Chapter 1163 The patriarch is respected

Now, most of the fallen foxes are nine-tailed foxes, and only a small number of six-tailed foxes

Qingqiu suffered heavy casualties!

However, when the numerous fox clan saw Bai Ruoli's nine long tails rising to the sky, they really supported their weak bodies and knelt to the ground.

They are praying devoutly.

They devoutly worship

"Meet the Fox Emperor!

Even Bai Ruoli's father was only regarded as the patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. Now, in the face of the immortal rank Bai Ruoli, he is regarded as the fox emperor!

Demon world.

Di Xin's figure suddenly appeared, and then he fell directly on the ground, with a layer of fine blood beads oozing out from his forehead.

From this, it can be seen that the damage of the secret method to him is not light.

Di Xin was breathing heavily, constantly absorbing the demonic energy in the demon world to ease the injury on his body.

"Zi La Yi

There was a sound of barbecue, and a small symbol appeared on Di Xin's body. The 29 was the one drawn by Artemis before.

"damn it!"

Di Xin directly used the magic knife to cut off his piece of meat.

However, the symbol seemed to penetrate deep into the bone marrow. If a piece of meat was cut, it would be branded even deeper, like a poison attached to the bone.

Can't be removed!

The magic current in the body circulates, and there is no sign of obstruction at the place. If it wasn't for seeing the symbol flashing with a faint golden light and imprinting it on his body, Di Xin would probably think that all this was just his illusion.

Since the energy in the body runs without hindrance, then this symbol is an ordinary mark, just used for tracking.

For a time, Di Xin couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

What did that Artemis do to him? It was not bad that he didn't kill them to seek revenge for them, and he dared to leave such a symbolic trace!

Furious, but helpless.

Di Xin could only vigorously give up entanglement with this symbol, sit down and start healing.

The dragon energy accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years has been swallowed up at one time, and the damage caused by this is by no means easy to break.

At the same time, Heaven, Qingqiu.

The ten-tailed celestial fox is high in the sky.

There are hundreds of foxes worshipping below.

Amidst the cheers, Bai Ruoli maintained an indifferent demeanor. The fox clan in Qingqiu should respect my father, and the title of the fox emperor should not be mentioned again.

After hearing Bai Ruoli's words, all the fox clan couldn't help but look dead gray. After waiting for hundreds of thousands of years, until the ten-tailed celestial fox comes, do you want to be happy?" Lord Fox Emperor, please put the fox family first!

"I implore Lord Fox Emperor to take responsibility for the life of Qingqiu.

"Please Lord Fox Emperor to take the throne!

"I beg Lord Fox Emperor to lead our fox clan back to the peak of the ancient times!"

Countless fox tribes kept kowtowing, begging, and wailing below.

It was as if Bai Ruoli refused to agree, and he was an eternal sinner of the fox clan.

Oh, right.

The last sinner of the fox clan was Daji.

Bai Ruoli took a deep breath, and then said: "It is a great blessing for the master, I, Bai Ruoli, can only break through the bloodline and become a ten-tailed celestial fox today, so I should wait by the master's side and serve him for life. , I should take up the responsibility of the fox clan. From now on, all clansmen will still respect my father. If there is something that cannot be solved, I will come forward.

The fox clan below whispered, as if they were discussing what Bai Ruoli said. The nine-tailed fox clan chief had an excited look on his face.

This is his daughter! This is his pride! This is the ten-tailed fox of the Qingqiu fox clan!


The surrounding discussions gradually shifted to the patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

What face does the fox with a broken tail have as the patriarch of the fox clan? What face does the fox with a broken tail command Qingqiu

That questioning voice gradually expanded.

The patriarch of the nine-tailed fox clan couldn't help but lowered his eyes and looked at the nine broken tails on the side of the hillside.

Di Xin had already escaped, so the blood fox naturally couldn't maintain its original form, and the nine broken tails fell to the ground and fell into the dust.

Just like the patriarch of the nine-tailed fox clan.

At this moment, he felt that he seemed to have fallen into the dust together with the nine tails 910.


Bai Ruoli's stern scolding sounded instantly, and the frightened fox clan instantly fell silent.

The first person who mentioned this was a nine-tailed red fox. He was old, even older than the patriarch of the nine-tailed fox clan.


Bai Ruoli swept the fox's tail, and a fruit knife flew out directly, and instantly slashed on the tail of the nine-tailed red fox, cutting off one of its tails, turning it into an eight-tailed red fox.

"Do not!

The red fox let out a tragic cry in an instant.

However, Bai Ruoli's expression did not change.

"My father's nine tails will naturally be taken back, so you don't have to worry about that, if anyone still talks about this matter, the end of your tails will be yours!

That nine-tailed red fox, oh no, it's an eight-tailed red fox now.

He was crying with snot and tears, but no one looked at him at all. The only ten-tailed fox of the fox clan!

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