Navy Headquarters, Execution Platform in the Bay Square.

With the appearance of the fifth sea emperor Luo Xiu, the atmosphere in the field was frozen again.

On the one hand, there is the face and prestige of the navy and the government, and the dominance of the future era.

On the other side is the life and present of 100,000 naval officers.

Sengoku knew that if a full-scale war really started, less than 10% of the last 100,000 naval elites would survive.

This is an unimaginable loss.

How to choose?

The present is still the future.

Rao is a Warring States known as a wise general, and at this moment he is also in a dark spiral, unable to advance and retreat.

“What are you waiting for?”

At this moment, a scolding voice suddenly came from the sky.

Followed by.


The sound of uniform footsteps sounded, not on the ground, but in the air.

Everyone looked into the air in unison.

A neat army appeared in the endless clear sky.

Except for a few people, everyone else is dressed in black suits, wearing sunglasses, stepping on the moon, descending from the sky, like heavenly soldiers.

And standing at the head of that army was an extremely muscular old man.

He has a moxican hairstyle and an M-shaped goatee, and he is not angry but arrogant.

This is the majesty of a man who has been in a position of power for a long time.


“That person is…”

“If I’m not mistaken, that man is our former Admiral, now the Commander-in-Chief of the World Government. ”

“Steel Bone Kong, it’s the commander of the sky!”



With the arrival of the steel bones, the morale of the navy suddenly skyrocketed, and the cheers of the navy could be heard everywhere.

The encouragement that the former marshal of the Navy brought to the Navy is immeasurable.

After all, this is also a legend who has commanded the navy since Roger’s time.

On the ice battlefield, feeling the high fighting spirit of the navy one after another, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were restless.

“The steel bones are empty, what a long-lost name!”

The whitebeard’s pale golden eyes narrowed slightly.

“Daddy, reinforcements from the World Government have appeared! What do we do next?”

Rakyo and the other captains of the White Regiment asked uneasily.

“Don’t worry, let’s take Luo Xiu as the leader today!”

Whitebeard grinned.

“Haha, a clear choice. ”

Golden Lion Shiki laughed.

“Once a small naval colonel, now he has become the majestic commander-in-chief of the world government! But lackeys are always lackeys, and the so-called commander-in-chief of the world government is just a dog of the Tianlong people! Hahahaha!”

Locks, the Overlord of the Sea, laughed wantonly.

The sailors in the square in the bay of the order dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

“The former admiral has also appeared, and it seems that the world government finally can’t sit still!”

Mitsuki Ota carries a broadsword on his shoulder.


Reilly shook his head.

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“Aha, what’s the matter, it’s not that simple today anyway. ”

Roger said.

Luo Xiu spent eight precious resurrection cards to bring all eight of them here.

Of course, it’s not just as simple as making a show in front of the world and going through the motions.

The navy can not fight, but the world government absolutely wants to fight a dozen.

“Tsk, it’s just a steel bone, I originally thought that there should be more weighty people this time, those old men are really cowardly. ”

Luo Xiu shook his head in disappointment.

“Empty… Commander-in-Chief”

Marshal Sengoku was shocked at the same time, but he couldn’t help but quietly breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

Now that the steel bones appear in the sky, it represents a change of command on the battlefield.

There was no need for him to make that difficult choice, all he had to do was obey orders, and that’s it.



All eyes on it

The steel bones were empty and landed on the wall directly opposite the execution platform of Malinfodo.

Holding a megaphone bug in his hand, the eyes of all the video phone bugs in the Navy Headquarters fell on the steel skeleton.

Chambord Islands Live Square.

After the reporters saw the reinforcements of the world government falling from the sky and the steel bones of the commander-in-chief of the whole army, the whole audience was boiling.

“That’s the former marshal of the Navy …”

“The Commander-in-Chief of the World Government !! Now”

“The legend of the navy has finally appeared! Maybe there will be a turnaround?”

“The Navy has not yet been defeated!”

“Great! I really didn’t know what the outcome would be?”

“Even the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the world government has already arrived!

The onlookers in the Chambord Live Square shouted excitedly.


In the live broadcast screen, the resolute steel skeleton opened his mouth.

“People of the world, the old man is the commander of the whole army of the world government, here, solemnly declare to you, we have not been defeated, please believe in us, believe in the navy, believe in justice, justice will definitely win the final victory! Justice will win!!

Steelbone’s impassioned shout made the entire Navy Headquarters boil.

The reporters of the Chambord Islands boiled and saw hope.

“Boom, T

Doflamingo, whose body lies in the ruins of the main building, wakes up.

“The imps who don’t understand “peace” and the imps who don’t understand “war”, their values are different, ahem. ”

Even if the body is destroyed by the high-level armament of Locks.

Doflamingo still insisted on his own high court.

“Only those who stand at the apex can rewrite good and evil! Now only this place is neutral! Justice will prevail? Of course, only the victor is justice!”

Doflamingo shouted with his hands in the air.


“Ahem, ahem, that Locks bastard, what a merciless bastard!

Doflamingo shouted angrily.

“Cut off all video phone bugs now, there are some truths that are not suitable for the general public, and in a few hours there is only one message we need to convey, and that is the victory of our navy and the total destruction of the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

Steelbold stood on the city wall and declared calmly.

And just as his order was given, the live broadcast of the Chambord Islands suddenly became pitch black.

All kinds of telephone bugs are cut off.

“Siege wall operation, officially start !!”


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