Chapter 1195 Gifts

"Jiang Xiaolong! Even if you are an existence in the chaotic universe, we have forged this feud! Only after the words fell, did he realize that there was a dwarf kid under him.

This kid, luck is a bit strong!

You must know that when the entire ancient world is smashed down, only Luoshen is protected by the power of chaos, will he be safe and sound.

This little auspicious ghost was just crushed by himself, so he was protected by the power of chaos and survived.


Luoshen looked at the exaggerated face, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Geely!" Then, with one kick, the Geely Ghost was kicked upside down and flew out.

Because of this sudden natural disaster, most of the abyss ghosts were killed or injured in an instant.

"Good luck! Good luck!

The injured auspicious ghost" flew back and smashed into the group of abyss ghosts.

A group of abyss ghosts:

The auspicious ghost who looks very lovable on weekdays, 940 feels unlucky no matter how you look at it at this time. "A man smashed down, auspicious and auspicious, and directly smashed the starving ghost to death, auspicious and auspicious!" A group of abyss ghosts: ...

Lucky ass!

However, there are supreme powers who fall into the abyss ghost clan, and the comers are not good.

The abyss small world can not stay!

It just so happened that the fusion of the outside world now brought them new opportunities.

go out!

There was an oval-shaped guy standing on the only remaining dirt slope. This guy had two black bumps on his head.

He is a demagogue.

Seeing that his whole body was pitch black, at first glance, he couldn't find his nose, eyes, or mouth at all.

However, the voice still came out.

"Clansmen, the dark winds of the small abyss world corrode our bodies, day after day, year after year, have you had enough?!


"If that's the case, then let's go out and explore the big world outside!"

The bewitched ghost usually has the most ghost ideas, and his words are also the most infectious.

With just a few words, all the abyss ghosts have been encouraged to go out and explore together.

The abyss ghost clan has been closed to the world for millions of years, and since it has grown and grown, there are already dozens of powerful people at the level of the devil. Bewitched ghosts believe that with this strength, they will definitely be able to occupy a place in the new world!

"Go out! Explore the big world outside!"


Many of the little devils have lost their ability to think under the erosion of the cloudy wind for many years, and can only shout with the flow.

"Follow my footsteps and move forward!"

The bewitched ghost took the lead, and the oval body showed a jumping forward.

Many ghost clans walked out of the site that originally belonged to the small abyss world.

"Hey, wait for me. Geely Geely!"

The auspicious ghost chased after crying, for fear of being abandoned by his own tribe.

Between the woods, there are elm trees, maple trees, and cash cows, and the green leaves are densely connected, which seems to be fresh and delicious.

Is this new world actually a mountain (cjed)?!

The first time the Bewitched Ghost rushed out, he grabbed a few leaves and stuffed them into his mouth. The aroma of the grass leaves came from his mouth.

Is this the scent of plants?!

For a time, the bewitched ghost was actually grateful.

For generations, I have only heard of the existence of plants in stories, but I never expected to have the opportunity to see them today!

Thank you ghost!

Thank you for the gift brought by the fusion of all worlds!

The abyss ghosts that behave in this way are not just bewitched ghosts.

The moment the abyss ghosts stepped into Daqingshan, they swarmed to pick leaves from various trees.

There were even a few abyss ghosts who directly began to eat the bark. While chewing the bark, there was a happy look on his face.

After seeing this situation, a few ten-turn red maple trees moved their bodies away from this group of people who were reincarnated by starving ghosts.

Three or two white butterflies fluttered and fluttered, and the snow-white color of the whole body looked like a few snowballs flying in the air at first glance.

The abyss ghosts were excited again.

When they saw butterflies for the first time, they just wanted to catch all the butterflies in front of them and have a good taste.

"Don't try these unknown things easily, Geely Geely, be careful to be poisoned, Geely Geely

Auspicious shit, not lucky at all!

The auspicious ghost who is usually the mascot of the abyss ghost is now more and more despised by people

There was a devil-level hanged ghost, and after pushing away the lucky ghost, he rushed towards the white butterfly.

Since he is a hanged ghost, a thick hemp rope is always tied around his neck, and it seems that kung fu can come in handy at this moment.

I only saw that he suddenly slammed the rope forward, and it hit the butterfly in front of him. Die of laughter, do you think there are any ordinary creatures in this big green mountain?

This is a chalk butterfly!

I saw that the white butterfly was rapidly pulled upwards, dodging the incoming attack, and then its wings vibrated, sweeping down a piece of golden powder.

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