"I have another dream, can you listen to it?"

He looked at Lin Tian cautiously and asked aloud.

"Say it."

Lin Tian nodded.

"I want to be a being like you, but I was born to control the power of disaster. So if I want to be like you, I can only continue to increase the power of disaster to make myself stronger."

"The way to increase the power of disaster is to destroy these big worlds and these creatures. When everything is destroyed, I may become a being like you. Do you think it is feasible?"

Such terrifying words fell like the whisper of a nightmare in the ears of all creatures on the Supreme Battlefield. Lin Jie wanted to destroy everything and attribute all the power of the disaster to himself in order to become a stronger existence.

Lin Tian was seriously thinking about Lin Jie's idea, which puzzled them.

"This approach is not feasible."

Lin Tian shook his head.

"That realm is beyond your imagination and cannot be reached through this method."

He was answering this question very seriously.

"Just the power of disaster born from the destruction of several big worlds cannot make you become that kind of existence."

"If there are more than a hundred big worlds, and each big world is equivalent to the strength of Tianyu Jiuzhou, it may be possible."

"That's it."

Lin Jie was a little disappointed when he heard Lin Tian's answer. He thought he would become a being like Lin Tian after destroying all the big worlds.

"Then we can only use the last resort."

"Lin Tian, ​​I want to devour you. After devouring you, I may become a being like you."

"it's out of the question."

Lin Tian responded calmly.

"You should understand that you cannot win this war."

He also said that Lin Jie could not win, but he did not say that Lin Jie would fail.

"I know."

Lin Jie nodded.

"But I still want to try."

"You don't understand that realm, you don't even know what that realm is."

Lin Tian was a little helpless.

"If I want, I can return to that state again now. I can change everything you know. This is that state, the state where everything can be created."

"In other words, everything you know now was created by me."

Lin Tian's words shocked all the creatures on the Supreme Battlefield. They couldn't believe it.

Everything they know and understand was created by Lin Tian. What kind of realm is this?

But Lin Jie's power confirmed that everything Lin Tian said was true.

"Do you think I'm just the strongest now?"

Lin Tian looked at Lin Jie and asked, then walked towards Lin Jie step by step.

Seeing this scene, Honglian was a little anxious and wanted to stop Lin Tian's actions.

But as Lin Tian continued to advance, his momentum was rapidly increasing, his cultivation level was skyrocketing, and he soon broke through to the supreme realm.

After reaching the Supreme Realm, Lin Tian's cultivation still did not stop growing.

The Holy Realm, the Great Emperor Realm, and the Forbidden Realm never stop until the end of the Forbidden Realm.

At this time, Lin Tian had already walked in front of Lin Jie, and the two looked at each other quietly.

"After a century, the real decisive battle will begin."

After a long time, Lin Tian spoke slowly. He returned directly to Wanbao Pavilion without waiting for Lin Jie's consent.

Seeing this scene, Honglian, Heidao, Emperor Mingjue and others returned to Wanbao Pavilion together. Honglian took Jiang Huang and others away before leaving.

"Let's go and come back after a period of time."

After Lin Jie said these words, he tore apart the space and left the supreme battlefield.

This is the end of this meeting of the powerful!

"What, you're surprised?"

Lin Tian, ​​who returned to Wanbao Pavilion, looked at Jiang Huang and the others who were still confused and said with a smile.

"Very surprised."

Jiang Huang was the first to react, and she replied truthfully.

"Won't you tell the others?"

What Jiang Huang was talking about was Lin Tian's parents, Han Ming and others.

Now only the three of them know Lin Tian's identity, and looking at the looks of Lu Ge, Mu Ling, and Yueshen, it is obvious that they have known Lin Tian's identity for a long time.

The only three of them have been kept in the dark.

"Just wait a little longer, the outcome is still uncertain."

Lin Tian slowly shook his head.

He didn't want to reveal his identity while the final outcome was uncertain.

He wanted to wait until everything was settled before identifying himself, so that relatives and friends would not worry about it.

Their highest level of cultivation at this time was only the Wuwu Venerable Realm, which was too far away from the highest realm, let alone what happened between him and Lin Jie.

"Are you not sure?"

After hearing Lin Tian's answer, Qimeng asked eagerly.

The uncertain ending means that even Lin Tian himself is not sure whether this war can be won.


Lin Tian shook his head and directly admitted the matter.

"I am certain that Lin Jie is not the winner of the war. Similarly, I may not be the winner of the war. There may not be a winner in this war."

"But losers of the war may emerge."

Lin Tian's answer made people confused.

There will be no winners, but there may be losers.

"One era of time is already the limit of how long Lin Jie can wait."

Lin Tian knew what several people wanted to ask.

Given more time, he would have been sure he was the winner of the war.

But unfortunately, there was not enough time.

He can now return to his peak cultivation level and return to the supreme state. This is an unimaginable state, a state where he can create everything.

But he didn't want to do this. If he returned to the Supreme Realm, everything he had done before would be in vain and it wouldn't be worth it.

If he really couldn't succeed in the end, maybe he would choose to restore his peak cultivation level, restore everything, and eradicate Lin Jie at the same time.

The birth of Lin Jie went against his original intention. When he wanted to give Lin Jie more restrictions, something went wrong. He didn't have the extra power to restrict Lin Jie.

"You all should go and take a look when the decisive battle begins."

After thinking for a moment, Lin Tian decided to let Jiang Huang and others go take a look.

This decisive battle may not involve a very fierce battle, but it will definitely be an opportunity that will be of great help to a few people.


Jiang and Huang nodded solemnly.

Naturally, they want to witness the final decisive battle.

"Honglian, take her to Wanbao Pavilion."

Lin Tian's sudden words made the three of them a little confused. Who was brought into Wanbao Pavilion? Are there any members of Wanbao Pavilion left outside?

As Guren disappeared and returned again, a somewhat reserved figure appeared next to Guren.

"Senior Sister Xi Ziyan?"

Jiang Huang shouted.

"I am here."

Hearing Jiang Huang's shout, Xi Ziyan responded quickly.

She had just arrived outside the world and was trying to find Jiang Huang and Xia Lingxi when she was caught by Hong Lian who suddenly appeared.

Jiang Huang's shouting was obviously her life-saving straw.

Unbeknownst to her, the Supreme Battlefield had been opened. Just as she was about to go in and take a look, she was caught.

"Senior, long time no see."

Seeing Xi Ziyan's appearance, Lin Tian smiled and said hello.

When Xi Ziyan heard someone calling her from behind, she quickly turned around. She didn't dare to do anything else in a place like this.

She understood the moment she saw Lin Tian and relaxed instantly.

"I was thinking before that there was an old friend in Wanbao Pavilion, and I guessed a lot of people. One of them was Junior Lin Tian. I didn't expect it to be you."

Xi Ziyan sighed.

But what she didn't expect was that Lin Tian turned out to be the master of Wanbao Pavilion, and even the forbidden existence Honglian was Lin Tian's attendant.

"Take senior sister around the Wanbao Pavilion and arrange a place for senior sister to live."

Lin Tian looked at Jiang Huang and the others and said, and then let them leave.

He is preparing for a decisive battle between the Queens of the Universe.

Xi Ziyan, who followed Jiang Huang and the others, also understood Lin Tian's identity from Jiang Huang's story.

"The being who created everything, I thought it was just a legend, but I didn't expect it to be my junior disciple."

Xi Ziyan felt that the world was so magical.

She always thought it was just a legendary existence, but she didn't expect it to be her junior disciple.

She had heard of Lin Tian in the past. After all, he was one of the strongest people under the realm of the Ten Worlds Great Emperor.

"The final battle between the Queens of the Universe, senior sister, do you want to go with us?"

"Go, of course!"

Xi Ziyan responded excitedly.

She had just reached the supreme realm and wanted to show off her skills on the supreme battlefield.

But who would have thought that the strong men fighting in the supreme battlefield are all at the lowest level of the Great Emperor.

A being in the realm of the Great Emperor could kill her with just one breath. How could she go to the supreme battlefield to fight?

If you can't fight, you can watch the battle. With Lin Tian, ​​a junior here, there will be no problems.

An era later, all the supreme beings gathered on the supreme battlefield again. This time it was the final decisive battle, and the final result was related to whether they could continue to exist.

When Lin Tian and Lin Jie appeared, the eyes of all living beings fell on these two people, and the final direction of the war was decided in the hands of these two people.

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