Resurrection Of Spirit: I Feel Invincible Behind The Scenes

Chapter 13 Baixing Palace’S Response Plan

Seeing that all the elders had arrived, Bai Tianchen also spoke.

"Everyone, I have called you here today because a mysterious galaxy realm powerhouse may have appeared in a disciple's hometown. I hope you can express your opinions."

A strong person in the galaxy realm, everyone was shocked when they heard it.

"Palace Master, is the news true?" An Xian asked.

"Elder Shangguan learned this news through the mouth of that disciple. I have also analyzed it and it is more likely to be true."

All the elders also fell silent after hearing Bai Tianchen's words.

"Palace Master, do you have any ideas?" He Lin asked at this time.

After hearing He Lin's words, everyone also looked at Bai Tianchen.

Seeing everyone's gaze, Bai Tianchen also expressed his thoughts.

"Although the probability is high, it may not be the case. It may be that the Star Realm just said that deliberately. Maybe there is a strong person from the Galaxy Realm behind it."

"Now that we know about it, we have to solve this matter. After all, it is also the hometown of the disciples in the palace."

"Which elder went to that planet last time, and how long did it take to get to that planet?"

After hearing Bai Tianchen's question, An Xian said:

"It's me, the master of the returning palace. One hundred and fifty years ago, the spaceship used in the palace was only a Star Realm spaceship, and it was an old model. It took two years to return from that planet."

"If we can use the newly purchased quasi-galaxy-class spacecraft in the palace, we can arrive in a month at most."

"Can we reach it in less than a month with that spacecraft? Is that planet so close to us?"

Bai Tianchen did not expect that Blue Star would be so close to the Hundred Stars Palace. This distance could be reached in less than a week at the speed of a galaxy realm expert.

"Now we don't know if the possible galaxy realm powerhouse will do anything detrimental to the Hundred Star Palace. Blue Star is too close to the Hundred Star Palace."

After hearing what Bai Tianchen said, everyone also agreed.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Bai Tianchen asked after seeing everyone's worried faces.

"Palace Master, why don't we let a few elders go to Blue Star to check the situation first? We will pay attention to our words and deeds when we get there. If the other party is really a strong person in the galaxy realm, then we will not anger that strong person because of our actions. By."

"If it is not a strong person in the galaxy realm, but a strong person in the star realm, we will treat each other with courtesy. Even if there is a strong person in the galaxy realm behind the other party, then we will not be blamed for offending the other party."

At this time, Shangguan Xingyun expressed his thoughts.

Bai Tianchen also nodded after hearing Shangguan Xingyun's thoughts.

"Do you have any other ideas?"

After everyone heard Shangguan Xingyun's idea, they all thought it was feasible.

"Since everyone thinks this method is feasible, then proceed according to what Elder Shangguan said."

"If the elders are selected, Elder Shangguan will lead the team, and Elder An and Elder He will follow."

"Follow the palace master's order!" Shangguan Xingyun, An Xian, and He Lin responded.

"It's a pity that our Hundred Star Palace was only established for a million years. The time is too short. It would be better if we don't have the consummation of the Star Realm or even the powerful people of the Quasi-Galaxy Realm who are about to understand the rules."

Hearing Bai Tianchen's emotion, all the elders also sighed, although the Hundred Stars Palace was working hard to discover geniuses, even going to lower planets to search for them. Just to find enough geniuses to increase the foundation of Hundred Star Palace.

It's just a pity that the time when the Hundred Stars Palace was established is too short. It is difficult for a strong person to be born in a million years. In this galaxy, other forces with strong people in the galaxy realm have been born for more than five million years, and some even More than one galaxy realm is in charge.

"Get ready and head to Blue Star. If there are really powerful people in the galaxy realm with bad attitudes, we will prioritize your safety and make sure to come back."

"We in the Hundred Star Palace are not afraid of the strong people in the galaxy realm. Several of my senior brothers and sisters are in the galaxy realm. If there is really a problem, I will contact them and ask them for help."

This is the first time that everyone has heard that their palace master also has senior brothers and sisters, and some are even powerful in the galaxy realm.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you why I named my force Baixing Palace. This is also a tradition of my sect."

"In this boundless starry sky, there are actually many Hundred Star Palaces, but they are distributed in different galaxies. There are even Thousand Star Palaces. This is a force with the power of the Galaxy Realm."

"Palace Master, is the Hundred Stars Palace an affiliated force of the Thousand Stars Palace? Are all the Hundred Stars Palaces the palace master's senior brothers?"

After hearing the palace master's words, an elder asked.

"The Hundred Stars Palace was established by my sect when beings from the galaxy realm like us left the sect. The sect will give us some resources to recruit some strong people."

"Of course, the stronger your talent and strength, the more blessings your master will give you. Some Hundred Star Palaces are jointly established by several fellow disciples."

"When I came out of the Milky Way, I was able to establish the Hundred Star Palace among the many ancient galaxy realm forces with the help of my master. At that time, my master didn't trust me, so he followed me."

"Master talked with the Lord of the Galaxy. Finally, under the order of the Lord of the Galaxy, other forces did not encircle and suppress me."

"My master is also a powerful person in the galaxy realm just like the Lord of the Galaxy. It's just that I haven't seen my master in a million years. I miss him very much."

Bai Tianchen said with memories.

It is the first time for the elders to know that the master of the Galaxy Realm has such a powerful background. It is no wonder why such a weak Hundred Star Palace can occupy a place in the Milky Way compared to other galaxy-level forces.

"Speaking of the relationship between the Hundred Stars Palace and the Thousand Stars Palace, most of the Thousand Stars Palace were promoted from the Hundred Stars Palace. A fellow disciple became a star in the Galaxy Realm after establishing the Hundred Stars Palace. At this time, it can be called the Thousand Stars Palace. ."

"Only a few Thousand Star Palaces were founded by elders. Within the galaxy range where the Milky Way is located, there is a Thousand Star Palace founded by elders, and part of our resources are also assisted by that Thousand Star Palace."

"Speaking of this, you should all understand that in fact, whether it is the Hundred Star Palace or the Thousand Star Palace, they were all founded with the funding of my sect."

"My sect is an overlord-level existence in the entire starry sky. There are countless strong men. The powerful ones in the Galaxy realm are only elders. Only people like me who have basically exhausted their talents after becoming the Galaxy realm will leave the sect to establish Hundred Stars Palace.”

"Those true geniuses will continue to stay in the master's school to further their studies and become powerful people in the Galaxy Realm, or even stronger ones."

"Just like the name of the sect, Ten Thousand Stars Palace, Ten Thousand Stars are shining, and the brilliance of Ten Thousand Stars Palace is shining in the entire starry sky."

"So when you go to Blue Star, your purpose is to protect yourself. Our Hundred Stars Palace is not afraid of any force, but the premise is that we must be reasonable. You can't act recklessly just because I told you the background behind me."

After Bai Tianchen finished talking about the sect's situation, he warned everyone.

Everyone was very excited after hearing Bai Tianchen's words. They also had big bosses, so at least they didn't have to worry about the threat of the galaxy-level powerhouses on Blue Star whose existence was uncertain.

"Don't be too happy. You must respect the strong ones in the galaxy realm. Even if my sect is very powerful, it will take at least a few years for the sect's support to come here. At most, they will only be fellow sects in the galaxy realm. "

"If you want the powerful help from the Galaxy Realm, you will have to suffer a catastrophe from our Hundred Star Palace, or even be destroyed."

Bai Tianchen looked at the excited people and warned again. He was really afraid that someone would anger a strong man that he couldn't defeat, making it difficult for Baixing Palace to survive.

Everyone promised one by one that they would not do it, and Bai Tianchen felt relieved.

After Bai Tianchen's assurance, Shangguan Xingyun, An Xian, and He Lin also took the spaceship to Blue Star.

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