It was 11 a.m.

There are still four hours left before the public execution of Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Heaven and earth are changing.

The eyes of the world are focused on the battlefield above.

Countless people are looking forward to the huge war that is about to take place in the Navy headquarters.

A war between the navy and the old king of the New World, the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard.

People believe that the outcome of this battle will determine the future course of the world.

Compared to other seas, people can only wait for the final report.

The people of the Chambord Islands were much luckier.

Due to the close enough distance to the headquarters of the Navy.

The Chambord Islands can receive live footage directly from the Navy Headquarters.

At this moment.

The live broadcast square of the Chambord Islands is crowded with people.

Journalists from the world’s major newspapers gathered together, staring at the central live broadcast screen without blinking.

The good-looking and lively aristocrats and wealthy people continue to flock to see this grand event of the times with their own eyes.


In the higher areas of the outer part of the square, there are one after another pirates who have gone through countless hardships and walked to Chambord.

Among them, the most striking are the supernovas who have a bounty of more than 100 million.

Captain Eustace’s Kidd Pirates, Becky the Bandits’ Flame Tank Pirates, Joe Elibonnie’s Bonnie Pirates;

Trafalgaro’s Heart Pirates, Sky Island Monster Monk’s Ringbreaker Pirates, and Magician Hawkins’ Hawkins Pirates;

Former Rear Admiral Drake Pirates and the Radio Pirates of the Nagahand Clan’s Kaiming Apu.

No matter which one of them is a super rookie pirate group with great talent and strength, Zatui appeared in the same year, which is the first time since the opening of the pirate era.

Their simultaneous appearance seems to herald the coming of an era for a new man.

And this time, the start of the war between the old Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters in the New World has confirmed this even more.

As the most high-profile supernovas of the year, Kidd and others are particularly concerned about the aftermath of this war.

Will the curtain of the old era, represented by Whitebeard, fall?

Is a new era for them coming?

That’s what they really care about.

Except for the eight supernova pirates gathered in the square.

There is another relatively inconspicuous supernova team on this island.

That team is naturally the Pirates Straw Hats.

If it is according to the original plot.

The Straw Hats who defeated the Seven Martial Seas Klokdal and Moonlight Moria one after another, and made a big fuss about the government’s Justice Island, are naturally the most dazzling new stars.

Even if Yustaki Kidd’s bounty was fifteen million higher than the Straw Hat’s 300 million, it still couldn’t cover his brilliance.

In the current timeline though.

With the appearance of Luo Xiu, the butterfly effect is generated.

Everything has changed dramatically.

In the Alabastan incident, Rosho took Klockdahl ahead of schedule.

Straw Hat Luffy failed to defeat Klockdahl, and the bounty remained at 300 million.

The events that followed the Water City.

Due to Robin’s failure to join the Straw Hats.

The Straw Hats didn’t break into Justice Island for their partners.

In the City of Water, it solves everything.

Defeating CP9 also made Straw Hat Luffy’s bounty cross the supernova threshold of 100 million.

Because of Luo Xiu, the Straw Hats’ trip to paradise can be called smooth.

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On the other hand, they who have not made big news will naturally not be too conspicuous in this sea.

If the Straw Hats can beat up the Draconians in Chambord, their popularity will increase significantly.

It’s a pity.

The big Mary Joy event a little over a month ago.

Luo Xiu killed too hard.

Even the Draconians who are still alive are now shrouded in a heavy shadow in their hearts.

In a short period of time, I didn’t dare to go out again to make waves.

And the Charross family, who should have been beaten away by the Straw Hats, had already been slaughtered by Luo Xiu.

As a result, the Straw Hats naturally lost their last chance to be in the limelight.

At this moment.

The humble supernova Straw Hat Pirates gather at Thirteen’s Ripper Bar.

‘Da Da Da’

The sound of hurried and continuous footsteps vibrated one after another.

It was the anxious shaking of Straw Hat Luffy’s legs.

Two days.

As a result, he was unable to regain Sabo’s memory.

Ace’s execution is imminent.

However, they still resided in the islands of Chambord.

How can this not make Straw Hat Luffy very anxious.

“Xia Qi, when will the time come when you said?”

Straw Hat Luffy spoke urgently.

“Well, little Mengqi, don’t worry, anyway, it’s only half an hour’s distance between Chambord and the Navy Headquarters, so it’s too late. ”

Natsuki shoved a glass of juice in front of Luffy.

“Sister Xia Qi is right, Sabo’s younger brother, if you have to go, it’s better to wait, it’s best to wait for the Whitebeard Pirates to arrive, and then we use your little lion ship to break in from the sky, the power of your Thousand Suns should be fine, right?”

Kella Road.

“The power of the Thousand Suns is super powerful. ”

The perverted French makes a signature move.

‘Jingle Bell’

That’s when it happened.

The doorbell rang at the bar, and everyone in the room was shocked.

“Could it be that the person Sister Xia Qi is waiting for is here?”

Nami subconsciously guessed.

However, the end result was far from her conjecture.

Pushing open the door of the bar, all that appeared in their sight was a slightly handsome and stylish white-haired old man.

“Old Ray, welcome back. ”

Xia Qi smiled.


The girl Alice exclaimed happily.

“Reilly, you’re back!”

Octopus Hachi also greeted happily.

As Octopus Hachi’s words fell, the atmosphere in the bar was suddenly stagnant.


“This old man is Reilly!!”

“Could it be the right hand of One Piece… Is that the Immortal Reilly!!”


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