed blue hands, the soul cognitive modification ability is activated!!

The expression on Anilu’s face was momentarily stunned, like a fool.

Transparent saliva dripping uncontrollably.

A two-handed hand that is both life-threatening.

The physical modification of his right hand, Luo Xiu has already tested it many times with the Nine Snake Pirates, and he is very proficient.

About the left hand soul modification though.

Now it’s the first time.

Originally, this was the first time, and Luo Xiu was going to use it on the proud and conceited Klockdahl.

As a result, because he discovered the little secret in the depths of his memory, Klocodahl confessed and surrendered.


Luo Xiu gave up.

After that, we went to the Albana Royal Palace to negotiate with King Cobra.

Luo Xiu thought that if he couldn’t talk in the end.

Maybe it will be up to both hands to revise the cognition of Kobra and others.

Unexpectedly, however, the cooperation negotiations went well.

As the king, Kobra is very intellectual.

In this way, Luo Xiu couldn’t deliberately move his soul.

After all, the soul is the foundation of human beings.

If you don’t get it right, you will become demented and become a complete waste.

But Anilu didn’t have so many concerns.

If it fails, anyway.

It’s a big deal, no spaceships.

Just dismantle it and pack the gold away.

Time passed little by little.

About three minutes later.

Luo Xiu’s left hand left Anilu’s head, and the blue soul modification power converged.

“Did it work? ”

Medusa asked.

“Pretty much succeeded. ”

Luo Xiu nodded.

Another half minute later.

Anilu, whose head hung motionless, finally reacted.

“Lord Shinrashu, my master, please command!”

Under the extremely shocked gaze of Wei Wei and the other little girls, Anilu knelt down on his knees in front of Luo Xiu.

Anilu, who has always been invincible and thinks he is invincible in the world, is now pious and loyal.


For this result, Wei Wei and the others suddenly widened their beautiful eyes in surprise.

“If you regain some strength, start the ark now. ”

Luo Xiu ordered.


Anilu dragged his badly wounded body into the cabin.

The dazzling electricity swept across the ship in an instant.

Thick black smoke rose from the ship’s chimney.

With the charging of the power bank of the Aini street sign, the Golden Ark flew out of the mountainside and crossed the mountain.

Amid the shouts of the people of the Sky Island and the Straw Hats, and the farewell bell of the Golden Bell, they headed for the sky.

The next target is the Golden Lion Shiki!!


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