Chapter 1333 Trial

within the next six months.

Jiang Xiaolong unlocked the nose, mouth, ears, and torso again.

In other words, the entire outer lock has been opened, and the physical body is unparalleled.

And all the things taught by Thousand Sins have been learned, even integrated.

You must know that Jiang Xiaolong has already reached the top of existence in the realm of chaos.

Although it is here again, it does not mean that there is no potential at all.

"You learn very quickly." Qiansin said with a wry smile.

this half year.

They stayed together all the time.

So all that can be taught is taught.

As for those who cannot be taught, some are taught.

No way, I can't bear to meet such a perfect student.

Although doing so, may be spurned by the giant god.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, I can't go back at all now.

"Everywhere, you teach well." Jiang Xiaolong is very modest.

"Don't pretend, I know exactly what kind of character you are." Qian Sin waved his hand.

At the beginning, I was a little reserved because I didn't know each other.

003 is almost familiar, and naturally it will not be so convergent.

So, basically everyone knows what they really look like.

"Haha!" Jiang Xiaolong smiled awkwardly.

"I hope you can promise me one thing." Qiansin thought about it, but still said it.

"You say." Jiang Xiaolong still respects his master, at least doing his due diligence.

"If one day you meet the giant god clan, please don't kill them all." Qian Sin said seriously.

Because this is his only apprentice.

That's why he knew how terrifying this guy was.

Everything can be mastered in a short period of time.

Once fully grown, it will be extremely powerful.

Perhaps, it will really become the new holy king in the valley.

"I thought it was such a big deal, don't worry, it definitely won't." Jiang Xiaolong nodded.

First of all, I am not such a person.

When he was in the realm of chaos, he was relatively low-key.

Unless it is a last resort, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

Therefore, even in this world, there will be no exception.

"That's good, I'm really optimistic about you. Thirty-five thousand sins turned around and walked to the other side.

The apprentice has taught.

It's time to return to Zhenyuan.

There, is the home of the giant god.

There is a time limit for him to be released by Mo Wudao.

"Master, are you leaving now?" Jiang Xiaolong was stunned.

"I won't be here to teach you from now on." Qian Sin said without looking back.

"I will visit you." Jiang Xiaolong shouted loudly.

However, the thousand sins have disappeared among the mountains.

Mo Wudao was not at all worried that this guy would escape.

Because the whole body is sealed and locked tightly.

Moreover, this place is also the realm of the Armor God.

You will be caught wherever you go.

"Little priest!" At this time, a golden armored god came to greet him.

"Where is my godfather?" Jiang Xiaolong turned and asked.

"It's been three months since I fought abroad." Jinjia Shenren replied.

"I haven't been back for so long?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

As usual, I can come back once in a while.

But this time, (cjee) was actually out for three months.

In other words, the last time I came back was three months ago.

"We are going to fight the giant god clan," said the golden armored god.

"In the entire Ancient God Realm, are there only two of us?" Jiang Xiaolong asked curiously.

Speaking of which, it took almost half a year to enter this world.

It turns out that there is no particular understanding of this.

Because I didn't ask, and no one else said it.

So, not much is known.

"Not more." Jinjia Shenren shook his head.

The ancient god has two bloodlines.

One is a god.

The second is the giant.

But in addition, there are three realms in this world.

Underworld, Heavenly Demons, and Ksitigarbs.

Different realms represent different forces and races.

There are five sides in the ancient god realm, the armored gods are in the east, and the giant gods are in the west.

The Underworld is in the north, the Demon Realm is in the south, and the Ksitigarbha Realm is in the middle.

"Understood." Jiang Xiaolong nodded slightly.

So to say.

The Ancient God Realm is very huge.

Because God of Light Armor is on the side of the Three Rivers, Six Rivers and Eight Empires.

You can imagine how vast the world is.

"The priest said that the moment you leave the master, you will start the trial." Jinjia Shenren said seriously.

"What trial?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

"Let you go back to your hometown to destroy the invaders." Jinjia Shenren said quickly.

"Huh? Where did I come from?" Jiang Xiaolong looked confused.

"It's the Dajiang Empire." Jinjia Shenren immediately explained.

Only then did Jiang Xiaolong react.

Indeed, both himself and Luoshen were suspected to be from the Dajiang Empire.

As for why he was abandoned in the evil place, no one knows at present.

At this time, let him go back to destroy the so-called invaders.

If nothing else, it should be a test.

The purpose, perhaps, has something to do with identity.

"So far, you are still in doubt?" Jiang Xiaolong thought to himself.

It seemed that he had to communicate with Luoshen first.

Then consider whether to go to the Dajiang Empire.

This is obviously not as simple as it seems.

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