Chapter 1311 Your battle goes to the black hole

Does this powder seem to be working badly?

After Yao Qingming tried it, he couldn't help shaking his head.

The little body trembled a little, if the master knew that he was using this kind of strange powder, he would probably never want to teach him medicine again in the future, right?

If this is the case, then it is better to use some useful poisons, such as

This time, it was a purple medicinal powder that was soaked with the venom of the seven-step snake, and it took seventy-seven-forty-nine days of refining to extract such a small amount.

good stuff~

The orcs who were contaminated with the purple snake venom and tongue powder seemed to sense an abnormality in their mouths at the same time, and there seemed to be a smell of corruption in their mouths.

what the hell?

After he spat fiercely, a mess of meat fell out and landed on the ground.

Those orcs wanted to let out a roar, and then they were surprised to find that their tongues were gone!

and many more!

The orcs turned their attention to the rotten flesh on the ground.



Shouldn't this lump of rotten meat be your own tongue?!

Yes, that's right, no doubt about it.

It's not just this lump of tongue, the effect of the purple snake venom tongue powder just starts from the tongue, and then invades the throat, esophagus, and stomach, and the whole body begins to rot from the inside to the outside, and then turns into a lump Flies smell the stinky meat they hate.

"You're so disgusting, aren't you?

The cat meow covered her nose tightly with her paws.

The cat people are very sensitive to smells. The decay on the spot has just begun, and this smell has already made the kitten feel a little unacceptable. If it really waits until these orcs are all rotted into a stinky meat, the kitten will definitely Instantly shuts down!

A large number of spells were thrown out at will, all of which were trapped in flame-type power.

The spell that filled the sky evolved into a raging fire, which started to burn directly among the beasts. However, Meow Kitten's ability to manipulate spells has improved.

Because, this flame burns precisely and accurately on the bodies of the orcs who have been infected with purple snake venom tongue powder...

"A bunch of rubbish also deserves..."

Before the troll general could finish speaking, a melodious piano sound rang out, and the piano sound plucked the sound waves and drowned all the words behind her.

Yingluo's figure stands in mid-air, her left hand is fishing boat jade qin, and her right hand is singing late Yaoqin.

If someone who is familiar with the music is here, they must be able to clearly identify it. The left-hand piano sound is the killing sound, and it is the first scale of Ambush from Daggers. syllable.


At the same time as the troll scolded, he suddenly smashed the bone stick in his hand. With this force, the fluctuations in the surrounding space affected the sound of Yingluo's piano. out.

Backstab, the perfect sneak attack.

What a familiar scene!

The last perfect sneak attack was a group of Pegasus cavalry.

The troll instinctively raised a gray-black aura, surrounding himself.


Ying Baiyi sneered, he was not used to this problem.

The Cangtian Sword in his hand was sent straight forward, cutting him like cutting tofu, directly passing through the gray-black aura, and stabbing the troll general's body.

The chrysanthemum is broken, the ground is full of wounds, your smile has turned yellow~

"Yuzhou Yuqin, Sing Wanyaoqin, Cangtian Sword, hehe, what else do you have?!"

The half-artifacts left by the evil gods in the world have all fallen into the hands of the human race!

Moreover, this half-artifact seems to be blessed by the divine, just like a real artifact. "I'll dig for you.

The moment Ke Bingheng's voice sounded, the swallowing medicine hoe in his hand smashed the top of the troll general's head, and the half helmet hanging on the head was buzzing instantly.

What the hell is this?!

The troll will smell an eerie smell in desperation, hovering over his head for a long time

Can fight!

The weapon 003, recast by the master's hand, can be so powerful!

There was a little excitement in the eyes of the three of them.

"You! Haven't witnessed true horror!

The troll's mouth burst into a loud drink, and the aura of ancient evil was monstrous, bursting out with an earth-shattering aura.

The white bone stick in his hand slid across the top of his head, smashing out a semi-circle, and the surrounding space collapsed instantly.

"Wait, we are still fighting here, so don't affect us over there, okay?!"

Meow Kitten called out in dissatisfaction, and then, tens of thousands of spells swayed out in an instant, filling the surrounding cracks with this spell.

"bang one"


The tens of thousands of spells exploded at the same time, enough to completely blow that crack into a space black hole!

The troll general, Yingluo, Ying Baiyi, and Ke Bingheng.

The four fell into the black hole of space together!

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