Chapter 1125 There are experts

This time, because of the effect of the Holy Tomato fruit, the newly born soul is extraordinarily powerful, which can barely resist the Soul Killing Bell for a while.

Just for a while.

As a clone, if the main body makes a move, how can there be any reason to survive?

Seeing Artemis rolling on the ground, everyone in the yard showed a little doubt, only Jiang Xiaolong seemed to understand.

It's a psychosis attack.

Jiang Xiaolong hurriedly put the little fox on the ground, and then greeted Yingluo: "Little Yingluo, go and take out my golden needle.

While speaking, Jiang Xiaolong had already squatted beside Artemis, took her slender hand, and pressed it on the position of her tiger's mouth, massaging her with a special technique to relieve the pain of her headache.

How serious is this girl's delusional disorder? It can cause such a severe headache.

Yingluo responded again and again, and then entered the room.

When 893 used the golden needles for the first time, with Yingluo's strength, he couldn't even help Immortal Jiang Xiaolong send a few needles there. He had to rely on the nine-tailed white fox to get them successfully.

But now...

Yingluo mobilized her cultivation to remove the golden needle.

With sweat on her forehead, she succeeded!

The joy is indescribable.

Her strength really improved rapidly.

When Yingluo brought the golden needle to Jiang Xiaolong, Artemis was already in a coma from the pain. "It's okay, it can be saved!

Thirteen needles of the ghost gate, the thirteenth needle!

Thirteen tongues are in the tongue, and this point must be named Guifeng.

The golden needle fell, and it seemed that thousands of golden rays of light rushed directly into Artemis' body. In an instant, it passed through her body and came to another place.

Demon world.

"Any seniors?

Killing Soul Bell to suppress the soul of the clone has always been unfavorable.

What happened this time?

The Empress was about to give up killing the clone's soul, and when she was recalled first, a terrifying force struck.

The figure of the empress in the center of the blood pool was instantly illuminated, and countless golden rays of light surrounded her body, wrapping her like a cicada.

what is this?

There was a hint of panic on the face of the Empress. Ever since she was promoted to become the Devil Emperor, she has not had such a feeling of hovering on the edge of life and death for a long time.

will die.

really die!

The Empress could clearly see through her inner vision that those golden threads had stabbed her soul and were constantly pulling her soul outward.

She faintly sensed that if her soul was pulled away from the body by this golden thread, it would definitely be taken to another place to be sealed, or even to ashes.

No, absolutely not!

The blood in the blood pool suddenly boiled, "gudu, gudu" bubbling.

The surging blood water continuously washed the body of the Empress, as if to wash away all those golden threads.

However, to no avail...

Pulled by the golden thread, the soul leaves the body.

The Empress watched in horror as her body was getting farther and farther away, and those golden threads had also escaped from the useless body, and turned to control her soul.


The Empress Wannian's cultivation level exploded in an instant, and the blood water condensed into a blood blade at this moment, and then directly slashed on her soul.

Abandon the pawn to protect the car!

With this knife, the soul will be chopped to pieces.

The unwrapped corner of the soul was chopped down, and fluttered back into the body of the Empress.

A hundred souls do not exist.


The glamorous queen actually played with blood in the blood pool.

It's already a silly look.


The sound of the bell had stopped, and Artemis opened his eyes in shock.

It is the soul of the subject!


There was a croak of frogs in the yard.

The swallowing devil frog that was captured happened to wake up at this moment.

The Queen's Soul!

Not afraid of death, the swallowing frog stretched out his tongue and licked it, swallowing the queen's soul into his mouth. Have the opportunity!

The soul of the empress is far superior to the body of the devil swallowing the sky, and in an instant, she has the upper hand.

When he was about to control the swallowing devil frog and take him back to the demon world, a big hand caught him. Only to see Jiang Xiaolong holding the Heaven Swallowing Devil Frog in his hand, he opened his mouth in a particularly happy mood: "Little Yingluo, you are fast enough, and you really brought a mother."


Yingluo stared blankly at the swallowing devil frog in front of her, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, outside Daqingshan.

Nineteen Sleeve Dream Witches are already in place, and the Nineteen Dream Formation is about to open. 66

"The Queen's order, you dare to disobey?!"

The black-clothed woman at the head scolded and directly blocked the words of the others.

dare not.

Even if it doesn't take long, they will all turn into dead bones, and they still don't dare.

Nineteen Xiumeng witches gathered here, and what they held in their hands was Xiumeng's most powerful magic weapon, the luminous wine glass.

Wine and wine luminous cup.


With a falling sound, the 19 Sleeve Dream Witches spread out, surrounded the Daqing Mountain, and then placed the luminous wine glasses on the ground.

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