Chapter 1159 The Pen of the Great Desolation

The nine-tailed white fox bombarded Di Xin's direction with these many terrifying Dao rhyme laws, regardless of the 3721.

"Little Doyle!"

Di Xin seems to be extremely contemptuous of this attack, but in fact, he is secretly glad that this nine-tailed white fox is not yet at the level of an immortal. It's really a danger to yourself.

If it has the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor and holds such a heavy treasure, then...

Di Xin shook his head, he would never give her a chance to grow to the level of Immortal Emperor.

A black long dragon appeared behind Di Xin, and as soon as the long dragon came out, it was to suppress the Dao Rhyme Law of the Nine Magic Weapons.


The nine-tailed white fox let out a cry, and then, the nine treasures were thrown out at the same time, and then the nine tails held a new treasure again.

what's the situation?

Di Xin couldn't help but look dumbfounded for a while. He has traveled the world several times, but he has never seen so many treasures.

And those abandoned pots, fruit knives, etc., actually exploded when they smashed to Di Xin's side!

The fairyland shakes!

Qingqiu is a blessed land, where the spirit of immortals gathers.

However, at this moment, under the bombardment of the explosion of the nine treasures, the spirit of the fairy was smashed and scattered for a while.

As for Di Xin, unprepared, he was also bombarded by the power of the explosion and flew out.


Di Xin's figure flew out for nearly a hundred miles before hitting a small mountain range and piercing the mountain range, barely offsetting the force of the explosion.

Crawling out from between the turbulent sand and stones, Di Xin looked in the direction of the nine-tailed white fox with an incredible look.

Such a heavy treasure was actually used for such a self-destruction attack. How many treasures are still on this little fox?

"Gu Ying married you as a concubine, I think you should have some dowry. You have a lot of treasures, why don't you give them to Gu Lai for safekeeping."5

This is so shameless!

If it is really in the human world, he is called a concubine! How can a concubine want a dowry?

Bah, far away.

The nine-tailed white fox shook his head, getting rid of these undeserved thoughts, and then threw another round of treasures.

The ghost wants to be his concubine!

"Little fox, don't continue to waste such a treasure, the gap between you and me cannot be made up like this.

After Di Xin said this, the image of the black dragon behind him suddenly burst into a golden light, which is the power of the Great Desolation!

From the very beginning, the patriarch of the nine-tailed fox clan felt that this Di Xin seemed to have the power of the wild, so it seemed that it was true.

Such a strong prehistoric power is rare in the world, even the old man of the devil is not as good as him. "Obviously surrender!"

At this moment, the black dragon released a kind of coercion that belonged to the king, as if he was an emperor in the world, and the other people in front of him were only ordinary people.

"I want to make your absolute surrender.

Di Xin spoke again, and for a while, the black dragon spit out dragon energy, and it rushed in the direction of Bai Ruoli.

The metaphor in the words is that if you do not surrender, you will die.

Suddenly, a special force came at the same time, and the Yunnan to the container collided together. There was a big explosion just above the head of the Nine-Tailed White Fox. This is. The power of Artemis. Immortal qi and magic qi appeared together, but not yet at this moment. To be able to fully integrate, otherwise. It should be the power of chaos

The black dragon breathed and shattered in an instant.

Di Xin frowned invisibly, there were so many variables in this life.

||Who are you?

"Why, after swallowing the memories of the Four Demon Emperors, you still don't know your aunt?

The voice of Artemis sounded, and then, a figure suddenly appeared in the valley of Qingqiu,

He looked at Di Xin with burning eyes.

Although this person has the same skin as the Four Demon Emperors, he is definitely not the Four Demon Emperors!

There are only three devil emperors in the demon world, and they have fought with each other for tens of thousands of years. Artemis is very familiar with the methods of the four demon emperors. Among them, the black dragon with the aura of an emperor is definitely not included.

"Chi Chi, since you know that the Four Demon Emperors are dead, why are you worthy of shouting in front of Gu?

Di Xin's aura was instantly aroused, and the phantom of the black dragon behind him seemed to flow between the long rivers of time, coming from a long distance across the ages (Nord's).

The black dragon energy that filled the sky was like a black cloud pressing down on the city, pressing in the direction of Artemis and Bai Ruoli.

Is this the coercion from the ancient creatures?

So strong.

Artemis' expression remained unchanged, she beckoned in the direction of the little fox, and then said: "I'll lend you a few things to use.

Immediately, a brush flew out of the little fox's package.

In Senior Jiang Xiaolong's yard, everything thrown everywhere was a supreme treasure, but they didn't dare to act rashly.

Only the little fox collects all these things, secretly puts them into parcels every day, and hides them in firewood stacks.

Didn't Senior Jiang Xiaolong find out?.

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