Chapter 1392 Listening to the Wind Hall

When we arrived at the entrance of the hall, the people here seemed to have just returned from going out.

They stayed inside one by one, looking sad and not in a good mood.

And when Jiang Xiaolong and others appeared, they didn't react immediately.

Just a glance, then no then, because not a word was said.

At first I thought I was passing by, so I just took a look at it and didn't take it seriously.

After Jiang Xiaolong and others came in, he realized that he seemed to be here to find someone.

Therefore, only a few people stood up and greeted him, and then wanted to ask what was going on.

"You guys here are the gang's Tingfengtang?" Jiang Xiaolong glanced around and asked.

"That's right, I'm Tang Zhansan, are you okay?" Tang Zhuangzi nodded and asked rhetorically.

"It seems that you still don't know about the base camp." Jiang Xiaolong smiled when he saw the surprised look on the other side.

"What happened to the base camp?" Tang Zhengsan exchanged glances with the people around him, very at a loss.

they are so far.

Still haven't heard from the base camp.

So I don't even know that the boss has been replaced.

So when I saw Jiang Xiaolong and others.

The first reaction is to feel that you have gone wrong, or to find someone.

There is really no extra thinking in other directions.

Mainly because I really don't know what's going on.

"Qinglong is dead." Su Ke said solemnly.

"What?" As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the third class members changed.

"The one who killed me next to me~~." Su Ke continued.

"Hey!" Tang Zhanzheng and the third class suddenly took a deep breath.

Then the next second.


Kneeling down on the ground.

One by one shivered.

Not even the slightest desire to fight.

This made Jiang Xiaolong and others stunned.

Completely did not expect these guys after hearing the news.

It was so completely soft that there was no hesitation at all.

It has to be said that several of them will not be able to rectify.

"Do you believe this?" Jiang Xiaolong asked with a twitch in the corner of his eyes.

" have to believe it if you don't believe it!" Tang Zhengzheng was very embarrassed.

"Then what if we lied?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows, his eyes instantly sharp.

"Even if we lie, we don't care, whoever can help us is the boss. Tang Zhengsan shrugged.

"Yeah!" The others nodded in agreement, and they all seemed to have gone out of their way.

This surprised Jiang Xiaolong and others.

Especially Su Ke, after all, he knows a little bit about this place.

From the current point of view, it seems as if something happened to Fengtang.

Otherwise, he wouldn't surrender all of a sudden.

No wonder they all had sad faces.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Xiaolong took a deep breath and asked.

"Each force in Antarctica City needs points to maintain their status. Tang Zhengsan explained.

The higher the points, the higher the natural status.

In fact, Ting Fengtang has been quite embarrassed all these years.

The main reason is that it is far away from the gang's stronghold.

Moreover, even if Qinglong came, Li Beidou could not give face.

Therefore, the status has not been very high, and the competition pressure is also very high.

During this time, several new rising forces suddenly appeared.

Everyone is competing for points, and they are extremely crazy and fierce.

As a result, Tingfengtang became more and more passive, and now the only escort has a problem.

Almost nine times out of ten, people are threatened and slapped in the face.

As a result, the current business is getting worse and worse.

Naturally, the status and points also become lower.

In other words, it is time for Tingfengtang to live and die.

Just at this time, Jiang Xiaolong and others came over.

So, that's why they surrendered so quickly.

In normal times, he would definitely not believe it.

But now, if you don't believe it, you have to believe it, because you really can't live anymore.

""|| Good guy, as soon as he came, he ran into a mess. Jiang Xiaolong was also speechless.

"It's okay, I can help you." Su Ke said seriously.

"So, what can we do to change the current situation?" Jiang Xiaolong asked.

"That is to drive away those guys who rob us of our points." Tang Zhengsan said immediately.

To put it nicely, it's called drive away.

In fact, if it hits.

Basically it's all about life and death.

So, (Lee's) just get those contenders out of the way.

Only Tingfengtang can continue to maintain in Antarctica City.

Otherwise, if there is no accident, it is estimated that he will not be able to survive.

Either leave here and go back to base camp, or be killed.

"If that's the case, then what to start with?" Jiang Xiaolong asked again.

"If you can, please complete an escort mission. 33 Church advocates three excitedly.

Complete an escort mission first.

Only then can the points be maintained.

Then you can come up with ways to deal with those competitors.

This is the best way so far.

Although it might be a little dangerous.

But this is by far the safest.

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