Chapter 1220 Tadpoles are for eating

The elves from all over the place are still scattered, and they live the same life as before in the elves' realm. Until the calamity comes!

Immortal Emperor Dao Lei continued to land with purple thunder tribulations, and every step was thunderous.

The field that first encountered this thunder tribulation was already the land of Aihong. Many Immortal Kings and Immortal Monarchs were buried in this thunder calamity, and only a few barely survived and fled to the Elf Holy Court. The elves are the darlings of heaven and earth, and they are blessed with a unique cultivation path.

And the elf queen, as the first king of this race, has only cultivated for five thousand years and has become a supreme immortal monarch.

One step away from the Immortal Emperor level.

This step is far away, like a ravine in the sky!

Immortal Emperor Dao Lei was suspended in the air, behind him there was a gray-black shadow, moving his hands and feet as if he were manipulating a puppet.

This gray-black shadow is about to condense into a human form!

If you look closely, you can see this gray-black shadow. It seems that there are countless marks that have been whipped around, and the marks seem to have been inserted into its body.


The aura of that ancient evil spirit was so powerful that it was terrifying.

What kind of existence can whip him?

Oh, or what about the strangles of the rope?

In short, those are not things that the elf queen can think of.

"Queen, the vitality spring of our Elf Valley has poured into the power of chaos that can be absorbed!" While the Elf Queen was struggling to support, a slender female Elf came to report. The power of chaos that can be absorbed?

Does this happen?


The elf queen inserted the elf scepter in her hand into the center of the realm, and all the elves in the entire realm were filled with light green energy, which was the energy of vitality!

Bunch of green energy gathered on the elf scepter, forming (cjed) a huge barrier, briefly protecting the elf domain.

The outside world was constantly bombarded with thunderstorms, and the breath was surging, but it was unable to break this barrier for a while. This is the last resort of the elves.

The elf queen wanted to take this time to peek at the changes in the spring of vitality.

If she can rely on the thunder tribulation of Dao Lei Immortal Emperor, coupled with the power of chaos in the vitality spring, maybe she can also break through to the level of Immortal Emperor.

An Immortal Emperor level with the power of chaos!

As long as it is achieved, she can have the power of a battle!

The elves, the fountain of vitality.

The Elf Queen stood beside the Spring of Vitality with a hint of hesitation in her eyes.

That trace of chaotic power seems to be generated at the bottom of this vital spring, and only when you go deep into it can you get a glimpse of it.

Of course, you can see the bottom at a glance, but the elves have used it every day for hundreds of thousands of years, but it has not been exhausted so far.

God knows how deep the water is!

Forget it, what else can I do other than give it a try?

The barrier has been completed, but under the constant bombardment of the sky thunder, the trembling and shaky, I do not know when it will collapse, the elves are already standing on the edge of the cliff, and there is no way to retreat.

"Plop", the water splashed everywhere.

The elf queen jumped directly into the spring.

The water was sparkling, and under the swaying sunlight, it seemed to form a silver mirror.

Twos and threes of carp passed by.

The Elf Queen suddenly opened her white eyes, and what caught her eye was a few small tadpoles.

The kind that just grew back legs.

The power of chaos!

The Fountain of Vitality has always been a sacred object of the elves, and the responsibility of the queen of elves is to guard this fountain for generations.

It was the first time she knew that there were creatures underwater.

time does not wait!

The elf queen chanted the mantra to control the power of nature, and a few water plants grew from the bottom of the water and got trapped in the direction of the tadpole.

This chaotic power is extremely soft and seems to be absorbable, she can't miss it!

There is an old saying about boiled frogs in warm water, and today there are water plants wrapped around tadpoles.

The little tadpoles did not notice any abnormal existence around them at all, and they were still playing among the water plants. Suddenly the water plants spread and formed a prison the size of a fist, which trapped these tadpoles in into it.

The Elf Queen was instantly delighted.

However, in the next instant, a terrifying coercion descended on the head of the Elf Queen, and in an instant, her figure was pressed to the bottom of the water.

The power of chaos was directly formed, and it turned into the shape of the ribs of a giant beast, and the figure of the elf queen was forked there.

Because of this animal bone with spikes, her clothes supported by the leaves of the plant could not be preserved at all, and she became embarrassed. Even the green grass ring that was often carried on the top of the head fell to the bottom of the water.

The elf queen was horrified to discover that she could not breathe freely underwater, and for the first time experienced the feeling of drowning as a mortal!

in the small yard.

Jiang Xiaolong took the minced meat that could no longer be minced and brought it to the pond, ready to feed the little tadpoles.

Because he found that these little tadpoles he raised were actually ovo-feeding species, and it was all because the female frog lay some eggs from time to time to feed.

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