Chapter 1307 Arrogance

The troll general did not know what secret method he used. Along the way, the shallow water used Jinghua Shuiyue several times to throw the troll general behind him, and eventually he would be caught up by the opponent.


Luo Tanmeng looked at Da Hei, who was lazy in the yard, and took him out, letting him guard the door, "If someone comes, bite him!


Da Hei Bai waved his paws in a bored manner, indicating to Luo Tanmeng that he would keep an eye on the door, and then he lay on the ground lazily and continued to sleep.

That's it?

Shallow water is seriously suspicious, even if someone passes in front of it, it may not be able to wake it up. "Come on, go into the yard.

Luo Tanmeng immediately greeted Qian Shui to enter the hospital.


The troll will be spinning in circles in the sky, holding the scale in his hand, but suddenly loses his direction.

"What about people?!"

There have never been any mistakes or omissions in this method of locating people, unless the other party entered some special realm and blocked all the qi.


After the troll will snorted coldly, he identified the surrounding environment and determined that he was in the Dongshan area, and then he used a thousand-mile sound transmission.

"Where is Mu Qingmeng? Quickly lead the ancient evil spirits in the Dongshan area to see me!

The sound transmission fell, but it was like a stone sinking into the ocean, silent and without the slightest response. "Where is Mu Qingmeng? Quickly lead the ancient evil spirits in the Dongshan area to see me!"

The second sound transmission, the troll general was already furious.

This sound transmission is a secret method, which cannot be intercepted by non-ancient evil forces. Even if Mu Qingmeng never received this sound transmission, the one who intercepted it should be someone from the ancient evil forces, how dare he not respond at all.

However, there is still a silence, and the four fields are stunned.

"Who is still here!

With the troll as the center of the circle, the invisible sound waves spread infinitely around, gradually spreading out of the Dongshan area and reaching all parts of the Chaos Realm.

"The Northland region is here.

"The Central Region is here.

"The Southern Border Region is here.

"The West Sea area is in~~.

The sound of the four domains' response sounded.

The troll frowned. "It's just that there is no Dongshan area? What happened?!"


The aura of the troll general rippled in the Dongshan area, setting off a huge wave, which was felt in the four regions far away.

"I want to set foot in the Dongshan area, and I want to hit the residence of the Lord of the World, and see how they want me to die!"

After the troll general vented, he issued a general order, "Northland, Zhongzhou, Nanjiang, and Xihai, in three days, gather troops and horses together, gather in the Dongshan area, and pacify Dongshan!

Orders were received from all over the country and began to order troops and horses.

This chaotic world, it will not be peaceful again~

The entire Chaos Realm was turbulent, and in just three days, the beast clan forces did their best to go to the Dongshan area, and the human clan forces such as the Hidden Star Sect also felt the strangeness.

Defeat the Swinging Demon Alliance!

Although these orc forces did not make a big splash, everyone had a common understanding that they were going for the Demon Swing Alliance.

Hidden Star Sect, conference hall.

Xing Wusuan was wearing a pure white star robe, holding a compass to count everything, and in front of him there were several lights and shadows, which were the representatives of the ten major forces of the ancient human race.

Or maybe it's the eight major forces, after all, neither the ancient royal court nor the Yao family are there.

"The Demon Swinging Alliance has annihilated the ancient evil spirits in the Dongshan area, and it is the righteous teacher of our human race. Now, these beast clans that have been dispatched are all pawns affected by the ancient evil spirits, and we should rush to help!

"Rescue? How terrifying is the power of those ancient evil spirits? It's not like you don't know. We failed back then, and after they have been hiding for hundreds of thousands of years, we are even worse, what can we do to help!" 66..| |So, you Dao Tianmen want to be a tortoise?

Not to mention, how powerful is the Orc Allied Forces, the only leading forces of the Human Race have already had internal strife, how can they be enemies?

"It would be fine if another force came to the rescue. That woman from the Wood Emperor had a grudge against our Hehuan Sect at the beginning, and our Hehuan Sect would not help her no matter what!

The crowd clamored to the end, and the only ones who were willing to come to the rescue were Gu Jianzong, Mo Dao... Daotianmen.

"Isn't it the most fierce of your Daotianmen clamor just now? The one on the left is worried, and the one on the right is worried. Why is Kung Fu going to the Dongshan area now?"

The woman from the Acacia Sect said coldly. (the good ones)

The old Taoist priest of Daotianmen stroked his goatee, and then said: "The old Taoist just went for a walk to see if there are any suitable seedlings from the Devil Dangling Alliance to bring back, which is also reserved for their power. A touch of incense."

The sound of sneering came into my ears, and the woman from the Hehuan Sect swayed, and came directly to Xing Wusuan's side, hooking her shoulders on her back.

"How is it? Brother Wushou, are you going or not?

"Ha ha.

Xing Wusuan slightly raised the compass in his hand to isolate the woman from the Acacia Sect, and then the old man said: "Why quarrel for a long time? People don't need the three of us at all.

The compass shows that the line of cause and effect is the positive cause.

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