Luo Xiu’s merciless scolding echoed through the huge room.

The aftermath lingers and endures.

“Whew, it’s finally refreshing. ”

Luo Xiu grinned, and the unhappiness that had accumulated since last night was expressed a lot with this smooth scolding.

If it was to be another Tianlong person, Luo Xiu would definitely not say a word, and directly punched it.

But right now, for this outlier among the Celestial Dragons-

Saldes, who is humble and kind on the surface, but is more arrogant and hypocritical than anyone else in his bones, can’t relieve his anger at all just by punching him.

That’s why there was this scolding that pointed at his nose.

Since the other party wants to play, then Luo Xiu will accompany him to play to the end.

Luo Xiu wants to see how long his hypocrisy and calmness can last?

Little by little, eroding his opponent’s self-confidence, shattering his opponent’s beautiful illusions, and making him desperate is what Saldes loves most.

If it’s the other way around, and the other way back, the result will be very interesting.

The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth gradually raised a touch of arc.


Luxury suite, when Luo Xiu’s voice fell.

The large room fell into a deathly silence for a moment.

Whether it is the three direct personal guards, or the more than 20 elite soldiers who are fully armed, the expressions on their faces at this moment are full of shock and disbelief.

They thought they had overestimated Luo Xiu’s courage enough.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiu’s courage was several times greater than they imagined.

In their lives so far, this was the first time they had seen someone dare to point at the nose of the Tianlong people and scold them.

“Bastard boy, do you know what you’re talking about?”

“In front of you now is the Venerable Celestial Dragon Saint Saldes!”

“The Saint of Saldes is a descendant of the Creator, and will become the king of the Celestial Dragons in the future!”

“Unforgivable, unforgivable!”

“Just killing you can’t relieve the anger in our hearts!”

“I’m going to make you regret being born out of this world!”


Listening to Luo Xiu’s disrespectful words to his master, all the guards were furious, and they were already angry.

Luo Xiu’s words had already touched their bottom line.

Trample on the most sacred faith in their hearts.


In the minds of these guards, the Draco Salders are their faith.


This is also the biggest difference between Salders and ordinary Draconians.

He is a descendant of the Twenty Kings who founded the world government 800 years ago.

The nobles of the world, the Draconians, consider themselves to be descendants of the Creator.

They are high above all beings, and they regard all beings as inferior ants.

They even put on bubble hoods because of this, just so that they don’t breathe the same air under the sky as the ants in their eyes.

They are arrogant, arrogant, and have no one in sight.

Even for the guards around them, the Draconians have always treated them as high-ranking slaves to use at will.

Salders, however, is an exception.

Except for certain occasions when his identity needs to be revealed, and in private with his own guards, Sardes the Draco has never worn a bubble hood that symbolizes class estrangement.

He has never treated his guardians as slaves and ants, but instead treats them as ‘brothers’ and cares for them from time to time.

Mary Joya has always been an inferior ant guard, and only on the side of Salders can she regain her power as a normal person.

How can this not be overwhelming.

In their minds, Salros is the true god.

It is the Lord who they will follow forever even if they give up their lives.

In the Holy Land of Mary Joy.

Because of this move, Saldes was despised and resisted by all the Draconians.

However, the number and quality of the guards around him far surpassed that of any Celestial Dragon.

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This is all due to his superb means of surrendering his identity and winning people’s hearts.

Born as a Draconian, Saldes has been an alternative since he was a child.

So far, all these outrageous things he has done are for one purpose.

He doesn’t want to be reduced to a mediocre Draco who eats and waits for death, and he doesn’t want to be a so-called descendant of the Creator.

He wanted to be the true Creator.

He wanted to be above all the Draconians in the Holy Land Mary Joa, above the Five Elder Stars, and even above the one among the flowers.

He wants to be the king of the Draconians!!

On the way to this goal, he can endure countless rolls of eyes and ridicule.

Even if it’s a merciless invective from a low-level ant pointing at his nose.

“Lord Saldes, the anger in his subordinates’ hearts has piled up like a mountain, and only he can never forgive. ”

The fourteen or fifteen-year-old guard’s eyes were red and his snort was heavy.

The inside of his body was already filled with emotions called anger, overflowing.

“Stop, Thirteen. ”

Draco Saldes closed his eyes and pressed down his body trembling with anger and the swelling of green tendons on his forehead.

The next second, he opened his eyes again.

There was not a trace of anger on his face.


Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes in surprise.

“You should have solved my people last night. ”

Saldes asked.

“What? You want to avenge your men?”

Luo Xiu asked casually.

“It’s really amazing, to be able to solve them quietly, your strength is very good, Ben Sheng appreciates it very much, how about it, do you want to join my command and become the master of this world with Ben Sheng. ”

Saldes looked at Rosho and issued an impassioned invitation.

Observing Rothew’s interaction with Radiance from afar in Chambord Park yesterday, Saldes originally regarded them as toys for recreation.

However, this morning, the news came back that the people he had sent to monitor were all wiped out.

Saldes’s thinking also sprouted some changes.

In order to become the king of the Celestial Dragons, he also needs more powerful forces and more powerful subordinates.

The strength shown by Luo Xiu has met his requirements.

So here today, he didn’t want to satisfy his bad tastes as much as he used to.

I want to use my strong ‘personality charm’ to influence Luo Xiu like others.

It’s a pity that this idea of his is destined to fail.

For his so-called appreciation, Luo Xiu’s response was only that smile full of play.

“A strong person should indeed be a little arrogant, but I really don’t understand, in the center of the heaven and earth net woven by this sanctuary, what kind of confidence can you have to be so arrogant?”

The tone of the Draco Salders grew tougher and impatient.

“Do you mean the twenty or so miscellaneous fish beside you, the two hundred and thirty-four ants in ambush in the hotel, and the dozen or so rats on the street?”

Luo Xiu opened his mouth casually.

“Nani !!”

This time, when Luo Xiu’s words fell, what the guards in the field felt was not anger, but a deep shock and disbelief.

“Even the number of people is clear, could it be that we have a spy within us!”

“No, you bastard, since you already knew, why did you take the initiative to enter our siege network!”

“Do you really think you’re going to be able to escape?”


The three major sequences of senior guards were shocked and silent.

Even the Tianlong man Saldes, who always looked like he was holding the chance to win, finally couldn’t calm down when he heard Luo Xiu accurately explain his personnel deployment.

“How the hell do you know?”

Sardes, the Draco, asked sharply.

“Who do you think I am?”

The curvature of the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth gradually expanded.

“I’m the Five Emperors!!”


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