Chapter 1136 Meow Kitten

The bloody smell shrouded in the Demon Sect, which was enduring for a long time.

The Demon Lord was already full of corpses and blood flowed into rivers.

However, only the demons of the Tianmozong, the flesh and blood~ where is enough for him to taste.

"Hmm~ Familiar taste. 99

The Demon Sovereign took a deep breath, with a slightly intoxicated look on his face, and then moved to the realm of the Monster Beast Alliance.

The boundary of the Monster Beast Alliance has always been the most primitive architectural style. It is piled up with earth and stone, or covered with grass and trees. It looks like a primitive tribe, but the orcs and half-monsters are able to enjoy themselves. Unconsciously living environment - difficult.

All kinds of orcs and half-demon walking on the street are all mixed with the appearance of human and beast. If there is any difference, it is probably that the orcs are mainly human, and the half-demon are beasts. Features are the main thing. They wear clothes mixed with leaves of various plants and animal skins, barely covering their bodies. Some of them have hair on their bodies, but they don't even wear clothes at all

A man who looks like a human race, walking on such a street, looks particularly conspicuous. If this was in the small world before them, if the human race took to the streets with such fanfare, they would have been directly beaten to death.

But here is the new world.

The orcs and half-monsters who passed by are all comforting themselves in their hearts. In this big world, their orcs and half-monsters are the weakest, and they must not easily massacre the human race.

However, the human race seems to have a saying, called: push the nose on the face.

I saw that this man suddenly grabbed an orc cat girl, and then said: "Hello, cat girl, my name is Xun Xin, can I make friends?

at will?

I ride a horse casually!

The catwoman of the orc race was called Meow Kitten, and she had the strength of a human being. Even though her name was very soft, her temper was always so hot that the half-monster tigresses felt ashamed.

She poured out all of her immortal energy and slapped it out.


But it sinks into the sea.

No, impossible, right?

Kitten Meow raised his other hand, and the force of the hit was clearly shocking, but he was taken over by that casual understatement.

"I like pretty girls, but I prefer obedient girls."

As soon as Xun Xin's voice fell, two yin qi directly devoured the two nearest cat people, and the flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only two dead bones, still maintaining the inertia of just walking, however, the lack of The support of flesh and blood collapsed directly.

Kitten Meow stepped back again and again, and that face that was full of suffocation just now was full of panic at this moment.

"Hey, cat girl, do you understand what I mean?"

Move forward at your own pace, pressing step by step.

When Meow Kitten said the first word, the surrounding cat people died again.


A panic spread throughout Kitten Cat's body, she only knew that she was doomed today!

"Meow kitten, go away!"

It is the Bear Sky of the Bear Clan.

I only saw that this big man was eight feet tall, with a strong body, and a pair of bear ears on the top of his head, which proved his identity of the bear human race.

He likes Meow Kitten, he likes it very much, so he can't see her being wronged.

Knowing that Xunxin was strong in front of him, he still stood up and stood in front of Meow Kitten, and then, shouting loudly, said to the surrounding orcs and half-monsters who were hesitant to move forward: "This person's body The suffocation is so heavy, it must be bloodthirsty, do you really think that if you sit on the wall, you will be able to protect yourself?"

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

This is a cultured bear people!

However, the Orcs and the Half-Monsters have always been in the wild, and most of them do not understand those big truths, and the entire race maintains the most primitive idea of ​​being the strongest.

Xun Xin's figure came directly to Xiong Tian's side like a teleportation, and then, with a "click", he twisted his neck.

"Forgot to mention, I also hate noisy men.

"No! Bear...

The tail of a cat behind Meow Kitten drooped weakly on the ground, and the sturdy temperament just now disappeared.

So strong!

too strong to resist.

The Orcs and the Half-Monsters felt that they were no match, so they bowed their heads and retreated.

And Xunxin, under the posture of the orcs and the half-monsters retreating frequently, laughed wildly and said: "However, this noisy bear, there is one thing that is right. That is, I can't let you go. .

Xiong Tian's blood spread in the air, exuding a thick bloody smell.

He is a genius of the bear people, not because of anything else, but because he was born with the most intense maddening bloodline in the history of the orcs and half-monsters!

Under the influence of this blood, the surrounding orcs and half-demon races were already red-eyed with irritation, and then a word of randomness completely ignited all the orcs and half-demon races.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

The original beast roar continued to sound, and the orcs and half-monsters who had been inspired by the beastly nature rushed to the direction of Xunxin to beg regardless of their lives.

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