Chapter 1360 Huangquan Gate

The appearance of this thing immediately made the entire gloomy aura more intense.

If nothing else, it must be a brand new monster bred from the Fountain of Yin Sha.

It might even be the ontology after materialization.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolong and the nine-tailed black cat scum immediately got serious.

Both of them are of that cautious nature.

No one will look down on him just because his own strength has reached a very strong level.

Because of the lessons learned, many people eventually overturned because of underestimating the enemy.

Therefore, only the one who survives to the end is the one who has the last laugh.

"Who are you "Zero Twenty"...?" A hoarse voice sounded in the air.

The huge face, the empty eyes.

Just staring at Jiang Xiaolong and others.

This surprised them all.

I didn't expect this guy to be able to speak.

"Who are you?" Jiang Xiaolong asked in surprise.

"I am the thirty-eighth generation lurker of Huangquanmen. The hoarse voice sounded again.

"Huangquanmen?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, because he had never heard of it before.

"Master, I know this Huangquanmen." The nine-tailed black cat scum said quickly.

It is said that when the ancient evil spirits were born.

In total, several sects were built together.

Among them, Huangquanmen especially likes to play with the evil spirit.

Then ambush these things in various places of the ancient gods.

Waiting for the day when a sudden outbreak will bring chaos to the whole world.

I didn't expect them to meet this time. I have to say that it was indeed a bit of an accident.

"So it is." Jiang Xiaolong was stunned.

It looks like this guy in front of him.

It should be the seeds that Huangquanmen once left behind.

Originally, it had been quietly bred here.

But I didn't expect to be discovered by myself and others.

Of course, it may also be discovered by Fu Dalong.

Even this guy may be the puppet of Huangquanmen.

Otherwise, why build such a big backyard and not let people live in it.

This is clearly a big problem.

"People from Huangquanmen have rarely appeared, and it is said that they are developing in a low-key manner." The nine-tailed black cat scum continued.

"That's right, we've been keeping a low profile, we haven't even shown it. 39 The giant face nodded.

"Unfortunately, this time you provoke me." Jiang Xiaolong said coldly.

for these things.

His attitude is naturally very bad.

Because if the evil spirit really burst out.

Then the whole city is expected to die miserably.

So, even if this time it was just a coincidence, it was just an accident.

But since it is encountered, then justice must be executed.

"You dare to oppose Huangquanmen? The huge face of 35 is surprised.

Said so myself.

Unexpectedly, the other party would not be afraid otherwise.

On the contrary, his attitude was much stronger than before.

I have to say, it was really surprising.

"It is because of the presence of guys like you that the entire Ancient God Realm cannot be at peace. Jiang Xiaolong sneered.

"If that's the case, then I'm sorry, you can only die." The huge face shouted fiercely.

Not much speculation.

Since it is not clear, Dao does not understand.

Then just don't say anything.

Get straight to the point and see who survives.

The winner is king, and the loser disappears forever.

"What should I do with this evil white shadow?" The nine-tailed black cat scum immediately asked.

"I suspect it has something to do with Fu Dalong, so I keep it for now. Jiang Xiaolong replied.

"Okay." The nine-tailed black cat scum nodded when he heard the words, and directly put the other party in.

"Death." At this time, the huge face opened its mouth and blew it violently.

In the next second, the endless gloomy cold swept toward one person and one cat like a blizzard.

Even the air began to appear frost, one can imagine to what extent.

Of course, if it is an ordinary person, it will definitely not be able to resist.

However, Jiang Xiaolong is a small priest on the side of Jiashen Shrine.

All the locks have already been unlocked.

The strength of a body is very powerful.

The ancient beast, the nine-tailed black cat scum, has survived for tens of thousands of years.

Although it is getting weaker and weaker, it is not comparable to the Yin Sha of this century.

Therefore, at the moment when the opponent attacks, one person and one cat immediately counterattack.

Jiang Xiaolong, regardless of the 3721, stared straight at him, and the Eye of God's Punishment was displayed once again.

In the next second, the terrifying and scorching high temperature instantly melted the surrounding gloomy cold by 4.4.

Immediately after the light passes, everything is directly cut into three parts.

Of course, this also includes the huge face of the Fountain of Yin Sha.

The other party obviously did not expect such a terrible existence to be provoked this time.

So there was no response at all for a while.

When he came back to his senses, he was already scared to death.

"Now?" The nine-tailed black cat scum sneered.

"Who...are you?" The huge face asked in surprise.

"Have you not felt the hot and turbulent blood in my body?" Jiang Xiaolong's golden light flashed at this moment.

"Ancient God...A" The huge face was dumbfounded.

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