Chapter 1397 Start escorting

Hua Gongzhu didn't say much, because there was no need for it at all.

In fact, some so-called secrets are actually known to everyone.

Therefore, seeing that Jiang Xiaolong was indeed here to complete the task, he immediately began to arrange it.

This Butterfly Fairy, as the red card of the entire garden, is one of the top cards, and is naturally sought after by countless people.

But in fact, there has never been a person who can kiss Fang Ze, although he did accompany many people.

But in fact, these people are all arranged before and belong to their own people.

"Sir!" Su Ke heard the movement downstairs and looked at it, and suddenly shouted.

"I'm here to complete the task, you just need to be optimistic about Chen Kun." Jiang Xiaolong said solemnly.

"Yes." Su Ke heard the words and nodded.

That's it, about five minutes or so.

The Butterfly Fairy finally came out.

Of course, followed by a kind of licking dog, the so-called follower.

It has to be said that the reason why this man can become the red card of the garden is not without reason.

Although the figure does not look tall, it is slender, protruding forward and backward, enchanting and sexy.

Wearing a layer of colorful gauze skirt, the inner things are looming.

Cover your face with a thin gauze.

There is a refreshing fragrance on the body.

"Human, I'll leave it to you." Hua Gongzhu said with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, I will deliver it." Jiang Xiaolong smiled slightly.

"This time the mission is very difficult, if you need support, you can shout~~. The Flower Palace Master leaned closer and whispered.

"I don't think I should use such an opportunity." Jiang Xiaolong was quite confident in himself.

"I know that there are only twenty people in Tingfengtang, and most of them are even ordinary people." Hua Gongzhu said meaningfully.

"But in fact, it's only me who is escorting." Jiang Xiaolong said seriously.

The flower palace master was speechless for a while.

She didn't know why the young man in front of her was so confident.

In fact, it is impossible to complete this mission with Tingfengtang's ability.

But there is no way, who makes this time only the other party is willing to take over this task.

So, you can only let yourself do a favor behind your back.

But the chances of it being done are very slim.

"Is Fairy Butterfly really safe when she arrives at Zhao Bochen's house?" Jiang Xiaolong asked.

"This point can be 100% sure." Hua Gongzhu nodded.

"That's good." Jiang Xiaolong has no other problems.

"Take care all the way." Hua Palace Master said helplessly.

"Thank you!" "The Butterfly Fairy bowed in thanks.

these years.

If not for the protection and care of the other party.

I am afraid that he has long since become a real woman.

However, whether it is Chen Beidou or Hua Gongzhu.

They are also under pressure, so they cannot continue to protect.

Now it's up to Zhao Bochen.

But there is a problem, the tigress in the other party's house will definitely stop it.

Therefore, the road to the other party's house must be difficult.

"Let's go." Jiang Xiaolong urged, seeing that it was almost time.

mission accomplished.

I have to come back to rest and eat.

Then, Fairy Butterfly followed and left.

The entire escort team was not large.

But there was a large group of people behind.

Among them except the followers of Butterfly Fairy.

More still exists like Zhao Si's watching a play.

One by one gloating at the back, just to see when something happened.

"Boss, Zhao Bochen's mansion is about three kilometers away from here, five streets." Zhang San said with a serious expression.

"So what?" Jiang Xiaolong glanced at him and asked.

"Would you like to choose a safer route?" Zhang San asked tentatively.

|| I hope is the most direct route. " Jiang Xiaolong didn't want to go around.

"That's it for now." Zhang San said with a wry smile.

I don't know what happened to this boss, but he was so confident.

Although this road is only three kilometers, it looks like five streets.

But if there is no accident, the dangers encountered must be one after another.

Didn't you see that the stores on the nearby streets were closed one by one?

This is obviously some news.

It stands to reason that the more the night, the busier the bustling streets.

But now it is the exact opposite, one by one even the lights are turned off.

"It's so dark." Butterfly Fairy couldn't help saying.

"Black?" Jiang Xiaolong waved his right hand when he heard the words, and in the next second, golden light was released.

When it stopped (of Li's), it turned into a ball of golden light.

Thus lighted their way.

This made everyone around him breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the more it is, the more obvious it is.

In other words, it is easier to become a target.

And the group walked about 500 meters forward.

When we came to a street intersection.

The first group of roadblockers appeared in front of them.

They all covered their faces, obviously not wanting their real faces to be seen.

Judging from the diffuse atmosphere, it should be the existence of the three outer locks.

Say high is not high, but say low is not very low.

Obviously, it is for testing.

The first opponent, it is impossible to be a peerless powerhouse.

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