Chapter 1313 The end

Is it sinking into the bottom of the cup, floating above the water surface, or soaking up a piece of its own color? The battle with the orcs seems to be a one-sided slaughter.

Artemis made uninteresting tea.

What an inferior tea!

The rest of the nine sons also re-entered the battle.

However, Luo Tanmeng destroyed his own paintings, not to leave rivals for others, but to be unwilling to do so, and to paint another battlefield—a battlefield in a black hole!

The dark environment seems to be the background of this painting.

A figure as sturdy as an ox, holding a bone stick and a half iron helmet on its head, appeared on the paper.

Is the troll general?

After Luo Tanmeng finished painting this portrait, the tip of the pen landed on the lower left corner of the painting scroll, from the lower left to the upper right, between the strokes, trying to make a diagonal line.

The brush movement was extremely slow.

The troll general, who was between the black holes, also felt an inexplicable pulling aura. He burst out with the power of 003 evil, and with a punch, it turned out to cover Yingluo, Ying Baiyi, and Ke Bingheng. Among them, the three of them were knocked back one step at the same time.

The troll general's movements became more and more sluggish, and he always had to devote a part of his energy to fight against that inexplicable force.

Yingluo and the three saw his abnormality and pursued him with victory!

The sound of the ambush from all sides became more and more urgent, and the Cangtian Sword swept like a dragon with endless sword qi, and that hoe guided the yang qi to break the troll general's defense.

The battle is getting more and more intense!

Luo Tanmeng's forehead oozed out fine beads of sweat, and the wolf brush under her hand seemed to be extremely heavy. Her diagonal line had just drawn to the waist of the troll general, and she could not continue to advance.


Bai Ruoli let out a cry and called his little sister, Meow Kitten, to blast the black hole again.

She is going in!

The pride of the little fox does not allow himself to be weaker than anyone.

In that main battlefield, Yingluo can go, Ying Baiyi can go, Ke Bingheng can go, then she can go too! "Uh...

It is very expensive to blow up the black hole space once, and it consumes more than ten kilograms of yellow paper!

However, looking at Bai Ruoli's firm gaze, Kitten Cat could only sigh: Hey! It will be consumed in large quantities again, and when I go back, I have to work overtime to draw new spells.

In just an instant, a huge explosion sounded in the black hole space.

Then, the black hole and reality appeared again.

The figure of the little fox squeezed into the black hole, and ten white tails went towards the troll general, ten tails locked!

"Another one? I don't believe that you also have an artifact in your hand!

The troll was gnashing his teeth, but he smashed the bone stick out of his hand.

After all, he was a strong man who had entered the Primordial Realm. The Primordial Violet Qi lingered on the white bone rod, with great lethality, and the terrifying aura smashed into Bai Ruoli's direction overwhelmingly.


"Puff One"

Like the sound of a beating heart, the primordial seed in Bai Ruoli's body grew again and again after entering the Chaos Heavenly Pivot Realm.

The small Buddha statue that grew in the dantian seems to have an appearance now. A little fox?

No, it's still changing.

That little Buddha statue was originally just a little fox with a tail. It was cute and cute. As time went by, she grew a second tail, a third tail, a fourth tail... until she grew The tenth tail!

In the next instant, the ten tails folded together, and a woman appeared on the spot as if reborn from Nirvana.


That small Buddha statue is Bai Ruoli!


Beauty! Beauty can charm the world.

But, is it charming?

Not charming! Peerless but not stained with fine dust.

In an instant, the masterpiece of Buddha Light shrouded the head of the troll general.

Bai Ruoli's ten-tailed fox body changed, and she became a peerless beauty. However, when her figure was sitting cross-legged in the air, no one dared to look directly at her, and no one dared to blaspheme her.

She is the current Buddha!

The supreme ancient Buddha of Buddhism!

It's now!

Yingluo's piano sound directly stepped into the climax, and the notes jumped out and joined together, directly drowning the troll without leaving the slightest chance.

Ying Baiyi's soaring sword energy finally pierced through the body of the troll general, knocking his bull-like body out of sword holes one after another.

Ke Bingheng finally experienced the attack power of the medicine hoe and smashed the troll general's head open.

Of course...

Swallowing the medicine hoe is really cold and not taboo!

He even absorbed the brain of the troll general cleanly.

"Thorn One"

A sound of tearing the picture scroll sounded, and the figure of the troll general was torn apart from the waist. Luo Tanmeng from the outside world couldn't continue to draw because of this stroke, and his anger came from his heart, so he directly started to tear up the portrait that he had hand-painted.

It's all over.

Under the combined force of everyone, the troll's strong figure became riddled with holes, and at the moment when the black hole opened, he was thrown into the herd as an example.


There are not many animals outside.

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