Chapter 1204 The Sea Mermaid

Immortal Emperor Qianshui was captured by that terrifying demon!

The sea clan will be completely eaten and wiped out!

Immediately, the auspicious ghost was hurriedly hugging his head.

As for the direction... Let's follow the large army of the abyss ghost clan to find the Spiritual Sense Immortal Emperor.

Under the sea, Crystal Palace.

Immortal Emperor Qianshui slumped on his shell bed, swaying, revealing a light blue fish tail.

The personal maid seems to be good too.

When the catastrophe is present, being able to obtain the protection of the taboo existence seems to be able to survive this catastrophe.

If you perform well, the entire sea clan of Fuze will not know!

Well, seniors like to eat shellfish, so I will send some more in the future.

At this moment, a sea mirror suddenly condensed in the sea.

The water flow was extremely gentle, without causing any fluctuations, the sea mirror was facing the Immortal Emperor Qianshui, and her face was reflected in it.

Haijing is a very primitive means of communication, which has not appeared in the world for tens of thousands of years.

On that palm-sized mirror, it seemed that the water was flowing slowly. If the ordinary sea mirror appears, the shallow water may not care.

However, at this moment, between the ocean currents, there is a faint aura of the power of chaos!

...just a sea mirror!

How powerful will a person who can transmit the power of chaos through the sea mirror become powerful?!

The enchantment suddenly appeared, and the law fell.

A huge enchantment takes the sea mirror as the center, wrapping the entire Crystal Palace in it, as if it is a world of its own.

The power of chaos.

Truly the power of chaos.

Immortal Emperor Qianshui didn't try to resist, because she knew that if the comer wanted to kill her, he didn't even need extra means, and the power consumed by the formation of the barrier was enough to crush her.

A blue to purple light appears.

Then, on the sea mirror, figures began to emerge.

That is a woman who is half human and half fish! If you look closely, it is still three-fold similar to the face of shallow water.

The woman's appearance seems to be gentle and soft, but her figure is unparalleled.

The upper body is made of a small coat connected by several pieces of shells, and the lower body is a purple fish tail~々! "Mother...Mother?"

When Immortal Emperor Qianshui exited, he seemed a little puzzled.

My mother died early, how could I use the sea mirror to communicate with myself, and how could I have the aura of chaos

The evil spirit obstructed his eyes, and the Immortal Emperor Shallow Water could not see the scene in the sea mirror.

Behind the purple-tailed murloc, there is clearly a group of ancient evil forces controlling, and above that gentle face, what kind of sinister evil intentions.

"Shallow water, now the catastrophe is approaching, our sea clan should take this opportunity to turn over and destroy the human clan! For the great cause of the sea clan, more or less sacrifices are needed. Mother has a secret technique that can help you. Reach the realm of chaos and master the power of chaos. And all this, only need to sacrifice millions of sea clan!

Sacrifice millions of sea clan, change the great cause of sea clan? Change yourself to master the power of chaos?


Immortal Emperor Qianshui had a slightly blurred look in his eyes, and then he nodded in response: "Since mother said so, then Qianshui will go now...

Suddenly, the evil-restraining talisman in his arms shone with dazzling light, and the rune incantation appeared in golden light, surrounding the whole body of Immortal Emperor Qianshui, causing him to wake up suddenly.


Immortal Emperor Qianshui looked at his "mother's twisted face, and for a while, his heart was full of resentment. He ignored the will of the dead and brought them into the world in an attempt to obtain blood sacrifices?"

Such evil should be destroyed!

Immortal Emperor Qianshui immediately put the evil-suppressing talisman given to her by Jiang Xiaolong on the sea mirror, and a shrill scream sounded, and immediately, a black-gray smoke appeared on the sea mirror...

Dore Field.

The thunder was overwhelming, all over the purple light.

Looking down from the sky, it seems to be in a dead silence. The terrifying purple thunder exudes an aura of destruction, like a spider web, densely covering the entire world

A figure of a man in a white robe hovered in the air.

He is the source of all thunder.

That month's white robe was purple, and the purple-gold silk thread embroidered the state of thunder, spreading all over the body, echoing the thunder in the sky at this moment.

This is, Immortal Emperor Dao Lei!

""|| Killing and bloodshed can make you comprehend the true meaning of the power of the Great Desolation. "

"Emperor Qionglin can rely on the ancient creatures to obtain the inheritance of the power of the prehistoric, (Nuo's) what can't you do?"

"Tao does not distinguish between right and wrong, and thunder should destroy the world."9

A group of ancient evil spirits fell behind Immortal Emperor Dao Lei, linking out thin silk threads, making Immortal Da Lei like a puppet that could only be manipulated.

That gloomy and sinister voice kept ringing in the ears of Immortal Emperor Dao Lei, urging him to slaughter the subjects of his domain.

Human immortals, earth immortals, and heaven immortals have no power to resist under such thunder.

Jin Xian and Da Luo Jin Xian could only scream and flee under such thunder, but in the next instant they turned into a charred corpse.

The Immortal King level uses a self-explosion to create a blood path, and the Immortal Monarch level takes this opportunity to consume the blood and escape to leave the nephew.

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