Chapter 1214 Traces of Time

The chaotic aura is not like the ancient times, it has the power to destroy the sky and the earth, but it is soft, and can be absorbed by his old body.

The afterlife?!

The ancient times suffered a catastrophe, the ten major forces were almost destroyed, and there was no inheritance left to future generations. I am afraid that the glory of the ancient times could not be reproduced for hundreds of thousands of years. How many million years of future generations can it take to create this prosperous scene!

The old man unconsciously glanced around~

Returning the sword to the sheath is Ying Baiyi who shows his own edge.

Although it is a cat-human race, the power of the whole body magic is stronger than the physical power of Meow Kitten. Wait, this boy!

When the Yao veteran looked at Ke Bingheng, he only felt that this young man seemed to have a lot of fate with their family, and the strength of the medicinal power was no less than that of the main bloodline of their family.


"Grandpa Yao, it's me, Luo Tanmeng.

Although the old man's face was haggard, Luo Tanmeng still recognized him at a glance.

"You are... Tanmeng? That little girl from the Luo family?

Yao Lao burst into tears for a moment. He could not have imagined that the ancient royal court, the leader of the top ten ancient forces, even had the blood of its descendants spread to the world, so it must be the place where Luo County Dream was rebuilt, right?

"Xiao Tanmeng, you are still alive, as long as you are still alive, your father and the others can rest in peace!" After Luo Tanmeng heard this, tears also appeared in the corners of her eyes.

Jiang Xiaolong: Also Tan Meng's acquaintance?

Judging from the intimacy of Luo Tanmeng's treatment of the old man, Yao grandpa or something, shouldn't he be the imperial physician in the palace?

"Xiao Tanmeng, I want grandpa to ask you, what era is it now? This place is the ancient royal court you rebuilt~々?"

Jiang Xiaolong:!!!

what era?

Wait, there's something wrong with this old man!

According to the routine of the novel, this kind of person who does not even know the dynasty must be a traveler!

Jiang Xiaolong understood instantly.

Luo Tanmeng's two white and tender hands constantly stirred the corners of his clothes, and said a little shyly: "Grandpa Yao, Tanmeng is useless, but he has not been able to rebuild the ancient royal court and restore the scenery of our family. , Fortunately, I found the eldest brother! This is my eldest brother, and this place is his residence.

Luo Tanmeng excitedly introduced Jiang Xiaolong to the old man.

Big brother?

That evildoer?

Yao Lao's expression was dark and difficult to understand, and the medicinal power of this body was constantly fluctuating, as if he was considering whether to kill him. Luo Tanmeng was still young and didn't know what happened back then, but he was clear about it. "grandfather.

Yao Qingming, who was on the side, gently pulled Yao Lao's clothes, interrupting his thoughts. The slightly withered little hand pointed to the ground under his feet.

Yao Lao followed his fingers and looked down, only to find that the soil here is actually Chaos Primordial Soil!

Oh my god, Chaos cultivates Yuan soil?

This is one of the most suitable soils for fairy plants to grow.

For a time, Yao Lao's eyes flashed a hint of regret. Unfortunately, in the long river of time and space, the seeds of the ancestor tree mutated and instantly grew into a towering tree to save them, otherwise, the ancestors of the ancestor tree will be saved. Bringing the seeds to this world for planting will definitely give it the best planting environment! Alas, too greedy.

It is rare to be able to survive.

Yao Lao sighed, then squatted down, his fingers gently twisting the soil on the ground

This land, which has just been turned over, what is planted in it?

Out of curiosity, Yao Lao dug down a little with his bare hands and turned out the buried seeds.

Oh my god, it's actually a fairy!

Looking around, this whole piece of land has just been turned over. Could it be that the ground is full of such immortal seeds?

Yao Lao held the seed in his hand, opened his mouth wide and turned to Luo Tanmeng's direction, his mouth kept opening and closing, as if he wanted to say something, but he was unable to say it.

""||Grandpa Yao, we were just doing spring ploughing, and what you are holding are the seeds we sowed.

Luo Tanmeng knew everything in this great green mountain and what kind of impact it would have on the old man, so he explained in advance.

"Well, old man, we are ploughing in spring, and it's almost over now, why don't we take you and this little baby to my yard to rest first.

Jiang Xiaolong, as the owner of the family, seemed reasonable and reasonable to speak at this time. The most important thing is that he needs too much time to communicate with the old man to find out if he has come through!

For a time, the road roared!

Jiang Xiaolong's whole body exudes a holy light, and the old man (Nuo Mo's) couldn't help but look shocked.

This person does not seem to be in the Five Elements, and lives outside the ten thousand realms. He is an immortal, indestructible, supreme being! The gentle chaotic power is centered on him and is constantly released outwards.

Such an existence must be a supreme saint, how could it be the evil barrier of Luoshen?

If the power of chaos is subdivided, it should be divided into four stages, the first stage is the first sight, the second stage is the pull-up, the third stage is the Tianshu, and the fourth stage is the chaos!

Break through the chaos before you can see Hongmeng nephew!

The old man himself is only the first stage of the power of chaos. After seeing it for the first time, after all, without the unique bloodline of the ancient royal court, it is difficult to go further in the stage of chaos.

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