Resurrection Of Spirit: I Feel Invincible Behind The Scenes

Chapter 37 Testing Qi And Blood Levels Again

After making the decision, Bai Tianchen also said to Shangguan Xingyun:

"The quasi-galaxy-class starship you are traveling on has a function that can detect rules."

"This function will only be activated after changes in the rules. Some rules will appear on the starship and show corresponding forms. Some rules are not recorded, but there will also be prompts on the starship."

"Let this starship stay in Blue Star. You should continue to stay in Blue Star and hide the starship for a while. Although it will have no effect on the powerful people in the galaxy, it will also make the people of Blue Star less panic."

"If in the future on Blue Star, this function of this starship has hints or shows some corresponding forms of rules, report it to me immediately. This shows that there is at least a Galaxy Realm powerful person on Blue Star."

"Only when the Galaxy Realm appears, the rules will jump and the starship can feel it. It didn't feel it this time. Maybe the other party has some special means. If it doesn't show up, it won't be detected."

"But we have to guard against this matter. If the other party does something in the future, or shows up, you will know the result. Then tell me the result."

After saying these words, Bai Tianchen hung up the contact and prepared to contact his master and send these messages to the Lord of the Galaxy.

Shangguan Xingyun also knew what to do after hearing this.

You only need to wait for the mysterious strong man to appear to know whether it is the galaxy realm.

What the three of them are doing now is waiting, just in time for Hua Xia to arrange the residence for themselves and others, and they can also take the opportunity to discover some talents and add fresh blood to Baixing Palace.

According to Bai Tianchen's instructions, Shangguan Xingyun first used the starship to project a scene that the starship had left Blue Star to reassure the Blue Star crowd. Then he hid the starship and kept hovering above the mountain.

Then the three of them also flew towards the Taoist Hall.

Everyone in the Wendao Hall fell into panic when they saw the starship flying above the Blue Star suddenly flying out of the Blue Star and disappearing from everyone's sight.

They also knew what happened after Liu Feng and others came back. They were powerful people and forces that were completely beyond their knowledge.

But not long after they came back, the starry forces who came to Blue Star left in their own starships. Does this mean that even they can't solve this matter?

Just when everyone in the Taoist Hall was thinking about it, Shangguan Xingyun and three others arrived.

After seeing the three people, everyone was a little stunned. Didn't the three elders leave already?

After Shangguan Xingyun and the others entered the Taoist Hall, they saw some surprised Chinese powerhouses. They also understood why they were like this, so they explained:

"The palace master asked us to stay in Blue Star. He wants us to determine what kind of powerful person he is."

Upon hearing that the three of them were going to stay in Blue Star, the Chinese senior officials of the Taoist Palace quickly said that they would arrange the best accommodation for them and would meet any needs they had.

They didn't know how to face the unknown strong man, but if the three elders of Hundred Star Palace were here, they didn't need to worry about this matter, they could just follow their orders.

Seeing Huaxia's arrangement, Shangguan Xingyun and the others were also very satisfied.

"Do you have any outstanding talents in China? Let's see if they can meet our requirements. If there are suitable ones, we plan to recruit them into the palace for training."

Hearing that the three of them wanted to recruit more Chinese geniuses, the Chinese experts in the hall became excited. After one hundred and fifty years, could a new genius finally enter the starry sky?

Some people were so excited that they planned to bring some geniuses over and let the three elders see if they met the standards.

But they were stopped by others. They planned to discuss what to do. Shangguan Xingyun and the others said that they and others wanted to discuss how to screen geniuses.

After hearing this, the three of them readily agreed, letting China screen the geniuses, which would save them and others a lot of effort.

After a short discussion, Liu Feng said to Shangguan Xingyun and the others:

"Three elders, China's annual college entrance examination will be held in more than two months. We originally planned to arrange the talents who can enter top universities in one venue."

"Tests of talent and strength will be arranged in the ancient capital. By then, the top geniuses in China will be able to gather together. There are many geniuses who have awakened their powers, but they cannot use their powers at this stage. We will give the list to the three elders , allowing the three elders to clearly see their talents."

"They will also be arranged to have actual battles with monsters in the wild, and many rewards will be set. The higher the ranking, the better the rewards. In this way, they will show themselves to their heart's content in order to get these rewards."

Shangguan Xingyun and the other two people all agreed upon hearing that the National College Entrance Examination is used to screen geniuses. According to their understanding, the College Entrance Examination is the fairest competition in China, which ensures that some civilian geniuses can fully demonstrate themselves.

The three of them said that the matter would be left to the top management of China, and they were only responsible for selecting geniuses!

A few days have passed since Lin Tian met the three people from Baixing Palace, and the three days of vacation have long passed. Today is the day when Lanling Mansion will test Qi and blood again.

Different from the blood test at the beginning of school, this time Lin Tian and the others came to the Martial Arts Center in Fucheng for testing.

The people who come here are all those who have been specially recruited by the three top universities, Longteng, Gudu, Tianfu, and Huaxia University. Other students are tested at their own schools.

Soon all the students arrived. The number was not large, only about fifty.

After all, these are just special recruits, not those who passed the college entrance examination. The admission requirements for special recruits are more difficult than the college entrance examination. Normally, at least one hundred people from Lanling Prefecture can enter Huaxia University in a year, let alone the other three A top university.

After a while, several more people came to the martial arts center. Lin Tian turned around and saw that it was Jiang Huang's father, Jiang Xingtian, and several other senior officials of Lanling Mansion.

It seems that they want to see the quality of this year's students.

The testing started soon, and the order of testing was based on the rankings of the last field training.

The first one is naturally Xiao Chen.

Seeing Xiao Chen come on stage for testing, Lin Tian was also curious about how far his energy and blood could reach. He didn't know if Xiao Chen, who didn't get the resources he wanted, could still reach the limit.

Soon a voice came.

"Xiao Chen, the blood value is 148!"

Everyone present was shocked when they heard the value of 148. You must know that the highest value last year was 148. Xiao Chen has reached this value, and he is worthy of being a dark horse.

Xiao Chen saw his health value of 148 on the stage, and his face instantly became gloomy. This is his current limit. He doesn't have enough resources and can't improve it.

After getting off the stage, Xiao Chen saw Lin Tian standing in the field, clenching his fists and staring at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian also saw Xiao Chen looking at him with hatred in his eyes and ignored him.

In Lin Tian's heart, Xiao Chen is already a dead person, and now he is just letting him live for a while longer.

The next one was Jiang Huang. When everyone in the venue saw Jiang Huang coming up, their eyes never left. Jiang Xingtian was also paying attention to his daughter's performance.

"Jiang Huang, the health value is 150!" A slightly trembling voice reached the ears of everyone in the venue.


The limit of Qi and blood before entering the rank was reached by Jiang Huang. It would take several years or even more than ten years for such a person to appear, but now they have appeared in Lanling Mansion!

Jiang Xingtian stood up excitedly when he saw his daughter was so outstanding and walked towards Jiang Huang.

When Jiang Huang saw his father's arrival, he also reported the good news to Jiang Xingtian.

Lin Tian and the others looked at the joyful father and daughter and were sincerely happy for Jiang Huang. She is now the top genius in China.

Others were subsequently tested.

After Jiang Huang and Xiao Chen, the highest qi and blood value is 146. They were originally the first in No. 1 Middle School, but are now surpassed by Xiao Chen and become second. There are also a few with 145.

Lin Tian, ​​Han Ming, Jiang He, and Lu Xueer all have health values ​​of 144.

This is also the value that Lin Tian changed after seeing the values ​​​​of the other three people and using the Hidden Qi Jue.

What none of them expected was that Tang Hao's final health value was also 144, the same as them. Tang Hao himself was very disappointed when he saw this value. He was no longer as arrogant as before.

At this point, everyone has completed the test, Jiang Xingtian also said a few words of encouragement and left.

Jiang Huang also met up with Lin Tian and the other two and got on the bus back to school!

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