Chapter 1479 Inquiries one after another

Touch of the Void is amazing.

This thing allows people to travel smoothly in the void.

In other words, it is not limited to creatures like the Void Snake.

It can be said that it is a treasure that everyone wants, but it is impossible to find.

What Black Whale didn't expect was that Jiang Xiaolong's luck was so good, he got it.

In this case, you can do whatever you want, without any problems and difficulties at all.

"I'm curious about the fourth force you're talking about." Jiang Xiaolong said solemnly.

Although I knew it was me.

But I don't know anything about the current situation.

Therefore, it is better to go down the hall from someone else's side-.

Take a look at what the situation is now.

"The fourth force is very mysterious, and it appears for a very short time." The black whale recalled carefully.

"Is that all?" Jiang Xiaolong was stunned, wondering if it was too simple.

"That's all I can think of now." Black Whale shook his head helplessly.

"Last question." Jiang Xiaolong thought for a while and said.

"You ask, there is time anyway." Black Whale replied.

"Is the undead world always coveting the ancient gods? Jiang Xiaolong asked.

As soon as this word comes out.

Black Whale did not immediately respond.

Instead, he looked at the young man in front of him with very deep eyes.

That feeling, as if suddenly turned into another soul.

After staring at it for a long time, he slowly opened his mouth.

"Yes." Black Whale nodded.

In fact, it is not just the undead world.

Every world is thinking about the ultimate, all thinking about the ancient gods.

After all, who doesn't want to be the source of everything and thus change the heavens and the world.

There is a legend that the ultimate is not static and can be replaced.

"Understood." Jiang Xiaolong turned and left without any hesitation.

He doesn't trust the black whale anymore.

Because something was revealed in the eyes just now.

Obviously, after entering the crack of the undead world.

Something else must have happened, so the change has long since occurred.

Even the other party didn't even notice it.

Farewell to Black Whale, Jiang Xiaolong did not choose to gather with Zhao Lingzhi and others.

Instead, he came to a remote corner with no one, and then painted symbols.

Since the matter has come to this point, it is better to summon the Outsider and ask.

As time passed, the surroundings suddenly became extraordinarily quiet.

It was as if the whole world had frozen.

Immediately, an eye emerged from the symbol.

"It's you!" The Outsider saw the boy again.

"Your method is right, I succeeded." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

"That's good, so what do you want me to do this time? The Outsider asked curiously.

"Why did the Void Serpent become like this?" Jiang Xiaolong asked rhetorically.

"Maybe it's because of anger and loneliness." The Outsider pondered.

Originally a huge group.

Over time.

There are only a few left now.

And they are all scattered in different places.

"Then are you angry and lonely?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows.

"I...hehehe! 35 Outsiders smiled playfully.

"Are you an evil god?" Jiang Xiaolong asked again.

"I wouldn't say it." The Outsider refused to answer.

"Okay, then let me change the question, how to control Touch of the Void?" Jiang Xiaolong asked.

"It's very simple, use the power of the evil god to contain it, and then that's it. The outsider explained.


Jiang Xiaolong then communicated with this guy for a while.

Seeing that there is really nothing to ask, this is the choice to end.

However, he almost understood what the Outsider was like.

They are not devils and evil gods at all, they must have been born in the ancient god realm.

Although the other party concealed it well, he still revealed his fault after all.

In order to prevent being discovered by the patrol team, and being discovered by the fire angel sinner.

Jiang Xiaolong quickly left the place where the Outsider was summoned.

Then go to gather with Zhao Lingzhi and others.

While trying to use the power of the evil god to control the touch of the void.

Sure enough, the Outsider wasn't lying.

Very simple and easy to control.

The touch of the void is like a whip that normal people cannot see.

It can be thrown out casually, causing very large damage.

However, once it was known that Jiang Xiaolong had the power of the evil god in his body.

At that time, it is estimated that even the Shrine will not be able to accept it.

Therefore, this secret must not be leaked out.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaolong returned to the place where he lived before.

"Master Long!" Zhao Lingzhi waited for a long time.

"I know you have many questions." Jiang Xiaolong smiled slightly.

"How to deal with that fake?" Zhao Lingzhi asked seriously.

"Take it to the capital, and let her block it when you encounter danger." Jiang Xiaolong replied.

"But what's the point of doing this?" Zhao Lingzhi couldn't figure it out after thinking about it.

"You come from the capital, so you don't know how cruel it is." Jiang Xiaolong said meaningfully.

Zhao Lingzhi was silent.

Now everyone wants to fight for the throne.

At this time, there is one more, which means to divide up a part of the resources.

For the real dream butterfly, the test is very big.

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