The time is one quarter at noon.

The Naval Headquarters Bay Plaza.

Ace, with a gloomy expression, took heavy steps and stepped onto the execution table step by step under the escort of two executioners with long bayonets in their hands.

At this time, the headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fodo, gathered elite naval admirals from all over the world.

It has turned into a tiger’s den in Longtan, waiting for the Whitebeard Pirates to throw themselves into the net.

100,000 naval elites are distributed all over the square, densely packed.

The elite of the navy were full of fighting spirit, and they formed one, and even the clouds in the sky were scattered.

Standing at the forefront of the army of the Navy Headquarters were the five kings of the Seven Martial Seas who had been summoned.

Shakhlokdal, Bartholomew the Bear, Don Quixote Dove Lamingo, Jorah Colmihawk and Empress Bojahan Cook.

The other two Seven Martial Seas, Haixia Jinping, were imprisoned in the Advance City for resisting the war.

Moonlight Moria exited early.

And the new Seven Martial Seas Blackbeard, who succeeded him, was planning to capture the city at this time.

Without Straw Hat Luffy’s early trouble, he wants to break through the Advance City, and it will not be too easy.

Directly below the execution table is guarded by what is known as the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters.

Three admirals – Kuzan the Pheasant, Polusalino the Yellow Ape, and Sakasky the Akainu.

On the execution table, Marshal of the Navy Headquarters Buddha no Sengoku stood beside Ace who was about to be executed with a phone bug in his hand.

The strongest formation of the Navy Headquarters has been completed!!

The square resounded with the cheers of mountains and tsunamis.

All the admirals and colonels were highly motivated and ready for battle.

I want to take this opportunity to defeat the fleet of the Four Emperors Whitebeard, the overlord of the New World, in one fell swoop.

“Before I do that, I have one more thing to tell you. ”

Sengoku spoke, and the voice rang out over the entire naval headquarters through the expansion of the phone bug.

At the same time, it is also echoing on islands around the world that are watching this matter.

“Portcas D Ace, report your father’s name here. Sengoku shouted.

Hearing this, the expression on Ace’s face was unnatural for a moment, and in a blink of an eye, he returned to normal, and said calmly: “My father is Edward Newgate with the white beard.” ”

“Not right”

Sengoku categorically denied it.

“That’s right, my dad is only Whitebeard alone, and no one else. ”

Ace yelled.

“At that time, we desperately searched for the last possibility of that person left, and we only relied on the information of CP to conduct a careful investigation of newborn and unborn babies and their mothers, but we found nothing!

And of course, because your birth was bought at the cost of your mother’s life, and that woman deceived us and the whole world, and your mother’s name is Portcas D Lujiu.”

“This woman’s actions are far beyond our common sense, and it is completely counterintuitive to keep you in her belly for twenty months, but it is also because of this that you are saved!

One year and three months after your father’s death, a baby was born who inherited the most evil bloodline in the world, and you should know that your father’s name was One Piece Gore D Roger. ”

The Warring States roared hoarsely, revealing to the world this shocking secret that had been hidden for more than 20 years.

At this moment, the headquarters where 100,000 sailors had gathered was silent, and the square of the Chambord Islands was quiet!

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All the islands that could receive the words fell into a terrible silence.

“One Piece’s… Blood, it still exists!”

“Fire Fist Ace is the son of that One Piece!”

“Is the world’s most evil bloodline still in this world?”

“The legend of One Piece continues!”

“It’s great that he’s caught, and the son of One Piece must have inherited his brutality. ”

“Hahahaha, this execution is really the best performance!”

“This is big news, hurry up and write the article, we want to spread the news to the world as quickly as possible. ”


The short silence was followed by an even more violent outburst, with the troops of the Navy headquarters boiling and the journalists of the Chambord Islands ‘rioting’.

People all over the world are fearful and hateful.

At the Navy Headquarters, the Sengoku Speech continues.

“Fire Fist Ace, taking down your head here today will be of great significance, so even if an all-out war breaks out with Whitebeard, we will not hesitate to fight, gentlemen. ”

When the words of the Warring States fell, the entire bay erupted in a thunderous cheer.

“It’s coming”

At this moment, the sailors in charge of monitoring the coastline suddenly shouted.

“All staff, be prepared for the onslaught. ”

The shrill sirens resounded through Marinefodo at this moment.

At this time, in the dense fog off the coast of the naval headquarters, the shadow of a large pirate fleet loomed.

The forty-three affiliated pirates under the name of the Whitebeard Pirate Ship were the first to appear.

Doma the Ranger Knight, Marcugai Ray, the Dikarban Brothers, Skuyard the Great Vortex Spider, Pee the Ice Witch…

Either one is a famous pirate captain in the New World, who is now recruited by Whitebeard to fight in the war.

In the next second, a shocking change that was unexpected by everyone was born again.

In the center of the full moon-shaped bay, a huge whirlpool ripples surround, as if some behemoth was about to rise to the surface, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Hey, hey, it’s not like it’s coming out of the unexpected. ”

“I see, their main ship is coated and ready to invade the bay directly from the bottom of the sea. ”

The Grand Staff of the Navy Crane concluded.

Just as Vice Admiral Tsuru’s voice fell, three pirate ships belonging to the Whitebeard Pirates.

The huge whale ship, the Moby Dick, burst out of the sea at this time.

In front of a whale ship, a domineering old man with a tall figure and a naginata knife stood on the head of a huge flat whale.

The white beard with a crescent moon is his trademark.

He’s the king of the sea from the last era, no, or rather, from the time of Locks to the present day—

Four Emperors Whitebeard Edward Newgate!!

“Kulalalala, haven’t seen you for decades, Warring States, during this time, my beloved son has really been taken care of. ”


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