Chapter 1171 Machete

Wearing a pair of straw sandals, he was smashed by the cut corn stalk on the top of his feet, not to mention how painful it was, and blood flowed out all of a sudden.


Artemis and the others are all carefully avoiding this dangerous thing, resolutely not getting close. "Cough cough.""

Jiang Xiaolong coughed twice, and then said comfortingly: "In this way, I will cook two more corn for you later, don't cry. You go to rest first, others will try first.

Ying Baiyi looked around, with Artemis on one side, Meow Kitten on the other, and Yingluo standing behind.

Well, they are all female generals.

In this way, when Jiang Xiaolong said "other people come and try first", he was talking about him.


The machetes in the basket seem to be indistinguishable, they are all rusted, but, isn't there a lot of rust~

Every machete contains a strong murderous aura, a knife in hand can kill - heaven!

The mottled rust, if you look closely, you can find that where is the rust, it is clearly the blood of countless strong people.

What did Senior Jiang Xiaolong do with this machete on weekdays?!

Noticing Ying Baiyi's gaze fixed on Rust, Jiang Xiaolong felt a little embarrassed.

"When I first came to Daqingshan, I only had these machetes on hand, wood for building houses, meat for hunting and cutting, killing fish and chickens, everything was made of them. Although it is rusted a little, but e , The blade is still fast, and it is still possible to chop a corn stalk."


These machetes actually started a business with Jiang Xiaolong's predecessors!

He chopped down ancestral trees, killed ancient beasts, and even slaughtered dragons to destroy the Golden Crow?

After being contaminated with so much extraordinary blood, how far should this machete have evolved? If there is a spirit in the knife, one spirit can destroy an immortal emperor!

Facing these machetes, Ying Baiyi couldn't help but feel intimidated. After hesitating for a long time, he chose a machete with the least rust from the basket.

Before he could take it, the boundless murderous aura suddenly enveloped Ying Baiyi.

Have spirit!

Knife is smart!

Damn it, why did Senior Jiang Xiaolong let them hold such a peerless weapon!

Ying Baiyi seemed to be pulled into a dead zone, and there was a thick sword energy everywhere.

The sword is sharp, the sword is heavy.

The two are completely different beings.

The moment Ying Baiyi entered this place, he felt the strongest hostility.

The heavy knife energy condensed into a handful of machetes, slashing in the direction of Ying Baiyi from all directions.

There is no escape, there is no escape!

I'm dying!

"Have you practiced the sword for so long, now you can't hold the sword?

Jiang Xiaolong's voice suddenly sounded in Ying Baiyi's ear.

What happened to this cheap apprentice? When I first started practicing swordsmanship, my strength was so weak that I couldn't even pick up a sword. Now, I have finally gained a little strength, and I can't even hold a machete?

I'm afraid I think I'm too old to be a master and can't lift a knife, right?

The moment Jiang Xiaolong's scolding voice entered Ying Baiyi's ears, he had a little epiphany.

How about a knife? How about a sword?

The breath of the whole person changed at this moment.

The original sharp and light charm has become more generous.

Precipitation is equally important!

The surrounding dead zone disappeared in an instant. What kind of knife has spirit, but the resentment on the knife is too heavy, and it has fascinated Ying Baiyi's mind.

·For flowers·

Ying Baiyi had been staying at the level of the Immortal King for a while, but after this time, he went straight to the Immortal Monarch realm.


The little fox waved its fox paws and shouted, "I will reach the Immortal Monarch one step earlier than you!" Suddenly, there was also the breath of breakthrough from Ke Bingheng's side.

When everyone looked at it, they realized that he had paid the price of one hand and one foot, and the cob of corn that he broke off had already been eaten alive by him.

After the skin of the corn was peeled off, rows of golden yellow teeth were exposed, and the golden light was shining brightly. It has to be said that Ke Bingheng's cultivation of medicine pills also played a big role at this moment. Otherwise, if this kind of power enters the body and is not digested and absorbed, it may cause him to explode and die. "Come on, come and chop the corn stalks with me, the others... voluntary. If you don't want to chop the corn stalks, just peel the corn husks.

Jiang Xiaolong thought that these corn stalks are rough and hard, and it would be bad to hurt those lovely girls. Therefore, today's forced labor is still only Ying Baiyi.

"Let me try.

Artemis picked up the machete without hesitation. After all, it was the Demon Emperor-level cultivation base. She mastered the machete in less than three breaths.

Jiang Xiaolong nodded, very satisfied with the maid,

On the other hand, Artemis looked at Ying Baiyi with a terrifying look.

Only by trying it personally can I know how much willpower Ying Baiyi must have to master this peerless weapon by virtue of his cultivation at the Immortal King level just now!

"I'm going to try too!

"I'm going to try too!

Yingluo and Meow Kitten begged at the same time.

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