Chapter 1200 Sprinkle Salt

"No! Geely Geely! You will die if you go up, Geely Geely!"

Fang Yuan couldn't hold back his emotions any longer, and kicked the auspicious ghost out. "Good luck!"

However, in the process of flying out of the auspicious ghost, he kept shouting: "If you must go out, don't use the main body! Auspicious and auspicious! It will be eaten, auspicious and auspicious.

All the sea clan could not help but tremble.

I always feel that this is not an auspicious ghost at all, but a "unlucky ghost" who is still cursing them!

Fang Yuan was conceited that his strength was not bad, although he felt a little hair in his heart because of what this auspicious ghost said, but Zhu Jiu went out to sea with his head held high.

After the auspicious ghost flew out for a short distance, it was hung on the branch.

He bit his lip and looked at the direction Fang Yuan was leaving.

The smile on that funny face, which usually only feels festive, but now looks full of ridicule.

However...he definitely didn't mean the slightest bit of sarcasm!

Fang is willing to have 940 kindness to himself!

Taking him in the Crystal Palace and giving him a place to live, he can't just watch him die!

Thinking of this, the auspicious ghost directly chased out.

on the coast.

Jiang Xiaolong looked at the large fish basket full of clam shells and felt extremely satisfied.

This bag of salt is not in vain!

I can have a whole clam feast today.

Just as he was about to return home, big bubbles began to appear continuously in the small hole.

"Wait! There's a big guy!"

Jiang Xiaolong was overjoyed, looking at the size of the bubble, it would pop up soon, it was definitely a prehistoric giant mussel! A thin head popped out.

"Fuck, it's actually a razor!"

Jiang Xiaolong felt that his luck was so good today that the razor clams were fresh and delicious, and the taste was something he hadn't eaten in a long time.

Salt, salt (cjed), keep salting!

Jiang Xiaolong didn't begrudge his salt, and threw all the remaining salt out.

When the razor came into contact with a large amount of salt, it would want to get out of the hole, and soon a water column was sprayed out.

"it's time!"

If the razor clam is not fast, it is likely to retract into the hole.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolong saw the opportunity for the first time, he shot directly, and he grabbed the razor.

The outside world is so dangerous, go back quickly!

Fang Yuan struggled hard, as long as his body was still in the soil, he was the strongest

"Yo, this razor is big, and its strength is not small.

The strength in Jiang Xiaolong's hand instantly increased.

With the power of Wan Jun, Fang Yuan felt the irresistible power and wanted to pull himself out. "It's over, Captain Fang Yuan is going to be eaten, Geely Geely!"

"Captain Fang Yuan, you wait! Geely Geely! I'll help you! Geely Geely!"

A familiar voice came from the rear, which made Fang Yuan's heart shake and felt bad.

The auspicious ghost rushed over, pulled Fang Yuan, and wanted to drag him back a little.


As soon as the auspicious ghost stretched out his hand, it directly touched the crystal rod of Fang Yuan's body.

This is the life of the razor!

If on weekdays, the position of the gate of life is hidden in the shell, it will not be exposed at all.

But now, Fang Yuan's shell is about to be ripped off by Jiang Xiaolong, the auspicious ghost is still coming up from below...

your sister!

Before Fang Yuan's angry roar could be shouted out, the strength of his body was instantly vented, and then, Jiang Xiaolong was easily pulled up.

Jiang Xiaolong: "Eh? Why did this thing get involved so easily all of a sudden? Could it be dead?

Luo Tanmeng: "Brother Dawang, this razor clam is not dead, it's still alive. Look, it's still watering." Jiang Xiaolong: "It's good to be alive, if you eat it after death, it won't be fresh."5

After the auspicious ghost below heard this, his whole body trembled, and he turned around in fear and ran away. "It's scary! Geely and Geely! Captain Fang Yuan will be eaten alive! Geely Geely!"

Heaven and earth have changed drastically, the world has merged, and the three worlds of human, demon and immortal have merged with three thousand small worlds, and a new world has been generated with the human world as the center.

Such a big change made everyone exhausted.

Among the immortal worlds, the three immortal emperors are the most.

Originally, Immortal Emperor Qionglin, Immortal Emperor Dao Lei, Immortal Emperor Qianshui, Immortal Emperor Lingzhi were in charge of Sifang Immortal Emperors in the Immortal Realm. Things didn't show up, causing the other three Immortal Emperors to help him clean up the mess together.

Now, the chaos has just been initially resolved.

Immortal Emperor Qianshui dragged his tired figure to his other palace.

"Geely Glee!"

As soon as he entered the Crystal Palace, a figure collided head-on, slamming into his chest.


Just when Immortal Emperor Qianshui was about to get angry, he realized that it was an auspicious ghost, and the anger dissipated for a while.

"How come you little thing is in my crystal palace?"

The coercion belonging to the Immortal Emperor level was instantly released, and the auspicious ghost was breathless.

"I am left by Captain Fang Yuan, Geely Geely! I'm not a bad person, Geely Geely!".

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