Soon it will be noon the next day.

Just like yesterday, a message came from the watch.

By 12 noon, if there are still candidates who have not entered the core area, they will be eliminated.

After Lin Tian saw it, he also prepared himself and walked towards the core area.

There are troops guarding the core area to prevent the monsters inside from escaping.

Lin Tian didn't feel any difference after entering, and he didn't know how big the core area was.

At that time, the core assessment point for the Lanling Mansion training was just a large open space.

The assessment for the college entrance examination this time was completely different. It was a forest that was not dense, and Lin Tian could not see the end at a glance.

Lin Tian observed it and found that there were no monsters around, so he continued to move forward.

After walking for a while, Lin Tian didn't meet anyone.

Lin Tian originally thought that he would be able to join Jiang Huang after entering the core area, but he overthought it. The core area was so big.

The other three people have already stated that they will not enter the core area because their strength is not enough. Lin Tian did not express his position at the time, only saying that he would take a look at the situation.

After walking for a while, he still didn't encounter any monsters, which made Lin Tian a little strange. At that time, the commander Xiao Yi also said that it would be easy to encounter monsters when entering the core area, but what happened to his situation.

Lin Tian had no intention of asking Honglian what was going on. He had asked her once during the last training, but this time he still couldn't make sense. If he couldn't even solve such a trivial matter, then he was not qualified to establish an organization and command many subordinates.

Jiang Huang also entered the core area, and it didn't take long before he encountered a monster. It was a second-level martial arts monster.

This time, Jiang Huang didn't hide it, and directly used the fire power in conjunction with the Fire Lotus Sword and Extreme Shadow Step to quickly eliminate the monster and continue walking forward.

In the capital, ask inside the palace.

After all the candidates entered the core area, Liu Feng told the three elders of Baixing Palace that those who are left now are the top talents in China, and then suggested watching the live broadcast to see how the candidates performed.

Shangguan Xingyun and the others agreed after hearing this. They also wanted to see the quality of Hua Xia's talents.

Therefore, Liu Feng accompanied the three elders of Baixing Palace to watch the live assessment.

"Three elders, the girl who just hunted the second-level martial arts monster is Jiang Huang, whom I mentioned before. She has fire powers. Judging from her appearance, her proficiency in the powers is also good."

Liu Feng also said to Shangguan Xingyun and the others after seeing Jiang Huang kill the second level martial arts monster easily.

This Jiang Huang really gave him a surprise, being able to kill the second level martial arts monster so easily.

Shangguan Xingyun also recognized it after seeing it.

"This child is really good. It has only been more than a month since you last mentioned this matter. He has mastered his superpowers to this extent, and his future achievements will not be low."

"After this assessment is over, you can ask her for her opinion on whether to become a disciple of my Hundred Star Palace."

Liu Feng felt a little excited after hearing this. Finally, another Blue Star person was able to enter the starry sky force. With this guarantee, Blue Star also had a certain backing in this boundless universe.

When several people continued to watch the assessment, Shangguan Xingyun thought that Liu Feng had mentioned before that there was another genius who could use supernatural powers before entering the level, so he asked Liu Feng.

"You were talking about a genius in the ancient capital, was he also in this assessment venue?"

When Liu Feng heard this, he immediately cut the screen to a blue-haired girl, then pointed at the screen and said to Shangguan Xingyun and the others.

"Three elders, this child is another genius I mentioned before, but she has not encountered the monster yet and has not shown her strength."

The three people from Baixing Palace also nodded after hearing this, saying that just keep reading and they can always see her performance.

Lin Tian also discovered traces of the monster, but he did not choose to pursue it.

Lin Tian originally planned to come to the core area to have a look, but why did he have to work so hard to hunt monsters? He would definitely not be at the top of the points rankings, and he didn't lack the resources.

Lin Tian continued to walk forward, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Lin Tian took a closer look and saw that it was Xiao Chen.

He strolled towards Lin Tian with no expression on his face, and there was no sign of any malice on his part.

Lin Tian was also a little curious when he saw this scene. He wanted to know what Xiao Chen wanted to do.

It is impossible to do it directly to yourself. The college entrance examination stipulates that candidates cannot harm each other directly. Those who violate it will be banned from participating in the college entrance examination for life.

Even if Xiao Chen really couldn't help but take action, Lin Tian wouldn't worry. With Honglian around, he could be killed in an instant.

When Lin Tian was thinking about what Xiao Chen wanted to do, Xiao Chen just passed by Lin Tian silently, and then turned in another direction.

Lin Tian saw Xiao Chen doing this and didn't understand what he wanted to do.

At this time, Guren's voice came to his mind.

"Your Highness, Xiao Chen sprinkled a kind of medicinal powder on your body. This medicinal powder is colorless and odorless and cannot be smelled by humans, but it is very attractive to monsters."

"If His Highness continues to move forward, when he reaches a place with more monsters, these monsters will be attracted and attack His Highness."

"If it were any other candidate, he would not be able to wait for rescue and would be torn apart by monsters in an instant."

I was sprinkled with powder to attract monsters.

After hearing Honglian's words, Lin Tian understood why Xiao Chen's behavior just now was so strange.

I didn't feel anything being sprinkled on my body by Xiao Chen at all. Fortunately, Honglian reminded me.

If it were someone else in this situation, if they chose to move on, they would most likely be waiting to die.

Xiao Chen will probably follow him for a while to make sure he is really dead. Maybe Xiao Chen has other methods that won't work. Should I say he is worthy of being reborn? Unfortunately, it is of no use to me.

Lin Tian also expected that Xiao Chen would have other methods, so he decided to continue moving forward to see what Xiao Chen was going to do.

Lin Tian had already made a plan in his heart. After the college entrance examination, he would send someone to kill Xiao Chen. It was very annoying for him to keep jumping around in front of his eyes.

Just like Honglian said, after Lin Tian walked for a while, a second-level martial arts demon beast ran directly towards Lin Tian.

After seeing this, Lin Tian did not choose to fight with him, and directly accelerated in other directions. At the same time, he also looked around to see if Xiao Chen was there.

Not far after running out, several more monsters attacked Lin Tian. Seeing this, Lin Tian knew that he had no way to escape, so he just pressed the rescue button and waited for rescue to arrive.

At this time, Lin Tian also discovered Xiao Chen's figure not far away. He did not choose to hide himself and was directly exposed to Lin Tian's sight, as if telling Lin Tian that this was his method.

Lin Tian was not worried when he saw the surrounding monsters slowly surrounding him. He only needed to show part of his strength to delay, waiting for rescue to arrive. He also looked at Xiao Chen's subsequent methods, and even wanted to see him look furious.

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