Chapter 1169 Cornfield

The patriarch of the dignified nine-tailed fox clan belongs to such a woman?

Immortal Emperor Qionglin's doubts had not yet had time to ponder, and the raging flames instantly ignited, spreading all over the body of the patriarch of the nine-tailed fox clan, and the red ribbon was shining with orange fire.

This is the fire of Nanli!

Immortal Emperor Qionglin immediately withdrew his hands in shock, and his immortal energy became a cover to protect his figure.

However, the fire of Nanli seemed to have the tendency to destroy the dry and the rotten, and instantly broke the immortal barrier of Qionglin Immortal Emperor.

Fire explosion!

Taking advantage of this time, the patriarch of the Nine-tailed Fox clan hurriedly opened the space and fled back to Qingqiu. There was only the ashen-faced Immortal Emperor Qionglin left in a daze.

The Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches Great Array was lifted when Chihu left, and now there is not even a trace of the remaining formation power around.

Or, go to the small yard to find out?

Immortal Emperor Qionglin had just dropped a few points when he felt that he was locked by a terrifying opportunity.

This place seems to be piled up with the laws of the Great Dao, with murderous intentions all over the place, and the spells pasted on the walls are even more terrifying that people can't see through.

Jiang Xiaolong in the small courtyard seemed to have a feeling and looked up.

For a moment, Immortal Emperor Qionglin shuddered.

Chaos is definitely the power of chaos!

When I look at it, it seems to be thrown into the chaos of the universe. Even at the level of the Immortal Emperor, under such power, it is like a lonely boat in the boundless sea. Down.

In the entire immortal world, the Sifang Immortal Emperor is the supreme existence, and there are very few who know the existence of the ancient creatures.

As for, there are only a handful of people who have seen the power of the Great Desolation.

However, this is insignificant compared to the power of chaos.

Only those chaotic powerhouses can prove the Dao of Hongmeng, obtain the supreme Violet Qi of Hongmeng, and set foot on the Dao of Hongmeng!

In today's three worlds of human beings, immortals and demons, there is still the power of chaos that exists naturally, but absolutely no one can take it for their own use.

History has recorded that only the royal bloodline of the ancient royal court can accommodate the power of chaos by means of the bloodline secret technique. In this way, thinking of the previous Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches Great Array, here, could it be the blood of the royal family with the ancient royal court?

That is the blood relative of Her Royal Highness!

You must hurry up and inform Her Royal Highness!

Thinking of this, Immortal Emperor Qionglin disappeared in the human world. . . .

A bright moon loomed in the sky, and the fairyland at this moment had reached the time when night fell.

In the side hall of Immortal Emperor Qionglin, it was arranged like a fairyland at this moment, and the pots of moonlight epiphyllum in full bloom were blooming with a faint light, echoing the good moon in the sky.

The girl has an exquisite figure, wearing a pale pink dress, with blue silk draped over her shoulders, her phoenix eyes glittering, which is truly breathtaking.

With such an exquisite girl, who can think that she has lived for hundreds of thousands of years?

However, looking at his brows and eyes, he can see that he is cold, and his indifferent temperament that refuses people thousands of miles away seems to be integrated with the brilliance of this bright moon, and his whole person reveals mystery.

"Although the ephemera is beautiful, it is only a flash in the future, if there is a ephemera that never wilts, how wonderful it would be~々?"

She is the only remaining bloodline of the ancient royal court, the princess, Luo Tanmeng.

Luo Tanmeng, taken from a short-lived dream.

The ancient royal court of Ruo Da seemed like a short-lived dream, and now it no longer exists.

In the ancient times, there was a kind of eternal epiphyllum that could bloom immortal, but that thing, like the ancient royal court, could only exist in history, and it lived up to the present.

Just as her thoughts were flying, Immortal Emperor Qionglin's voice sounded outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, Qiong Lin asks to see you.

Oh, it's that Immortal Emperor.

Although it disturbed his interest in viewing flowers, Luo Tanmeng did not mean to refuse to meet him.

Luo Tanmeng sighed with a wave of his hand, and the power of the Great Desolation crushed the endless epiphyllum, and the surrounding light disappeared instantly.

Immediately, as if nothing had happened, he said, "...|| Come in.

When Immortal Emperor Qionglin entered the side hall, there was not a trace of light around him, he had to lower his head and said uneasily: "My Lady, my subordinates have been ordered to investigate the source of the breath of the Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches Array. It is suspected that the bloodline of the ancient royal court exists."


The blood of the ancient royal court?!

Luo Tanmeng's eyes in the dark couldn't help but widen, and there was a little anger in his voice, "Qiong Lin, have I told you that I am the only one left in the blood of the ancient royal court? The power of the upper and lower, to keep me alive in the catastrophe, oh, now you tell me, in that mere human world, there is my ancient royal court blood retention system?

Not angry.

Hearing Luo Tanmeng's voice, Immortal Emperor Qionglin actually felt a little trembling.

"Don't dare to deceive the princess!"

A layer of chaotic power surrounds Immortal Emperor Qionglin, if there is any falsehood, Luo Tanmeng will definitely kill him.

The vast spiritual power spread like a sea of ​​smoke, directly invading the sea of ​​consciousness of Immortal Emperor Qionglin.

The tingling sensation made Immortal Emperor Qionglin unsteady, but he did not dare to resist in the slightest...

After Luo Tanmeng peeped into the memory of Immortal Emperor Qionglin, his eyes trembled slightly.

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