ah! Finally, I no longer have to worry about hitting too hard.

This was Lin Tian's first thought after he separated from everyone.

When he was with them, Lin Tian was always worried that he would kill the monster with one shot, which would make others suspect that he was hiding his strength.

Now I don't have to worry about this alone. It's okay if there is surveillance. The number of surveillance is limited. There are so many students, it is basically impossible to see him.

There will definitely be regular surveillance to watch those top students. Although he is also a genius, he only ranks fifth in the experimental middle school.

In the past few years, Experimental Middle School has been inferior to No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School. There are a few outstanding people in other schools, and my ranking is estimated to be in the late 30s. There is no need to worry about surveillance being watched all the time.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian also continued to set off along the road.

Not long after, Lin Tian encountered a monster. It was a tiger, nearly 3 meters tall, and a monster he had never seen before.

Lin Tian also raised his gun and fought with him.

The main reason why he didn't kill the tiger directly with one shot was because he and Jiang Huang had just separated not long ago, and he was afraid that someone would pay attention to his side.

I happened to encounter this fierce tiger, which was stronger than the previous monsters. I could take the opportunity to practice my weapon proficiency.

With the sound of falling to the ground, the tiger lost its life, and Lin Tian also received a reward of ten points.

The closer you get to the depths of the forest, the closer the monster's strength is to the first level of martial arts.

Looking at the fierce tiger in the end, Lin Tian thought in his heart that he didn't know what other people would do if they encountered such a monster.

I hope they can solve it easily, so that they can show that they have enough strength to face those first-level martial arts monsters.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian continued to set off, heading deep into the forest, waiting to meet the others.

Jiang Huang also encountered the same monster as Lin Tian.

Seeing this monster, Jiang Huang did not hesitate and rushed forward with a sword in hand.

After seeing this, the tiger was not willing to be outdone, and ran towards Jiang Huang with its fangs and claws wide open.

During the battle between Jiang Huang and the fierce tiger, he slashed at the weak point of the tiger with one sword after another. When the tiger finally came to the end and was so angry that it had no ability to resist, Jiang Huang also killed it.

"This tiger is a good whetstone. It will help me improve my basic swordsmanship. It is true that actual combat can improve my combat ability."

Jiang Huang felt the improvement of his swordsmanship during the battle and looked forward to the monsters behind him.

The monsters behind did not disappoint Jiang Huang. They all had similar strength to the fierce tiger. Jiang Huang also used this to improve his actual combat experience.

This also gave her more confidence in defeating the monster beasts at the first level of martial arts later.

It was more difficult for Lu Xueer. She was relatively petite, which formed a sharp contrast with this huge monster.

In addition, she is the weakest among the five, and the weapon she uses is a short sword.

There is no hand length advantage like Lin Tian's spear battle.

Every time you attack a monster, you must be careful not to be attacked by the monster.

In the end, he defeated the monster despite his own hard work.

It's just that his body is covered with dirt and fallen leaves, and his pretty little face has turned into a little painted face.

Seeing herself getting dirty, Lu Xueer felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn't pay too much attention to it. If you want to become a strong person, there is nothing to talk about if you can't overcome this difficulty.

Later, Lu Xueer also encountered several monsters. Although the battle was difficult, she still won them all in the end.

Finally, we arrived at the last supply station to replenish supplies and restore our strength.

Lu Xueer summarized these battles, although she had gained something.

But she felt that with her current strength, it would be difficult to defeat a first-level martial arts monster, but she did not give up.

I just felt that my condition was really bad, so I spent 50 points to spend the night at the supply station, waiting for the third day to arrive and head to the depths of the forest.

Regarding the fact that points can be exchanged for various resources in the end, Lu Xueer said it doesn't matter. With her family background, she does not lack such resources.

The battle on Jiang He's side was also relatively difficult, and his strength was only slightly stronger than Lu Xueer's.

Fortunately, Jiang He chose a big sword. Although it was a bit bulky, it was still very useful against these larger monsters.

In repeated collisions with the monster, Jiang He finally killed the monster with his sword.

But it also consumed a lot of energy.

So when Jiang He encountered the monster behind him, the monster failed to react because of his physical strength, and his arm was injured by the monster.

Although he defeated the monster in the end, Jiang He lost much fighting ability and finally chose to enter the supply station. Like Lu Xueer, he chose to spend the night at the supply station and bought some medicine for bandaging and recovery.

Thinking about the hardships of fighting after he was separated from his teammates, Jiang He also realized his own shortcomings and flaws, which strengthened his belief in breaking through to the first level of martial arts.

His vitality level has also reached its limit, and there is almost no room for improvement. It is better to make a breakthrough directly, adapt to the changes after the breakthrough early, and prepare for the college entrance examination.

Compared to the other four, Han Ming's side may be the easiest.

His sword was not a heavy sword like Jiang He's, nor a short sword like Lu Xue'er's. Han Ming chose the sword that he was most comfortable with, which was more modest.

Han Ming didn't expend much energy during the battle.

Most of the battles end with a sliding shovel and an anus explosion.

It took a long time until we met the last rhino monster.

The main reason is that the rhino's skin is too hard and its muscles are relatively developed.

Han Ming stabbed the rhinoceros with his sword several times but failed to penetrate it. However, the rhinoceros was also injured, and the pain in the anus made the rhino's own muscles no longer as tight as when they first started fighting.

Han Ming also seized the opportunity and went straight to Huanglong, instantly rendering the rhinoceros incapable of fighting, and then ended its life.

After these few battles, Han Ming's sword was stained with a lot of unknown objects, which made Han Ming afraid to get close. He found some water to clean it, but there was still some residue.

Looking at the slightly yellowed sword blade, Han Ming had no choice but to enter the service area to rest. He also spent 50 points overnight, intending to preserve his strength to deal with the first-level martial arts beasts tomorrow.

In the monitoring room, a group of senior executives accidentally saw Han Ming while observing the surveillance. One senior executive suggested to see what he would do when facing these powerful monsters behind him.

But after watching Han Ming's battle, the senior executive who made the suggestion regretted it so much that his intestines turned green.

The scenes of these battles are really eye-catching, and in the final battle with the rhinoceros, the unknown yellow object that spewed out directly made many senior officials feel sick.

Finally, I saw that Han Ming's yellowed sword body was also covered in black lines, and he quickly switched to other people's perspectives.

The second day passed slowly like this, and the remaining students were waiting for the third day.

Waiting to enter the depths of the forest and see the monster beast with the first level of martial arts.

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