Chapter 1331 Three Ways

Jiang Xiaolong's punch was like a thunderclap on the ground.

Not only deafening, but also contains extremely powerful power.

Even the people around were startled, and one by one, they all turned to this side.

"Not bad." Qian Sin nodded.

The power of this move is already qualified.

However, there is still a long way to go before it becomes a real giant strike.

But after all, this little apprentice of his own has just unlocked the first lock.

To be able to reach this level can be said to be a genius among geniuses.

You know, he didn't even teach much.

It is entirely up to the other party to comprehend it.

"It's so strong." Jiang Xiaolong's eyes widened as he sized up his right fist.

The power of that move just now.

Not just from itself.

More importantly, it also uses the earth.

The power of a punch is many times higher than before. 29

If it were replaced in the realm of chaos, the punch would be thrown out, and Luoshen would be directly shattered.

"What you have to do now is to unlock as many as possible." Thousand Sins smiled.

The more unlocked, the stronger the power.

And not only that, there will be other abilities.

Rather, when everything on the outside is unlocked.

It's not just that the power will rise to a very terrifying level.

More importantly, its own defense will also become stronger.

That is to say, it is an improvement of the whole, not unilaterally.

"I see." Jiang Xiaolong nodded.

in the next time.

He basically stayed with Thousand Sins all the time.

Rest when you are tired, eat when you are hungry.

Almost three days later, the second lock was released.

There is no accident, just the legs.

After all, this is the one that has been used the most.

"Now, your hands and feet have been unlocked, and your power has become small. Qian Sin is very satisfied with this progress.

It is said that the fastest genius on the giant's side.

It also took about half a month.

And Jiang Xiaolong started from the first lock and has continued until now.

It's only been three short days, and it's already very fast.

"I feel my eyes are a little hot." Jiang Xiaolong said truthfully.

"This shows that your next lock should be your eyes." Qian Sin pondered.

Generally speaking, the previous lock is opened.

Then the next lock will be loosened.

Naturally there will be a variety of reactions.

So, this already shows where the next lock is.

"Eyes?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

"Once you unlock your eyes, your abilities will also begin to appear." Qiansin smiled.

"Ability? Ability of eyes?" Jiang Xiaolong was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked forward to it.

Unlock the hands, the strength of thousands of troops.

Unlock your feet and multiply your strength.

And this time, it was the eyes that were unlocked.

The increase in power, perhaps only secondary.

What really gets is about the ability of the eyes.

"There are three kinds of powers of eyes." Thousand Sins began to introduce them one by one.

The first, the glaring eyes, can be terrifying.

The second type, the eye of gazing, can see into the minute.

The third type, the Eye of Divine Punishment, can release divine light.

Different abilities represent the method of battle.

There is no so-called pros and cons, it depends on how to use it.

"I don't know which kind I am." Jiang Xiaolong grinned.

Just like that, another five days or so passed.

Priest Mo Wudao appeared again, wanting to see how the situation was.

Recently, all kinds of rumblings can be heard all the time.

It was as if the house was being demolished, and it was very noisy.

"Gan, Dad!" Jiang Xiaolong shouted helplessly.

"How did you learn from a thousand sins?" Mo Wudao asked.

"It's okay, I feel like the third course should be faster." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

"Very good, Luoshen has unlocked the third channel over there." Mo Wudao nodded.

"What?" Jiang Xiaolong was stunned, not expecting the other party to be so fast.

"It is said that it is very suitable for the conditions of the goddess, so it will progress rapidly. Mo Wudao waved his hand.

Everything is talent and talent.

If you are very eligible, then the natural unlocking is very fast.

There is still a big difference between the 003 line and the way the goddess walks.

"Is she also unlocking the twelve fate locks?" Jiang Xiaolong asked immediately.

"Of course, this is everyone's first step." Mo Wudao affirmed.

"It's so fast." Jiang Xiaolong's mouth twitched.

Anyway, he is open.

Only five days to unlock two.

Unexpectedly, the other party unlocked three paths within ten days.

I have to say, no wonder it has been a god for so long.

"Don't think too much, your speed is not slow." Mo Wudao comforted.

"That's not good, I can't lose to her." Jiang Xiaolong said seriously.

Although he and Luoshen are brothers and sisters on the surface.

Of course, the other party has always said that they are sisters and brothers.

But in fact, everyone is more of a competitive relationship.

It would be too embarrassing to be overtaken by the other party like this.

The more Jiang Xiaolong thought about it, the hotter his eyes felt, as if they were about to release something.

It was as if the terrifying door of power opened, followed by two golden rays of light bursting out.

Mo Wudao was hit in an instant, and he couldn't escape.

Of course, there is no need to escape․

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