“Drink, ah, ah, navy imp of the new era, your opponent is my John!!”

Old John’s imposing roar suddenly fell from the sky, attracting the attention of the people of the Gulf Battlefield.

“Look, someone is coming down from heaven!”

“Someone jumped off that terrible golden ship!”

“Is it really the minions of the Five Emperors Luo Xiu?”

“Pheasant General, be careful!”


Under the gaze of a group of sailors and pirates.

Holding two knives, John, the sea thief who fell from the sky, slashed mercilessly towards the head of the general pheasant, and then exploded.


The general pheasant only had time to make a ‘ah-la-la’ sound, and then his entire body was cut off by the two Western swords that fell from the sky.


“Pheasant General!!

The sailors who witnessed this terrible scene were all shocked and silent.

“Don’t be in a hurry, idiots!”

The lieutenant general’s majestic shouting of the ghost spider overpowered the screams of the sailors.

“Our navy’s admiral is not such a simple person who will be defeated!”

The elite lieutenant general of the headquarters opened his mouth confidently.

“Hahaha, what admiral?

John, who slashed the general Pheasant twice, laughed arrogantly.

However, the next second.

Captain John’s laughter from behind him froze suddenly.

It came to an abrupt end like a duck stuck in its throat.

“Frozen – Moment”

With the words of the general pheasant, it fell.

The extremely cold aura suddenly turned into a white mist and spread, enveloping John’s entire body.

Wait until the white fog clears.

The arrogant Captain John has been reduced to an ice sculpture, completely frozen in ice.


“It’s really worthy of our Pheasant General!”

“Five Emperor Luo Xiu’s subordinates are not a big deal!”

The sailors shouted excitedly.

“That idiot!”

Locks on the golden ship, Luo Xiu and others on the empty mother all stroked their foreheads in unison, and couldn’t bear to look directly at John who was ‘seconds’.

On the other hand, the captains of the pirates affiliated to Whitebeard also felt the same way.

“That’s an idiot!”

“yes, it must be an idiot!”

“That idiot seems to have called himself John before, and I seem to have a bit of an impression of that name?”

New World Captain Rider Doma looked suspicious.

“John… Huh?”

Ice Witch Pei’s face stiffened slightly.

“Impossible! Impossible! Even if he calls himself John, even if he looks exactly like the legendary sea thief John, how could such an idiot be Daddy’s ex-partner!

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Lei Qing Maku Gay shook his head again and again in denial.

“Hey, everyone, look, there’s someone flying out of that golden spaceship again!!”

Brother Dikalban exclaimed.

“That person is…”

“Is that man…”

“Flying Pirate Golden Lion Shiki!!”



The golden lion Shiki’s unruly laughter resounded over the naval headquarters.

With John’s idiot in front of him, Lao Tzu’s appearance will inevitably shock the world-the golden lion Skeme thought

His speed increased suddenly.

After a while, you will be directly above the Crescent Bay.

The golden lion Shiki’s unruly and cunning triangular eyes scanned the audience, and finally fixed on the marshal Sengoku and the hero Karp on the execution table.

“Hahaha, the Warring States, Karp, the Navy and the world, I haven’t seen you for twenty years, I really miss it!”

The golden lion Shiji laughed wantonly and flamboyantly, expressing his inner happiness to the fullest, and announcing his return to the world.

“That man is… Is that person…”

“Flying Pirate Admiral – Golden Lion Shiki !!”

“Legend… Legend has it that !!”

“That’s Shiki, the golden lion who is as famous as One Piece Roger and Whitebeard!”

“Golden Lion Shiji, the only man who broke the myth of being undefeated in Advance City and successfully escaped from prison, appeared here today after twenty years, what is he going to do?”


After recognizing the appearance of the golden lion Shiki in the sky.

All the sailors’ eyes widened, their faces full of disbelief, and their hearts were full of uneasiness.

Just a white beard is hard enough.

The second Emperor of the Sea, the Fifth Emperor Luo Xiu, was still in the sky.

At this moment, even the golden lion appeared!

How can this not be frightening on the part of the Navy?

You must know that the Golden Lion Shiki is a super legend of the same era as Whitebeard.

And for this naval headquarters, the golden lion has left a strong mark here.

Twenty-two years ago, the Golden Lion broke into the Navy Headquarters alone and almost overthrew the Navy Headquarters with his own strength is still vivid, leaving a deep shadow on the hearts of many veteran sailors.

At that time, the navy relied on the joint efforts of Karp and the two legendary veterans of the Warring States to subdue this crazy lion.

Now, this mighty lion has once again come to Marinfodo, how can it not be shocking and terrifying!

Chambord Islands Live Square.

With the high-profile appearance of the golden lion Shiji, all the video phone bugs focused on him.

In the square, all the reporters and onlookers opened their mouths wide, completely ignoring the landing of the quill pen.

The silence lasted only for a moment, and the next moment the square boiled.

“Shocked! The once legendary sea pirate Golden Lion Shiji appeared on the battlefield!”

“That Flying Pirate Admiral Golden Lion is not dead?”

“Is the Golden Lion Shiji already allied with the Five Emperors Luo Xiu?”

“It’s not good! It’s not good! The two sea emperors, plus the legendary flying pirates, this war is going to go berserk!”

“What will be the outcome of this war? Can the Navy still exist?”

“Hurry up, no matter what the outcome, our mission is to send the intelligence of this war to any corner of the world. ”


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