Chapter 1324 Tianmen is now

"Do you think I don't want to?" Luo Shen said angrily.

Every time I act like this, it's really annoying.

And, most importantly, there will always be some troublemakers.

For example, Jiang Xiaolong, Jiu Zi and others, one by one, constantly resisted and struggled.

Therefore, it will lead to the development of things to another level.

"Could it be that there is a request?" Jiang Xiaolong keenly caught this.

"You are indeed very smart, you guessed it right." Luoshen nodded slightly.

"What request?" Jiang Xiaolong didn't want to be used as a gunman by himself and others.

"That's... let you share the pressure from above. Luoshen plays the taste.


These two words made everyone stunned.

Immediately afterwards, all of them showed strange expressions.

And Jiang Xiaolong almost understood what Luoshen meant.

The reason why the other party gathered everyone in such a place.

It seems to be for the final battle.

Not so.

Its purpose is to bring everyone together.

It's enough to just achieve this.

"Are you sure?" At this moment, Gu Xiexun asked.

He's been impatiently waiting.

Either start or stop.

After all, every time it is turned on, the clansmen will have a lot of consumption.

"Let's start." Luoshen waved his hand.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Xiaolong hurriedly shouted.

However, it doesn't make any sense at all.

The next second, Gu Xiexun directly opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar.

Immediately afterwards, the top of everyone's heads seemed to be cracked.

Countless spatial turbulence is frantically restless around.

Gradually, a door appeared in front of everyone.

It was a door with only shadows, and it was hidden.

There was a faint light inside, but nothing else could be seen clearly.

"The first time, although it failed, the door still opened a little." Luo Shen said excitedly.

Therefore, I am now looking forward to the second time.

Maybe this time, it can really get his wish.

The ultimate in mind is already close at hand.

"Stop dreaming." Jiang Xiaolong almost understood what was going on.

This guy, using the power of ancient evil, summoned a door that does not belong to this world.

If nothing else, it should lead to another world, or even a deeper place.

Although I don't know what the purpose is, I guess it has something to do with the so-called Broken Void.

After all, the Realm of Chaos has not seen any existence above the Hongmeng Realm for many, many years.

"It's too late, no one can stop me." Luoshen grinned.

"Huh!" Gu Xiexun let out a loud roar.

Immediately, the door in the sky vibrated violently.

Immediately afterwards, there were actually faint signs of opening.

Then, a very terrifying force poured down.

Everyone, including Luoshen, was stunned.

But soon, this force began to be distributed to the people around.

"Why do you feel an aura that is older than the realm of chaos?" Jiang Xiaolong was surprised.

Where is that door leading to?

Why is the breath so ancient, so strange.

It is difficult, it is a deeper and more advanced place.

"My ultimate!" Luo Shen was excited.

"I... I can't take it anymore!" Ying Baiyi gritted his teeth.

"This power directly crushes us!" Yingluo couldn't believe it.

"This is a more advanced power." Jiang Xiaolong said with a wave of his hand.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

The next second, Jiuzi's artifacts all flew out.

Cangtian sword, medicine hoe, paintbrush, fishing boat jade qin and singing late Yaoqin, etc.

One by one, they all rose into the sky, like a star formation in the void.

Then, the rays of light intertwined, instantly blocking the power of suppression.

"Huh?" Luoshen looked slightly surprised.

"I have to admit, your plot is very big, but it is very dangerous to the world." Jiang Xiaolong said coldly.

This guy is trying to pull the whole world back.


In other words, if it fails, many people will die.

The last time was the ancient royal court, so this time may be everyone present.

Therefore, the opponent must not be allowed to succeed, and the opening of this door must be stopped as soon as possible.

"I have been plotting for tens of thousands of years, how could I be stopped by you." Luo Shen said with a bad look.

"It's a showdown, don't pretend." Jiang Xiaolong planned to use his power for the first time.

Quiet too long.

Even I almost forgot the power of the system.

However, just when he was about to start.

The door above is a little bigger because of the opening.

Therefore, the pressure brought by it has become more powerful and terrifying.

"Damn!" Gu Xie's face changed.

In fact, they were originally planned.

The relationship between itself and Luoshen is to use each other.

I thought it would be a success this time.

But it seems a little too early to be happy.

This door is the embodiment of the power of sealing.

Opening the door is equivalent to completely releasing the power of the seal.

Although it does lead to that love-hate world.

But the power of the whole body will be completely sealed, and it will become the power of the chicken.

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