“This is Vice Captain Reilly, Mr. Mikata and Captain Roger!!”

When I saw the photo on the first page of the newspaper.

The red-haired Shanks, who has always been elegant and easy-going, is no longer calm at the moment.

His eyes widened as large as brass bells, and the sound from his mouth rose more than an octave.

The chin was almost drooping to the deck.

It’s not just the redhead Shanks.

At this moment.

When you see the shocking events reported on the news.

The entire red-haired pirates were stunned!!

“Is this really possible? The resurrection of the undead or something!”

“It’s possible!

“Rock the Overlord of the Seas doesn’t care for now, but Roger… One Piece Roger, we’re all too familiar with each other!”

“Yes, One Piece Roger is the former captain of the leader!”

“There are also Hades King Rayleigh is also there, this is already the best evidence, except for the resurrected One Piece Roger himself, who can invite Mr. Rayleigh, who has been in seclusion for twenty years, out of the mountain!!”

The shocking uproar of the red pirates on the deck of the Redforth came one after another, one after another.


Ben Beckman, the red-haired pirates’ vice-captain, took a puff of cigarette in one gulp.

“One Piece Roger is real, and the sea overlord Locks is also genuine, and the truth of the Hive Island incident more than two months ago has finally surfaced. ”

Ben Beckman said in a deep voice.

“Vice-Captain Beckman, but… What the hell is going on? Whether it’s One Piece or the Overlord of the Sea, it’s supposed to be in the past. ”

“Who knows? The power to control life and death is no longer a realm that mortals can watch!”

Ben Beckman’s gaze was dark.

“Beckman, what do you mean… That fifth sea emperor Luo Xiu, he… Is he a god?”

The cadre with long blond hair murmured in shock.

“Hey, hey, god or something… That’s an exaggeration, isn’t it?”

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

“Whether it’s true or not, let’s wait until we see it with our own eyes!”

Jesus preached.

“Yes, yes, and Luffy, I must meet him this time. ”

The little fat man Laqi said.


The gloom on the face of the red-haired Shanks, who had been silent for a long time, receded, and instead appeared with a bright smile as usual.

“Then without further ado, let’s go see you now! it’s great to see you again, Captain Roger!!”

‘Bang la la’

The waves are rolling.

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The Redforth Pirates carry the fully grown trainees and sail straight to the battlefield of the Navy headquarters.

“Let’s go too!”

“Go to the Navy Headquarters and confirm it with your own eyes!”


The supernova pirates also set off after the red-haired pirates.




Directly above the Red Continent.

Holy Land, Mary Joa.

It’s a city of dreams, but it’s also the capital of the world’s worst crimes.

At this moment, Mary Joya is deep in the central nave.

The five old men, who represent the highest power in the world on the surface, look at the image projected on the big screen by the video phone bug.

All the old faces are sinking like water.

The five of them had just promised their ‘top boss’ that they would definitely solve the matter perfectly.

As a result, they didn’t have time to sit down when they came back, when they received a series of astonishing reports from their subordinates.

“Damn, that coward… What the hell is going on with him!”

The five old stars with blonde hair and golden beards opened their mouths with hideous expressions.

“Thirty-six years ago, the overlord of the sea, the red-haired devil really reappeared!!”

The five old stars with birthmarks on their bald heads, Jof, had cold eyes.

“That’s it for the Golden Lion Shiki and Locks, and now even that One Piece Roger has been resurrected!

The sword-wielding warrior Old Star’s old face was distorted.

“One Piece, who once went to that last island, Ralph Drew, and saw the truth of all the worlds, was resurrected, and Gord Roger is even more dangerous than the red-haired devil Locks!

The five old stars with the curly hair of medieval European aristocrats said in a deep voice.

“The situation has reached the most serious moment, if we continue to let it go, the consequences will inevitably be unimaginable, and we must stop it as soon as possible! We must not continue to let those evil parties do whatever they want!”

The five old stars in dark blue suits waved their hands.

“But this time the lineup of the pirates is really exaggerated!”

The curly-haired aristocratic old star Dai Gao’s eyes were full of gloom.

“The sea overlord group of Locks, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion, the One Piece lineup of Hades Reilly, Samurai Mita, and Roger, plus the Five Emperors Luo Xiu group, I have a hunch that there must be other terrible missions hidden on that battleship. ”

The blonde old star said firmly.

“As of now, even if Rangkong leads the three secret forces of our World Government, I am afraid that it will not be enough in terms of absolute combat power. ”

The bald old star looked helpless.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t fight this kind of thing in terms of combat power, the most important thing is to interrupt the enemy’s rhythm control and make the war restart!”

Ferdinand, the old star in the dark blue suit, opened coldly.

“It doesn’t matter how many people are going to die, let the navy and the air force be ready to fight to the death!!!


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