Chapter 1174 did not pull

The stars are spinning, the sun and the moon are not shining, the forbidden land is like a dream, there is no return.

This passage is a forbidden language circulated in ancient times, and it is about a forbidden place called Ruomeng.

The stars are spinning, the sun and the moon have no splendor, because once you enter this place, the sun, moon, and stars cannot insinuate light, and thousands of ways cannot pass here.

Therefore, there is a saying that "the forbidden land is like a dream, there is no return".

"Your Highness the Queen...

Immortal Emperor Qiong Lin, who was chasing after him, just opened his mouth, but Luo Tanmeng stared at him fiercely and did not dare to speak.

Hasn't Ruomeng Forbidden Land disappeared with the ancient catastrophe?

Why is it still here?

Why did the eldest brother bring himself here?

Could it be that he hated his father and king, so he wanted to kill his little sister to vent his anger?

For a time, Luo Tanmeng's mind went back and forth, but the steps under her feet were not daring to move a single step. After a while, Jiang Xiaolong came back with a long flaming pole, illuminating the road ahead. "Go, let's go in." 5

Jiang Xiaolong held Luo Tanmeng's hand and wanted to go inside the cave.

A pull, no pull.

I saw Luo Tanmeng's small figure, all leaning back, and the word "resistance" was written all over his body.

Jiang Xiaolong:???

"Didn't you want a flash in the pan? Don't want to go in now?"

Stern tone!


Luo Tanmeng cried out with a "wow", then closed her eyes and ran into the cave. Sure enough, the eldest brother wants his own life!

Jiang Xiaolong stayed where he was, and was speechless for a while.

What the hell?

Such a crying sister?

Jiang Xiaolong had no choice but to chase after him quickly.

If the dream is forbidden to seal the Taoist law, even Luo Tanmeng has the power of chaos, and he is like an ordinary girl here.

The surrounding darkness seemed to devour her, and vaguely, she seemed to have seen the royal compatriots of the ancient royal court beckoning to her.

Forget it, since there is a eldest brother in this world, I can finally keep the blood of the ancient royal court.

Moreover, the eldest brother's cultivation base is so strong that he will definitely be able to move towards the next great world!

Thinking of this, Luo Tanmeng's heart calmed down, facing the darkness around him eroding his skin, although there was the pain of being eaten by thousands of insects and ants, Luo Xianmeng's brows were only slightly wrinkled.

"Tell me, why are you running so fast? There are many snakes, worms, rats and ants in this cave, so I'm not afraid of being scared.

Jiang Xiaolong held a torch and walked to Luo Tanmeng's side together with Immortal Emperor Qionglin, who was afraid to come in.


Luo Tanmeng opened her mouth in shock, thinking that the eldest brother was angry and wanted to vent his anger with his own life, but now, he found that the anger in the eldest brother's heart could not be offset by his own life?

Forbidden land is like a dream, there is no return.

The eldest brother did not hesitate to enter this place, this is to completely cut off the blood of the ancient royal court! At this moment, under the light of the fire, although the pain of being eaten by thousands of insects and ants has receded, Luo Tanmeng only feels more hard.

It was penetrating cold.

"Brother, why do you have to? Why do you have to come in with me, isn't it enough for me to be buried here alone?

Listening to Luo Tanmeng's muttering, Jiang Xiaolong was a little confused for a while. There were only snakes, worms, rats and ants in the cave, and he was going to be buried here?

"Don't be silly, my brother will take you out~々.

"Brother, take you out.

These words seemed to explode in Luo Tanmeng's ears, and there was no trace of hatred in that soft tone.

Could it be that you have misunderstood?

Under the light of the fire, the two of them...

Oh, no, two of them work together.

Walking together on the tunnel in this cave.

The tunnel of the cave is long, narrow and damp. Even with the light of torches, it can only flicker in this area in front of you. A little further away is an unpredictable fear.

""|| Dawang, do you have a rope to tie your hair?

Along the way, Luo Tanmeng seemed to be well-behaved and never said a word. There must be a reason for this sudden inquiry. "What's wrong?"

"My hair has been rubbing against my face, itchy.

Jiang Xiaolong looked back and was instantly shocked, where was the hair rubbing against his face, only to see a small piece of spider web hanging on Luo Tanmeng's face!

A black spider the size of a palm crawled towards Luo Tanmeng's cheek along the line of the spider web. "go away!"

With a flick of the torch in Jiang Xiaolong's hand, the connected spider web system was blown directly.

According to the effect of gravity, the spider fell to the ground with the spider web (promised), and then Jiang Xiaolong raised his foot and stepped on the black spider.

Immortal Emperor Qionglin watched this scene from behind and tightly covered his mouth.

At the end, he could see clearly that it was a human-faced demon spider!

Facing the human-faced demon spider of the ancient vicious beast, Immortal Emperor Qionglin needed a fight even in the outside world. If he was in a place like Ruomeng forbidden land, he could only be slaughtered by others.

Look at Immortal Jiang Xiaolong again!

Is this the first heir of the ancient royal court?

The strength is so terrifying! Even if he stepped into the Forbidden Land of Falling Dreams, he would not be affected.

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