Navy Headquarters, Marina Fodo Bay Inner Plaza.

Standing at the top of the world, the fierce battle between the naval hero Karp and the resurrected sea overlord Locks continues.

This is a continuation of the Battle of the Isle of the Gods thirty-six years ago.

Patches of air explosions rang out in the sky.

It was the ultimate hedge between the overlord of the sea, Locks and the hero Karp, fist to fist

The terrifying power rippled around the two of them, forming an invisible field of power.

A sonic boom burst in the middle of the square.

A circle of blinding white light erupted from the place where Locks and Karp clashed, forming a violent shockwave that spread out towards the surrounding area, rolling up countless dirt and stones.

‘Boom Boom’

There were three loud bangs in succession, and the ground of the square collapsed at this moment, forming three distinct layers.

In the center of the battlefield, the ground was sunken down for several meters, and on the ground, the cracks were as dense as spider webs, intertwined.

Outside the center of the duel between Locks, the overlord of the sea, and the legendary of the navy, within a radius of several hundred meters, no one could get close.

Any seaman who accidentally stepped into it would be severely injured by the powerful aftermath.

Even Karp could no longer be distracted by the protection of the other sailors.

In a fierce battle at their level, any small mistake will lead to a final defeat.

“Iron Fist”

Karp let out a loud shout, and his right fist instantly became as hard as a diamond.

At the same time, on top of the casserole-sized fist, a circle of pitch-black armed color domineering wrapped around it, with a strong sense of strength.

Just as the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing is cultivated to the extreme, it can produce the ability to see the future.

The pinnacle of the domineering armament color is not only limited to strengthening, but also has various changes.

There is no doubt that Karp’s armed color is domineering, and he can see the sea, and he is definitely one of the pinnacle existences.

And the path that Karp took was the ultimate power, without other changes, and some were just the ultimate crushing power.

This punch is as heavy as a mountain.

Karp hung upside down in mid-air, his legs curled up and his right hand stretched to the extreme.


Karp kicked his feet backwards, and the air exploded under his feet, bursting out with a powerful reaction force that propelled Karp towards Rocks at breakneck speed, while Karp’s right fist slammed out like a meteor.

“Hahahaha, come here, bastard Karp!!”

Locks let out a maniacian laugh.

The same right hand formed a fist, and the darkness with a trace of blood-colored ghost and god qi was entwined upward, colliding with Karp head-on.

Like Karp, Locks also follows the path of physical skills that are trained to the extreme in armed colors.

His armament color doesn’t pursue any other variations either, and like Karp, all the bonuses are on top of strength.

No matter how many things you change, I will break them with one punch.

At this point, Karp and Locks rarely agree on the same philosophy.

Finally, Karp’s iron fist collided with Rocks’ indomitable fist like a meteorite.

The extreme power hedge made the heavens, earth, time and space fall silent at this moment, and everything lost its voice.

In the next moment, with a loud ‘boom’ sound, the sea stirred up a thousand waves, and the surging did not stop.

After the Navy Headquarters, various civilian buildings in the town collapsed one after another.

In the square in the bay and on the ice battlefield in the bay, the sound of explosions was everywhere, and there were gunsmoke and sparks everywhere.

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Countless shells and bullets that had just been discharged exploded under the domineering impact before they hit the ground or hit the opponent.

Some of the weaker navies and pirates even vomited blood and flew upside down directly under the impact, lying on the ground motionless, and lost consciousness.

“Locks !!”

Karp let out a low growl.

At the end of this earth-shattering duel, his left hand formed a fist and swung out, bringing a violent gust of wind.

When Karp’s left fist was only a few centimeters away from Rocks’ chest.

Locks’ free right hand reached out like lightning, grabbing Karp’s wrist like a pincer.

Cut all the power of the fist so that it can’t move at all.

Karp quickly withdrew his right fist, and at the same time, his body was half-spun, and his right leg swept out like an iron whip.

Everywhere he passed, the void twisted and rippled, and a piercing sound of air explosions was heard.

Locks smiled maniacally, didn’t dodge, and kicked out the same kick, targeting Karp’s standing left leg.

One kick broke Karp’s balance, and at the same time, the right hand that grabbed Karp’s left wrist slammed into force, throwing Karp off like a weapon.

Dozens of laps later, Locks let go, allowing Karp to spin and fly upside down toward the execution table.

It all happened between the lights and the fire.


‘Moon Step’

Seeing his comrade-in-arms Karp being thrown away,

Marshal Sengoku on the execution table could no longer calmly ‘watch the show’, and his figure suddenly swept out and caught Karp, who was spinning and flying upside down.

“Karp, are you alright?”

Sengoku asked with a frown.

“It’s fine. ”

Karp’s face was full of determination, and he did not waver in the slightest.

The previous duel, which seemed to others to be the most terrifying, was just a warm-up for Karp.


On the other side, Locks, who had a slight upper hand and threw off Cap, fell to the ground.

Stand still in the encirclement network of tens of thousands of sailors in the square in the bay.

It was only at this time that the naval elite in the square were finally able to see Locks’ true face.

Her long, crimson hair danced wildly in the wind, as if she had just been soaked in a pool of hellish blood.

Those narrow eyes were red and exposed, revealing an indescribable murderous aura, which made people involuntarily daunted.

What terrified the naval elite the most was the insane will to destroy that naturally emanated from him.

It’s simply unheard of!!

The tens of thousands of naval elites gathered in the square in the bay were all extremely shocked, frightened and incredulous.

“This man… What the hell is sacred!”

“Who else can have such a fierce battle with Karp, the legendary hero of our navy, but the Emperor of the Sea?”

“Dangerous! Dangerous! My intuition tells me that this man is even more dangerous than the Emperor of the Sea!”

“What a crazy killing intent! He’s simply the destroyer of the world!!

“No, it can’t be, it doesn’t make sense? Can anyone tell me who he is?”

“I think I heard Lieutenant General Karp call him Locks?


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