Chapter 1383 Done

As a general, Chen Kun only had three people for the first time, so of course he could be calm.

But this time, more people came to rescue, so my heart was bleeding after seeing this scene.

If he could, he would like to kill him now, and save a few people anyway.

It's a pity that all of his strength has been sealed, and now he is an ordinary person with no ability.

Therefore, we can only watch this situation happen, but there is no way to change it.

And the situation on the deck was like a massacre.

At least from the current point of view, even if there are intruders, they will never reappear.

"All dead." Jiang Xiaolong said lightly.

He thought there were so many powerful people among them.

It turned out that there was no difference from the first time.

To put it bluntly, they are all a group of people who are not very strong.

Relying on some conspiracy and tricks to save people.

And the final outcome, of course, is to be instantly killed. 050

"Don't save anymore, don't kill anymore." Chen Kun growled.

He didn't want this to happen.

Because it really doesn't make sense.

do something else.

Come here to save people.

Even a fool has actually seen it.

Jiang Xiaolong here is a trap, a trap.

No matter how many people come, basically there is no return, and all of them have to die.

In this case, all efforts are in vain and in vain.

"Anything else?" Jiang Xiaolong glanced around with a playful expression.

In fact, he could feel some restlessness.

But over time, it may feel hopeless.

Therefore, these people gradually calmed down one by one.

In other words, temporarily hide it and restrain the breath.

It seems much better than dying like this now.

Because there may be other opportunities.

"It looks like there's no one left." Jiang Xiaolong shook his head slightly disappointed.

"You guy, tricked my people into killing me." Chen Kun gritted his teeth.

"No, this is just one of them." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged at the other party.

"Although your idea is very perfect, unfortunately, there are a lot of intruders." Chen Kun sneered.

The Dajiang Empire was invaded.

This is already a sure thing.

And, it's not just them.

In fact, many people, many forces.

They are all trying their best to overthrow this country.

So, even if you wipe out all your own people.

But in fact, there are other people who are still doing things.

"I know this better than you, but I don't really care." Jiang Xiaolong smiled.

There are many intruders, so we will clean up one by one.

First, clean up as much as possible the accomplices of the guy in front of him.

After that, go to the capital and find out more guys.

To put it bluntly, it's like looking for bugs.

As long as these guys dare to show it, the result is death.

"It's too late, this country has no future. Chen Kun's eyes are very cold (cjee).

have been invaded like this.

It is conceivable that it has reached a terminally ill level.

So, there is simply no need for anything worth saving.

The building will collapse, and it's not just outsiders helping.

In fact, some people inside had already started to have ideas.

"It's a pity to tell you that with me, this country has a future." Jiang Xiaolong smiled slightly.

Talking about it here, even threatening.

Actually it doesn't make any sense at all.

Now, the most important thing.

Still thinking about how to live.

Maybe it hasn't arrived in the capital yet.

already been killed.

"Don't come to save me, do you understand?" Chen Kun shouted outside.

At this moment, there are a lot of breaths fluctuating.

But soon, all of them converged again immediately.

Because they are very obedient.

Since the boss said not to shoot.

Then hide it temporarily.

"At that moment, I felt at least thirty-eight." Jiang Xiaolong glanced at the ordinary cabin.

In other words, except for those who just died.

At least a few dozen others were intruders.

I have to say, these people are like cockroaches.

Kill one, and run out of a nest, as if there is no end, and you can't kill it.

But this is fine, at least it has attracted the attention of the intruders here.

"What's the matter? 99

"what happened again?

"A lot of blood!"

at this time.

Some of the sailors who were still awake and on duty finally responded.

One by one, they ran out from the surroundings and below.

When they saw the scene in front of him, they were all stunned.

What's more, he lay directly on the fence and vomited continuously.

Because the current scene is really disgusting and nauseating.

"Come and pack up." Jiang Xiaolong ordered.

"Yes." Several sailors, who were enduring their nausea, nodded vigorously.

Then, Jiang Xiaolong walked towards Su Ke step by step.

He wanted to see what happened to this guy.

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