Chapter 1130 giggling

Medicinal wine can cure all diseases, heal wounds, improve power, and break the realm. However, it can also have the ability to attack as it is today!

Dukang wine can solve all the worries!

Ke Bingheng looked at Jiang Xiaolong with some frenzy in his eyes, then knelt down and hugged Jiang Xiaolong's thigh, "Senior! I want to meet Dukang wine!

Jiang Xiaolong:

Do not. "Children's family, what kind of wine do you drink.

Moments later~ The backyard wine cellar opens.

Really distressed! This Dukang wine cost Jiang Xiaolong a lot of effort.

Sealing the fragrant mud cellar, entering the pond at low temperature, long-term fermentation, mixed steaming and continuing the tank, quality wine picking, grading storage, aging ester... Which step is not exhausted, but now it has been started in advance by this bear child.

"Life Spring?

Mo Tianheng, who finally woke up, carefully asked Yingluo who was beside her, but Yingluo shook her head.

Having been by Jiang Xiaolong's side for a long time, Yingluo's knowledge has broadened.

Such a good fairy wine mixed with water? 893

That's right, even if it's the vitality spring water, it's still water. This wine has never been mixed with the vitality spring water. Only the most primitive sorghum and rice are used as raw materials, and high-quality pure wheat koji can make the most perfect wine.

Sorghum? Rice? Wheat?

When Yingluo thought of this, she couldn't help but look in the direction of the medicine field, and there really were these most "ordinary" crops.

It's just that, living in such a place where immortal energy is abundant, with the cultivation of immortal Jiang Xiaolong, no matter how ordinary crops are, they will become immortals.

The wine is full of aroma!

Looking at the bottom of the altar, the wine is clear and clear, smells slightly sweet, and its quality is extremely pure, which is rare for ordinary wines.

"This is it!

"This is it!

Ke Bingheng suddenly jumped his feet happily, and then he directly took out the wine glass and drank it. Alcohol gas in the chest, drunk boxing without a teacher.

His body was shaking and his steps were unsteady, but a (cjed) set of drunken fists was a powerful punch.

The immortal energy between heaven and earth accompanied Ke Bingheng's whole body at this moment, constantly pouring into Ke Bingheng's small figure.

The problem that has troubled him for a long time has been resolved, his mood has improved, and his state has risen with it.

The middle stage of the fairy king!

Ke Bingheng staggered and rushed towards the backyard, stumbled forward while still shouting loudly: "Ying Baiyi, come and fight with me!

Demon Realm, Empress Palace.

Jiubai Lingyi stood beside the blood pool, holding a handful of shattered crystals in his hand, poured it out at will, and said respectfully: "My Lady Empress, the Nineteenth Dream Formation has failed, and the Nineteen Dreamers have failed. The witch crystal ruptured and all died, and no news of Daqingshan was returned.

Bend at a forty-five-degree angle, staring straight at the toes.

The Empress' body was completely immersed in the blood pool, and from time to time she would drink a mouthful of bloody water and spit out a blood bubble.

Jiubai Lingyi offered 100% respect, but unfortunately, the empress in front of him was almost an empty shell.


The Empress smiled foolishly, and then, with the sound of "crashing" on the surface of the blood pool, she began to reach out to grab the scattered crystal powder.

"My Lady Empress, shall we continue to take action against Daqingshan?"

Jiubai Lingyi seemed to have not seen any abnormality, and was still respectful.


The Empress made a neat move, and in a flash, she grabbed all the crystal powder. "So beautiful~ all beautiful things are mine~"

She held the crystal powder with a smirk, and then suddenly slapped the crystal powder into the wall.

Cracks, crystal powder into, and then tamp.

This whole process, as if the surrounding walls were reshaped, easily completed the production of a crystal wall, the crystal powder was integrated into the wall, and the entire wall was shiny.

The terrifying strength of the Empress has not diminished in the slightest!

"My subordinates take orders, please rest assured, Lady Empress, that Jiubai Lingyi will continue to arrange matters related to attacking the Human World.

Jiubai Lingyi turned around and left as if he had received an order.

The empress behind her is still giggling...

Demon Realm, Thousand Refinements Thunder Pond.

Jiubai Lingyi was wearing a lavender windbreaker and came to the Thousand Lightning Refinement Pond.

The Thousand Lian Lei Pond is in the Demon Realm and is used to punish the demons who make mistakes. However, since the Empress came to this place a hundred years ago, she was attracted by the beauty of the Thousand Lian Lei Pond when it was struck by lightning. For personal use, it has cultivated a group of thunder demons.

Standing on the ninth-order high platform, the Thousand Refinement Thunder Pond is surrounded by lightning flashes. The thunder stone that casts the Thousand Refinement Thunder Pond is said to have the effect of nurturing thunder energy. Demonic energy gathers in the Thousand Refinement Thunder Pond, condensing thunder and lightning, and its power can smash the bones of ordinary demons into ashes.

However, at this moment, in the interplay of thunder and light, there are countless figures of demons moving, and chains with the thickness of their arms are tightly wrapped around their bodies.

These demons were all dark and their eyes were tightly closed, as if they were in a deep sleep.

"Don't wake up yet!"

Accompanied by the scolding of Nine Hundred Feather Wings, the thunder and lightning rays in the Thousand Refinement Thunder Pond suddenly became more and more dazzling, and countless thunder snakes poured into the bodies of these demons along the chains. "Roar!"

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