Chapter 1319 Devoured

In the voice of the flower god attendant, there is a three-point flattery and a three-point coldness.

The troll is going to die.

It must have died at the hands of these people, right?

Hehe, sure enough, in the end, the only one who can pave the way for Lord Luoshen is himself.

Pain flashed in the eyes of Wu Mei'er and Dao Talisman, but they did not resist in the slightest. They were still kneeling upright, like licking a dog in front of the Flower God Attendant.

"Yes, my lord.

"Okay, okay, tell me, what exactly do those people have in their hands?"

The flower god servant asked and said.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you fight a hundred battles.

Although the Flower God Attendant firmly believed that those people would never be able to compete with Lord Luoshen, they still had to understand some things.

Wu Mei'er and Dao Fuzhu looked at each other, and for a while, they didn't know how to describe the scene.


Looking at the moment when the two hesitated, between the words of the flower god attendant, there was another three points of cold rain, and another peony flower bloomed from the right shoulders of Wu Meier and Dao Talisman.

Hair more than half gray.

There must be no further delay, otherwise, the life essence of Wu Meier and Dao Talisman will all be turned into the nourishment of the peony flower.

"My lord, it's not that the two of us deliberately concealed it, it's just that the scene is too weird.

Who else is there on the other side? We didn't know, we only played one person and one horse. That horse is from the Pegasus race. Although the talent is high, it should not be underestimated, but it is still formidable.

The real danger is that human race! The martial arts he used... Tuo Xiang!

The sword chi hummed, and the sword chi roared.

The energy of the sword set off a wave in the ocean.

The Ancient Sword Sect and the Demon Sword Sect, who were just beaten like a lost dog, are now fighting back.


The Flower God Attendant never expected that after the barrier was broken, the human race of the Ancient Sword Sect and the Demon Sword Sect did not flee quickly, but instead followed the trail of the wastes of the two sects of Hehuan Sect and Daotianmen, and chased them all the way here.

Hongmeng purple air ripples, and a huge peony blooms in this sea, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and several flowers.

The petals opened and closed, and the breath of ancient evil was blowing towards the face. The power of the evil was with the aura of devouring, sweeping the coral fields of dozens of miles, trying to snatch all the vitality within the shrouded area. Good guy, that flower god servant's body is clearly a peony flower, and as a result, as a peony flower, she is actually more like a piranha than a piranha?

"This time, I'll be the main player!"

Ke Bingheng stood up.

It was obvious that she had already been beaten to death, but she did not want her to survive by other means, leading to today's big problem. If this is the case, then today's fruit will be settled, and the day's cause will be settled!

One person and one flower, two figures appeared directly opposite the Flower God Attendant.

Ke Bingheng has a swallowing medicine hoe.

Piranha has been named Kao.

A glimpse of light emanated from behind this person Yihua.


After the flower god servant gave a loud shout, countless branches and leaves were separated from the peony plant, shrouded in the direction of Ke Bingheng.

The green branches and leaves were intertwined into a large net, and the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect and the Demon Sword Sect, who were included in the shrouded range, felt their own strength and were being absorbed by the branches and leaves.

"No, these branches and leaves have the power to swallow, quickly cut them off!"

...for flowers »

After the disciples of Ancient Sword Sect and Demon Sword Sect discovered the problem, swords and swords flocked to those branches and leaves. However, the realm of Hongmeng Purple Qi was not something they could touch, just a trace of it was enough to keep those branches and leaves from entering.

"Ehhh, your pieces are not sharp enough, let me help you!"

Meow Kitten just waved tens of thousands of spells, overwhelming the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect and the Demon Sword Sect.

The positions of the spell stickers are different, the ones that stick to the face, the ones that hang on the waist, those that fall on the buttocks, chi chi, there is a bald disciple of the Demon Sword Sect, who has been assigned more than ten spells, and the top is hard. A wig came out.


The power of the spell is boiling, and various runes are constantly emerging in the sea.

"Lord Flower God! Rewind!"

Dao Tianmen's Dao Talisman couldn't help but condensed his eyes, and then reminded loudly.

Unfortunately, his reminder was in vain.

There was a sneering voice from the flower god servant, "Just a spell, little Doyle!"

Before he finished speaking, the sea was stirred by the power of the spell.

The talismans shone with golden light patterns, blessing the swords of the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect and the Demon Sword Sect with supreme sharpness.

In an instant, the branches and leaves broke and scattered all over the seabed.

When the sword was up and down, the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect and the Demon Sword Sect couldn't wait to completely dismember the Flower God Attendant. The shrouded green branches and leaves were dismantled, adding a little color to the sea. "how is this possible!"

There was an unbelievable look in the eyes of the Flower God Attendant, you must know that there was a hint of purple aura between the branches and leaves! Chuan.

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